I== i Vol. 1—No. 21 U. S. Navy Pre-Flight School, Chapel Hill, N. C. Saturday, February 13, 1943 Hews digest,,. Income Tax Payers “Wednesday of next week all hands will be notified by mail of the total taxable Navy pay they have earned during the past year,” Lt. (jg) E. E. Mack, Jr., dis bursing officer, announced yester day. On next Thursday and Friday an office will be set up on the sec ond deck in Alexander Hall to aid all hands with their income tax problems. An officer will be pres ent throughout the day to answer any questions, and all those con cerned are urged to drop by and clear up their problems. Income tax foi-ms (1040 and 1040A) will he available. * * ^ Returns from Memphis Comdr. John P. Graff, USN (Ret.), commanding officer, spent two days at the Naval Air Sta tion, Memphis, Tenn., during the past week. While at Memphis, Comdr. Graff observed the progress being made hy Chapel Hill Pre-Flight cadets stationed there. He personally talked to many of them, and stated Upon his return, that, for the most part, he is pleased with the record they are making. In the near future Captain J. Cronin, commanding officer at plans to visit Chapel Hill. * ^ * Raised to Full Lieutenants Promoted recently to the rank full lieutenants were Edward Hodgkins, Pre-Flight personnel officer, and Alexander B. Cloud, instructor in the academic depart ment. * * Cadets May Attend Cadets are invited to attend the omjYiy Reynolds concert this af- ®i'noon at 1600 in Memorial Hall. “Admission is 25 cents stag, and 40 ^®nts per couple. "Tonight in Woollen gym at 2100 ommy Reynolds and his orches- is playing for the final set of •See TS^EW 'S DIGEST, page U Meet Indian Leo Thompson First Full Blooded Indian In Pre-Flight Training Leo Thompson, pictured above, a member of the Seneca Nation and the Iroquois Tribe, is the first full blooded Indian to be sworn into the Naval Air Corps. Stationed here for his Pre-Flight training. Cadet Thompson, as he is now known, is a member of the 18th Battalion. *“The Seneca Nation is one of six nations of the Iroquois Tribe,” young Thompson, who’s only 19 and a high school graduate, told a Cloudbuster reporter this week. There are 1200 Indians in the Seneca Nation,” he added, “and over 100 of them are in the service. It just happens that I’m the only one in the V-5 program.” Cadet Thompson has three brothers, none of whom are in the service. Two older sisters are serving as nurses, however, one being a Lieut, in the Army, and the other an Ensign in the Navy. The one in the Army has already gone outside the States, says Thompson. After graduating from high school, Thompson worked as a welder and steel worker until he was sworn into the V-5 program last August 7. He took Primary CPT at Edinburg State Teachers College in Pennsylvania, and his three roommates here Dick Hale, Dan Gillon, and Moe Naylon—took their Primary CPT training , there with him. ^ • i. • Asked why he decided to enter the Naval air service, he im mediately replied that he wanted to get in something “exciting” and he thought this was it. He wants to fly; he’s looking forward to being attached to an aircraft carrier in the Pacific. That he will do a good job seems very likely for he’s as full blooded as any American alive, and he’s ready to do his part in defeating the Axis, BuPers Or^er Cancels Future Cadet Leaves Official announcement that cadets hereafter will receive no leave on completion of their Pre- Flight training, but will go di rectly in drafts from Chapel Hill to their Reserve Bases was made this week by Lt. Comdr. James P. Raugh, USNR, executive officer here. The last to get leaves were mem bers of the 13th Battalion who went out 10-days ago. Lt. Comdr. Raugh stated that the change was brought about in accordance with a BuPers order of Jan. 19. Quoted was the follow ing paragraph of BuPers letter: “In view of the uncertainties of travel at the individual’s ex pense; the serious transportation difficulties prevalent throughout the country on all types of com mon carriers due to necessary and urgent military travel; and the reports received in the Bureau from Naval Air Stations and Naval Reserve Aviation Bases that aviation cadets are reporting at scattered and irregular inter vals, with numerous cases of ab sence over leave, orders will not be issued at U. S. Navy Pre-Flight Schools which authorize leave for aviation cadets, or delay en route. All aviation cadets will be trans ferred to Primary Flight Train ing Schools in drafts.” Six New Officers Report for Duty Six new officers reported for duty here during the past week. Coming from the Recognition School at Ohio State University were Lieut. Alexander McLeish, Lt. (jg) Charles E. Golbreath, and Lt. (jg) James L. Reidy, and from the Fleet Air Detachment, U. S. Atlantic Feet, Naval Air Station, Norfolk, Va., came Lt. (jg) John Logan.