30 NORTH BADIN. N. C. HOME SCENE IN THE COLORED VILLAGE The present session was opened with doubled advantage. Another building has been opened and equipped for school use, due to the growing number of children—from 192, in 1918, to 388, the present enrollment. Eight teachers are employed, including a teacher of school music and a special teacher of industrial training for boys. The latter teacher is director of the community band, and is also organizing a school band. To crown the order of affairs connected with the colored school, we have what no other city school in this State has—a Conservatory of Music, directed by four well-trained teachers of long experience. When the school bell is heard, at eight-thirty—in the morning, anyone who stands by and sees the hustling scram ble of the crowd of boys and girls, hurrying from every nook and corner of the town for the Chapel service, is impressed with the superior advantage offered, through the generosity of the Tallassee Power Company, to their workers in NORTH BADIN, the finest city in the South. IN REGARD TO POSITION OF ANY DESCRIPTION WRITE DARRELL CLARK NIGHT SCHOOL CLASS