Page Four C1.0UDBUSTER Saturday, October 21, 1944 NAVY DAY (Continued from, page one) Point. On Oct. 26-27, he will speak at Shelby three times and at Mor- ganton once. Lieut. Russell Curry, of the Personnel Office, will appear at Salisbury and Asheboro on Oct. 27, while Lieut. John R. Gaddy, pla toon officer. Chaplain George W. Cummins, and Lieut. A. K. Marck- wald, personnel officer, will parti cipate in the Navy Day celebration at Raleigh. The national observance of Navy Day was inaugurated Oct. 27, 1922, under the auspices of the Navy League of the United States, in order that the American peo ple might become more familiar with the Navy and gain a greater appreciation of its importance and influence in our national life. Oct. 27 was chosen as the date be cause it marks the anniversary of the date in 1775 when the Contin ental Congress received the bill providing for the creation of an in dependent fleet. Last year at least 5,763,000 peo ple attended 6,407 Navy Day cele brations throughout the country, and the observance this year is ex pected to be the greatest in his tory. Officer Dance In Pine Room Next Saturday There will be an informal dance for members of the Officers Mess in the Pine Room of Lenoir Hall on Saturday, Oct. 28, from 2100 to 0030. A charge of $1.50 per couple will cover all expenses, including soft drinks, nuts, popcorn, pretzels, and other refreshments. Reserva tions should be made in advance in the Welfare and Recreation Office, Alexander Hall. Payment is due when the reservation is placed. A maximum of six couples can Cloudbusters Come From Behind To Gain 13-13 Tie With University of Virginia After defeating Duke and the Naval Academy on successive week ends, the Cloudbusters were held to a 13-13 tie against the Univer sity of Virginia last Saturday at Charlottesville. Unable to break through the stubborn Virginia defense in ‘the first quarter, the Cloudbusters scored late in the second quarter when George Lorentz recovered a blocked punt for the touchdown. The try for the extra point failed. The Cavaliers received the ball on the kickoff and marched 87 yards, all on running plays, with Dick Davis bucking over the tally. Johnny Duda’s placement put Vir ginia ahead, 7-6. In the third quarter, Duda in tercepted a pass by Graham on the 26 and returned to the Cloudbust ers’ 23. Lucien Burnett rounded end for a touchdown. Duda’s kick went wild.. A second blocked punt put the Cloudbusters in scoring position late in the fourth quarter. After the ensuing exchange, Graham re turned 19 yards to the Virginia 26, where he passed to little Wally Schumacher for the touchdown. Buell St. John added the extra point to knot the score. The Cloudbusters rushed into Cavalier territory twice in the first quarter and twice in the second, but were unable to carry across a score. Graham’s 39 yard sprint around end carried to Virginia’s 21, but four plays later the Cava liers took over on the 13. LINEUPS N. C. Pre-Flight Virginia LE Schumacher Walker LT Lorentz Kirkland LG Atkinson Fahey C Honeycutt Palmer RG Pulver s Wood RT Yager Roberts RE Harding Speer QB Weitekamp Ellis LH Koslowski Davis RH Wilson Duda FB Graham Burnett Score by periods: Pre-Flight 0 6 0 7—13 Virginia 0 0 7 6—13 Pre-Flight scoring—Touchdowns : Lo rentz, Schumacher. Point after touch down: St, John (placement). Virginia scoring—Touchdowns : Davis, Burnett. Point after touchdown ; Duda (placement). Substitutes—Virginia: Guards: Meador, Revis, Ratzel; tackles: Parrish; ends: Bell, Brown, Shay; backs: Clay, Michels, Goodman, McCrary, Johnson. Pre-Flight —Guards: Clements, Veitch; tackles: Copeland, Lum, Williams ; ends: Sheehan, Anderson ; center: Coleman ; backs: St. John, Aschenbr-enner, Myrehan. War Fund Tops $1,200 With the final results still not in, contributions to the National War Fund here ex ceeded $1,200 yesterday, more than double the station quota of $600. The French cadet unit was particularly outstanding with contributions totalling $130 to lead all of the battalions. be accommodated at the large ta bles available, and a maximum of three couples at the smaller tables. Uniform for the dance will be optional. Movie Schedule Sat., Oct. 21—Free movie at Village Theatre, “The Story of Dr. Wassell” with Gary Cooper and Laraine Day. Feature starts at 1900 and 2124. Complete show two hours, 23 minutes. Sun., Oct. 22—Free movie at Village Theatre, “Double Indem nity” with Fred MacMurray and Barbara Stanwyck. Feature starts at 1310 and 1505. Complete show one hour, 54 minutes. Platonic love is just like being invited down into the cellar for a bottle of ginger ale. FOOTBALL (Continued from page one) The starting lineup which Coach Pond expects to send out against the Cloudbusters contains several experienced performers. The Cloudbusters will have to keep 8 weather eye on Frank Stanczaki former Lafayette back, who can pass as well as run; Bob Hamil ton, ex-Vanderbilt speedster; Ar nold Scott, fleet-footed wingbacls from Montana U.; and Toi» White, former Hawthorne, Calif-i High School star. At blocking back Coach Pond can call upon such rugged citizens as Dennis Drewes, a grid discovery from De troit Lakes, Minn., and Buck Jones, a 225-pound Wake ForeS* veteran. The Skycracker line also boasts plenty of rugged talent, includinj Bill Evans, of the Naval AcademJ and Ted Scruggs, of Rice, at th« ends; Ollie Jack, of Baylor, ani Bill Eckert, a high school standoul from St. Mary’s, Pa., at tb^ tackles; Ken Getting, of Ft Wayne, Ind., and Fred Wendt, oi the Naval Academy, in the guar<^ slots; and Gardner “Tuffy” MS' Cormick, of Baylor, at center. While the Cloudbusters are eS' pected to bounce back from tW surprise 13-13 tie at Virginia, th< team is not in top shape physical' ly. Almost certain to be on th< sidelines is Ben Lum, regula* tackle, and Frank AschenbrenneJ the little scat back who scored W winning touchdown against W Naval Academy. Probable starters will be Mel’ bourne Sheehan and Warren AP' derson at the ends, Leland Yag®’ and George Lorentz at the tackle® Kermit Atkinson and Dale Pulve’ at the guards and R. 0. Huneycut* at center. Dan Weitekamp is the startiuf quarterback, Stan Koslowski afl‘ Bill Wilson will be at the halved and Otto Graham at full. b t q 0: fa R< fr fu or wi Cl