Vol. 3—No. 11 U. S. Navy Pre-Flight School, Chapel Hill, N. C. Saturday, November 25, 1944 HANDWRITING ON FUJIYAMA HASTEN IT WITH WAR BONDS ON KARL HARBOR PAY GI Joe Will Open Bag of Chemical War Tricks Here Except for what’s strictly hush- hush, GI Joe will open his bag of chemical warfare tricks before Chapel Hillians next Tuesday at Fetzer Field. It all will be part of the Sixth War Bond Drive and for Pre- Flight cadets, officers, enlisted and civilian personnel it will be a thrilling spectacle. Forty-five chemical warfare specialists and the 35-piece 225th Army Ground Force Band, under the command of Col. H. W. Pool of Camp Butner, N. C., will play the feature parts in the exhibi tion, which is scheduled to start at 1615. Flame Throwers to Spout The bazooka, famed in song and story, is to be fired. Flame throwers are to spout. Grenades are to be hurled and smoke screens and flares are to be touched off. It’s to be a one-hour saga of mod ern weapons of war. The show, arranged by Lieut. George Speizman and s/S Leon Bernard, is expected to be one of the highlights of this station’s ex tra cash War Bond campaign and may well rank as one of the most interesting events of the year here. J. T. Berryman, Noted Newspaper Artist, Designs New ‘Fla^ For Station Paper War Bond Sale To Be Double- Barreled Drive Purchase of one $100 bond per person will be the goal when the Navy’s annual Pearl Harbor Day extra cash War Bond sale is con ducted from December 1 to 7, in clusive, and on the eve of the drive the Office of Coordinator for War Bonds is hopeful of setting a new national record. Navy Pre-Flight at Chapel Hill —whose cadets, officers, enlisted and civilian personnel spent $133,- 041 for bonds last July 4—is geared to launch its own drive. Lieut. Comdr. W. C. Clark, bond officer at this station, has an nounced that the Pre-Flight sale will be conducted on Dec. 1, 2, 4 and 5. Officers Buy Dec. 1 Officers of Chapel Hill are urged to buy their bonds in the Chap lain’s office in Alexander Hall on Friday, Dec. 1, between 0800 and 1600. Cadets will purchase in Navy Hall, dates and time to be announced. The Pearl Harbor Day cam paign falls within the scope of the Treasury’s Sixth War Loan Drive. Not only will Navy civilian and uniformed personnel, who make their bond purchases between Dec. 1 and 7, have these credited to Navy campaign but the re sults, in turn, will be included in the Treasury drive total. This, therefore, will be a double-bar reled campaign. War bonds of Series E, F and G will be counted in determing sales volume. Only cash sales are eligible, and bonds purchased un- ^er the payroll savings or mili tary allotment plans will not be counted in the Pearl Harbor Day total. Many U. S. Colleges rian Aviation Courses Chicago, (CNS)—At least 807 ^erican colleges and universi- les are making plans for teach- postwar courses in aviation, ^ recent survey reveals. GIs in Philippines Get Special Honors Philippines (CNS)—Every man who fought in the Philippines— j at Bataan, Corregidor and now at Leyte—is going to be honored for his fight, according to B/Gen, Carlos Romulo, Philippine Minis ter of Information. I Gen. Romulo announced that every GI in Gen. MacArthur’s in vasion forces will receive the Philippine Campaign of Libera tion ribbon after SO days service, while those who took part in the Corregidor and Bataan campaigns will get the Philippine Defense ribbon. This week the Cloudbuster in troduces a new page 1 “flag”, an F4-U Navy “Corsair” drawn for the Pre-Flight School weekly by James T. Berryman of the Wash ington Evening Star, one of the country’s top-ranking newspaper artists. Aside from his brilliant news paper cartoons, Mr. Berryman won national fame during the search for the kidnaper of the Lindbergh baby. Borrowed by the FBI, he sketched from a descrip tion so striking a likeness of Bruno Richard Hauptmann that the convicted kidnaper was recog nized and apprehended. Again working with the FBI, Mr. Ber ryman later duplicated his re markable feat in the Matson kid naping case. Negro Waves Sworn In The first three Negro women to join the Waves under a Navy Department plan approved by President Roosevelt were sworn in November 13, in New York City and Boston, it was an nounced this week.