BADIN’S LOCATION ON THE cTVlAP ADIN is in Stanly County, North Carolina; situated on the Winston-Salem Southbound and Southern Railways, thirty-seven miles southeast of Salisbury, and seven miles from Albemarle, the county seat. The Employment Department of the Tallassee Power Company is constantly receiving numer ous letters from almost all parts of the country, asking for information concerning the town of BADIN; and the reason of this booklet is to convey to the minds of those interested, in as intelligent a manner as possible, the various advantages to the workingman offered by the town of BADIN and the Tallassee Power Company. This booklet is devoted largely to the pictorial aide of BADIN, the pictures having been selected as rep resentative, so that some idea may be gained of the appearance of the business section, residences, office buildings, amusements, and recreation facilities. Along with these are given various facts and figures, an swering briefly some of the questions most frequently asked. IN REGARD TO POSITION OF ANY DESCRIPTON, WRITE DARRELL CLARK DEPOT AT BADIN, N. C.