Vol. 2—No. 19 U. S. Navy Pre-Flight School, Chapel Hill, N. C. Saturday, January 22, 1944 President’s Birthday Ball Officers, enlisted men, and civilian employees are reminded that tickets for the President’s Birthday Ball to be held in Woollen gym on Jan. 29 are now on sale in the Welfare Office, Room 112, Alexander Hall. Price $1.00 per person, tax in cluded. Tickets will be made avail able to the cadets at places to be announced early next week. The ball is sponsored by the Pre-Flight School for the bene fit -of the Infantile Paralysis Fund and all station personnel are urged to join with the uni versity and townspeople in making the affair an outstand ing success. Personnel Changes Four officers were detached dur ing the past week. Officers detached and their new destinations are Lieut. Arthur K. Royal, USNR, of the athletic de partment, to NAS, Bunker Hill, Ind.; Lt. (jg) Kenneth E. Kimber- lin, USNR, assistant coach of swimming, to NAS, Jacksonville, Fla.; Lt. (jg) Raymond C. 0th, USNR, assistant coach of boxing to NATTC, Memphis, Tenn., and Ens. Ralph R. Kirn, USNR, as sistant coach of track to Naval Plight Preparatory School, Co lumbia, S. C. Two enlisted men were attached during the past week, M. A. Lo- vera. Sic, coming from NAS, Memphis, Tenn., and Raymond P. Ross, Ylc, coming from the Pre- Flight School at Del Monte, Cal. Cadets Invited to Mclver Pre-Flight cadets are invited to an open house at Mclver Dormi tory tomorrow afternoon from 1600 to 1800. Refreshments will be served. Draper and Adler Entertain Cadets Paul Draper and Larry Adler, famous dance and harmonica ar tists of stage and screen, enter tained the Regiment of Cadets, officers, crew, and families at a special program held exclusively for the Pre-Flight School in Me morial Hall Wednesday afternoon. Coming to Chapel Hill to appear in a joint recital as pai't of the UNC Student Entertainment Series Wednesday evening, the ar tists gave an informal mid-after noon show for the Pre-Flight School that rated a straight 4.0 in entertainment value. An impromptu appearance was made on the program by Cadet David Macklin, 43rd Battalion member from New York, who teamed with Adler on several num bers. Macklin formerly was a member of the Borrah Minevitch Harmonica Rascals. Rear Admiral Hardison New Chief Of Naval Air Primary Training Rear Admiral Hardison, USN Local Enlisted Man Is Honored Charles James COKER, PhMlc, USN, attached to the Pre-Flight School, has just received a Presidential Unit Citation for his service with the FIRST MARINE DIVISION, REINFORCED between 7 August and 9 December 1942. The Presidential Citation is quoted as follows: “Cited in the Name of The President of the United States THE FIRST MARINE DIVISION, REINFORCED Under Command of Major General Alexander A. Vandegrift, U.S.M.C. CITATION: ‘The officers and enlisted men of the First Marine Division, Re inforced, on August 7 to 9, 1942, demonstrated outstanding gallantry and determination in successfully executing forced landing assaults against a number of strongly defended Japanese positions on Tulagi, Gavutu, Tanambogo, Florida and Guadalcanal, British Solomon Islands, completely routing all the enemy forces and seizing a most valuable base and airfield within the enemy zone of operations in the South Pacific Ocean. From the above period until 9 December, 1942, this Reinforced Division not only held their important strategic positions despite determined and repeated Japanese naval, air and land attacks, but by a series of offensive operations against strong enemy resistance drove the Japanese from the proximity of the airfield and inflicted great losses on them by land and air attacks. The courage and de termination displayed in these operations were of an inspiring order.’ FRANK KNOX Secretary of the Navy.” Rear Admiral Osborne B. Hardi son, USN, heroic commanding of ficer of the aircraft carrier, USS Enter'pi'ise, in the battle of the Santa Cruz Islands in October, 1942, has been designated as Chief of Naval Air Primary Training and will assume his new duties early in February. Admiral Hardison will succeed Captain Dixie Kiefer, USN, Chief of Staff of the Naval Air Primary Training Command, who has been Chief of Naval Air Primary Training on additional duty basis since Nov. 20, 1943. Captain Kie fer is former executive officer of the aircraft carrier, TJSS York- town. Both Admiral Hardison and Captain Kiefer are holders of the coveted Navy Cross. Admiral Hardison was born in Wadesboro, N. C., on Dec. 22,1892. He attended the University of North Carolina, and entered the Naval Academy from the Seventh North Carolina District in 1912. He was graduated on June 2,1916. After graduating from the Naval Academy, he joined the USS Texas and was in that battle ship when she operated during the World War as a unit of the Sixth Battle Squadron, British Grand Fleet. After detachment from the Texas in August 1920, he served in the USS John Francis Bumes, USS Wickes, USS Claxton, USS Parrott, and USS Mayflower. He reported to the Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Fla., for flight training on Jan. 2, 1923, and was desig nated naval aviator on June 23, 1923. Since that time he has served continuously in naval avia tion ashore and afloat. Admiral Hardison had com mand of the USS Enterprise from October 1942, until April 7, 1943. For that service he was awarded the Navy Cross, the citation read ing as follows: See ADMIRAL, page U