or he“*——=!fi= [leOl. 3-—No. 13 U. S. NAVY PRE-FLIGHT SCHOOL, CHAPEL HILL, N. C. Friday, December 8, 1944 it^ond Sales Hit *'75,000 Mark As p3rd Batt Stars Pre-Flight at Chapel Hill co- leiemmorated the third anni- in^rsary of Pearl Harbor by in- ®sting approximately $75,000 , ^ extra cash War Bonds, it was -ipj^^aled yesterday as the first iieturns were announced by dfeut. Comdr. W. C. Clark, War h^ond Officer. j Complete figures were not ,^aUable but Lieut. Comdr. stated that already the Loan Drive was a smash- n‘*g success. s - Flight cadets invested jore than $50,000 and the vari- departments contributed the .j^ainder during the campaign s nich began December 1 and ,'^o^ind up Dec. 7. , AFTs Place Second jw^srticular salutes were in \ for the 63rd battalion and ’j,®. Athletic Dept., which led respective fields in bond The 157 cadets of the purchased bonds to the tune w^13,700, averaging nearly $88 Cadet. The Athletic Dept., averaging than $120 for its 72 mem- invested $8,700. inal figures and a breakdown Ij^r. be available for pub- until next week but first V ,^^ns showed that among the the AFT’s ran second, $10,450, followed by the eoth, with $1,'725. with $9,875; the 64th, with th’ JS; the 61st. with $7,450, and eoth, with $1,725. iVQ^^^demics purchased $5,700 io vh of bonds to be runner-up cov^^hletics in the departmental ^^Petition. u. s. Has Robot Bomb Good As Germany’s’ tu^right Field, Ohio (CNS)- A AT71 1 J 1 J _ AAF has developed a high- jf^^red robot bomb, a version German V-1, “which can ^),^sed if and when we need ;g^*^cording to the Air Technical Q, ^ice Command, the American n is as good as the German and the U. S. developed ching ramp is better than „^azis’. )Q^e may never need the robot 5 ^0,” said Maj. Gen. Bennet Oj.^^eyers, deputy ATSC direc- iQi’ ‘but if we do need it, we’ve ^ good one.” CADET W. C. LELANDE Shot Down By Japs 3 Times, Cadet Proves He Can Take It Predicts Full Air Punch Coming Soon Our carriers will launch 1,500 or even 2,000 planes in the near future, predicts Rear Adm. John H. Cassady, USN, Assistant Deputy Chief of Naval Opera tions (Air). In a recent speech in Washing ton, Adm. Cassady said; “The full punch of our carrier-based aircraft is yet to be felt by the Japs. “I can foresee the day, and not very far distant,” he con tinued, “when we will be send ing in strikes from our carriers of 1,500—yes, 2,000 planes.” No Cigars To Civilians, GIs Get All Of Them New York (CNS)—Civilians will not be able to purchase boxes of Christmas cigars this year. The Cigar Institute of America reveals 91,000,000 cigars a month are now earmarked for the armed forces. Of these, 51,- 000,000 go overseas and 32,000,- 000 to post exchanges, ships’ stores and other domestic mili tary installations. Two years ago Cadet W. C. LeLande, company commander of the 62nd battalion, probably was thinking about that “White Christmas” of song and story. He was in the South Pacific, on Guadalcanal with a bunch of Japs, and serving as a radio gunner on a torpedo bomber which attacked Munda, Bougain ville, and enemy aircraft car riers, battle wagons and trans ports. Three times he was shot down, and each time he came back for more. And he gave more than he re ceived. His own ship was credited with five Jap planes, and his torpedo unit, VMTB 131, first in the Marine Corps, played an important role in stopping Jap shipping in the Solomons area in the early stages of the war. Like most Marines with over seas service LeLande doesn’t care to talk. Many questions are answered, but many others aren’t, simply because he has been told not to discuss some phases of action. Served As Guinea Pigs “Members of our unit have not done a lot of talking since re turning to the states,” LeLande proudly admits. “We were more or less the guinea pigs of this war. We did experimental work, and we learned many things that would aid the enemy if they were discussed now.” Let LeLande, in his own words, go over the high spots. “When we arrived at Guadal canal we had a small air strip, a bit of land, and a lot of Japs to kill. There were several other units, besides ours, doing battle. One was VT 8, another was VMSB No. 151, and still an other was VMSB 132, command ed by Major Saylor. (Continued on Page 3) Officer Hop, Cage TOts Wai Mark Busy Social Week The first officers’ dance of the Winter season, a pair of Pre- Flight basketball games, an “open house” for the 62nd bat talion and the usual quota of free movies for station personnel will start a busy week ahead for the Cloudbusters’ “social set.” Officers and their ladies will dance to the Cloudbusters’ swing band tomorrow, Dec. 9, in the Pine Room at Lenoir Hall. Mu sic will start at 2100 and knock off at 0100. There will be no admission, nor table reserva tions. Ladies’ dress is optional. Also on tap tomorrow will be the free movie, “Greenwich Vil lage,” and, at Woollen Gymna sium, a basketball game between Pre-Flight and the Cherry Point Marines. On Sunday the gratis movie will be “Take It or Leave It,” and the 62nd battalion will dance with the Alderman Dorm itory dollies at an open house be tween 1530 and 1730. The Cloudbuster cagers swing back into action on Wednesday, meeting Seymour Johnson Field while, in the other half of a doubleheader. North Carolina plays High Point. This cancels the Happy Hour at Memorial Hall, incidentally. Naval Boards Meet The boards now meeting to elect officers of the Naval Re serve, line and staff, for promo tion from lieutenant commander to commander, are expected to complete their work shortly. It is believed that the board select ing line officers for promotion will complete its work first and will be followed within 10 days by the boards considering staff promotions. Is We Is, Or Is TVe Ain’t Among Ten Top Football Teams Of The Country? To the surprise of nobody. Army is the top football team of the land. But that was about all the rating experts agreed upon. For— Carolina Pre-Flight is 21st among the elevens, college and service alike, in the Associated Press poll of 121 sports critics. And (now here this) Duke is rated 11th! However— According to the Williamson Rating, Carolina Pre-Flight is 9th, ahead of Navy, Duke, Notre Dame, Great Lakes, et al. But— Getting back to the AP poll, Camp Peary didn’t even place among the first 11 service teams (we were No. 11), but on the Williamson sheet Peary was 4th and the Cloudbusters 6th. So— There is a word for it: Snafu.