Vol. 2—No. 20 U. S. Navy Pre-Flight School, Chapel Hill, N. C. Saturday, January 29, 1944 President’s Birthday Ball to be Held Tonight THE CADET GLEE CLUB will be featured during the intermission at the President’s Birthday Ball being held in Woollen gymnasium tonight. Personnel Changes Five officers and two enlisted men were detached during the past week, while two officers reported here for duty. The officers detached and their destinations are: Lieut. Francis H, Kimbrough, USNR, head foot ball coach, to Naval Flight Pre paratory School, Williams Col lege, Williamstown, Mass.; Lieut. Lyal W. Clark, USNR, assistant coach of football, to NAS, Lake- hurst, N. J.; Lieut. Milton Singer, USNR, drill master, to NAS, Lakehurst, N. J.; Ens. H. E. Thompson, USNR, platoon officer, to NATTC, Memphis, Tenn.; and Ens. A. H. Drewes, platoon officer, to NAS, Memphis, Tenn. Marvin S. Carnes, HAlc, was transferred to Navy Yard, Phila delphia, Pa., and Robert J. Reb- bert, PhM3c, was transferred to Marine Barracks, Parris Island. The two officers attached here are Lieut. Frederick B, Lukins, USNR, and Lt. (jg) John L. Hickey, USNR, both dental of ficers from NTS, Newport, R. L Increased Use Of V-Mail Urged by Navy Pre-Flight personnel carrying on correspondence with members of the armed forces in foreign areas are urged to use V-mail forms. The Chief of Naval Operations, stressing the need for increased use of V-mail, recently pointed out that it may be necessary to discon tinue carrying personal mail by air, and transport only V-mail and official air mail by air unless more use is made of V-mail. There are now ample facilities for the handling of V-mail to and from all operating areas in the war zones; it has a high priority and is given first transportation consideration over all mail except Officer Messenger and Official Registered Air Mail. Within the United States, air mail postage -is required on V- mail by air, but no air mail post age is required for V-mail carried by air outside the country. —Coming Up— Two basketball games, a wrest ling match against Duke and box ing against the 4th Field Artil lery from Fort Bragg, compose the Pre-Flight varsity athletic schedule for the coming week. Wednesday afternoon Morris Field from Charlotte will play the basketball team at 1600, and Sat urday night the Cloudbusters and N. C. State will play the first of a twin bill scheduled to start in Woollen Gymnasium at 1900. The second game will be between the University of North Carolina and Duke. Sixteen boxing bouts will be of fered in a doubleheader in that sport on Friday. First the Pre- Flight boxers will tackle the 4th Field Artillery from Fort Bragg, starting at 1900, and mittmen from the University of North Carolina and Emory & Henry will tangle immediately thereafter. The wrestlers will meet Duke in Durham on Friday. Dance Receipts Will Benefit Paralysis Fund Pre-Flight personnel, including officers, cadets, enlisted men, and civilian employees, will join with university and townspeople to night in celebrating the Presi dent’s Birthday Ball designed to raise funds for the nationwide fight against infantile paralysis. Sponsored by the Pre-Flight School, the dance will be held in Woollen gymnasium starting at 2100. Music will be provided by the Pre-Flight band, and the Cadet Glee Club will furnish entertain ment during the intermission. Those who have not already pur chased tickets may do so at the main entrance of Woollen gym nasium this evening. Price is $1.00 per person, tax included. Each year 50% of the money re ceived in the infantile paralysis campaign goes to local chapters for work in the community where the money was raised, the other 50% going to the National Foun dation for Infantile Paralysis to forward its program of research, education, and epidemic aid. The dance will end at 2400, with taps for cadets coming at 0045. Movie Schedule Sat., Jan. 29—Free movie at Vil lage Theatre, “Salute to the Ma rines” with Wallace Beery and Fay Bainter, Feature starts at 1400, 1553, and 1940. Complete show one hour, 51 minutes. Sun., Jan. 30—Free movie at Vil lage Theatre, “Background to Danger” with George Raft and Brenda Marshall, Also short sub ject, “1943 World Series.” Fea ture starts at 1338 and 1528. Com- I plete show one hour, 48 minutes.