IT 18 NOT A MATTER OF OPiHlON THAT— Jeania! AflYeFtisemeDis BUr AN Ascertained Certain 4 ^ THE Vol. 1. No.l. A WEEKLY PAPER THAT REACHES THE t-|OMES WITH ALL THE LATEST NEWS. ELKIN, N. O., THURSDAIy, DECEMBER 8, 1897. Price 2 GeP-ts. BILIj AKP’S TKir TO UNA. N051T1I CAEO- Hard, hard, indeed, is the contest for freedom and the struggle for liberty.” “There is ao rest for the wicked.” This world is all a fleeting show and Jordan is a hard road to travel, I believe! There are other ejaculations I might utter, for of late there has been trouble on the .(^Id man’s mind. You see, I w.'.s invited over here to talk: to these jn'ople i-o a humorous and pbilosoj)hic ’.v.i v and my wif^aid as the larder was getting low auil'uie girls needed some liiore v<inter clothes, and the tax man was' b^il'ing around and the grand-chil- t’® expecting something for Christinas, she thought I had better go. So she picked fr.y valise with my best clothes and fortified me with a little (ir:;g Etor<' of camphorated oil and ilan- nel nnd liv.-r medicine and paregoric and cough drops and quinine and head ache poxderi, and so forth and soon. Wo kissed goodliy all round and I de parted fecimg like I was being driven off from lio:ne l.y sad necessity. I took the Seaboard Air Line at Atlanta bound for Charlotte, via iVXonroe, but our en- gnie broke d.nvn at Greensboro about dark and this dcL-.yed us three long, di-pary hoars, and when we reached Jlonroe ii was way after midnight and the Charlotto train had gone. There were three nice ladies aboard and sev eral gentlemen, who were greatly dis appointed, but the conductor was kind and sympathetic and said there was a circus train near by that was going t0“ Charlotts; right away and if we didn’t mind riding thirty miles in .a cab, he would got us the privilege. The ladies said yes, and we did, too, and ciiinbed in. It was as dark as Erebus. We felt our way to find seats but there was nothin?: but some long tool bo.xes whose lids were hard and cold. There was no fire and the wind blew through a brok en glass on the back of my head. The ladies chatted away merrily, for they were going home, but I wasn’t and I couldn’t chat to saye my life, for I was very tired and thought of that good, soft bed at home. By and by the con ductor came in with a lantern and took up our tickets and left us in the dark again. About that time the animals got restless and the lion gave an un earthly howl. You see this was a menagerie train. “The animals went In two by two, The elephant and tlie kangaroo,” and every time the cars careened about or swung round a curve we could hear some devilish noise ahead of us. ‘'Oh, mercy,” said the youngest girl, “sup- '•p6^e*Ehey4)rcah cut!” “They v.uIp eat the sweetest and tenderest first,” said I, “Lions always do.” I pulled my cloak up over the back of my head and rumi nated. For two long hours we jogged along, for the train was running slow to suit the wild beasts and we were of no consequence. It was near 3 o’clock when we got to the suburbs of Charlotte and stopped. Nobody was looking for us nobody rushed forward- to meet us, no porter nor hackman—no omnibus or street cars, not even a wagon or an ox cart or a darky. The moon had hid herself to keep from seeing our misery, but we seized our grips and wraps and satchels and made a march for the elec tric lights. My companions soon sepa rated from me and I marched in single file with my big valise full of clothes and the drug store, and struggled for three quarters of a mile up the long and hard sidewalk. I am not used to arc lights, and the flickering shadow of every tree and telegraph pole looked a man in ambush who w'as fixing to hold me up. I had forgotten where the hotels were, and unconsciously passed them, for the doors were all shut and there was no sign. By and by I met a policeman and he conducted me back to the hotel, and I was as thankful as I was tired and humble. My pitiful tone of voice secured me l^inii attention and a bod. When a man is far away from home his warm est welcome is an inn. But I did not rest well. A 10 o’clock supper, on fried sausage and scrambled eggs, and stale oysters, disturbed my corporosity and I dreamed that the tiger got loose and came prowling and howling around the car and somehow I got a hatchet oiit of the toolbox and lifted the young lady through the port hole upon the roof, and volunteered to defend her with my life and my sacred honor. The tiger made desperate leaps to get up there, but every time be got a paw on the eave, I cut_it off and let him fall tee— for they filled the courthouse that night and gave me an ovation. The old soldiers are thick in that region, and they came out to hoar rne, and some of us got together and tiilked of old Bob Lee and .Toe Johnson and Gen erals Early and Render and W’hiting and Hoke and Ransom and Pettigrew and Clingman and others. Tneir eyes watered and their hearts burned within them, and they got closer and closer together. What a pcoph those tar- heels are—these descendants of the Scotch! About every other name is Scotch, a McLane or McFall or Mc- Lanrin or McArthur or McSomething- else, aud then there are Alexanders everywhere and Caldwells and Carlyles. After the lecture we tad a musical at the hotel by the gifted Gruber family, who keep the hotel, Mr. Gruber and Mrs. Uruber and their seven children. I have heard much music during my long life, but I never heard any better anywhere. How the old man’s fingers did dance upon the strings; how sweetly did the still handsome matron sing the “Last Bose of Summer” and other old- time songs of Scotland! What delight ful chords came from the piano under the touch of the young ladies and the sweet little black-eyed girl of only ten summers! And when they played “Home, Sweet Home,” with varia tions, I cold hardly restrain ray tears. I felt like we all ought to hold a seance it w^e could with John Howard Payne and tell him how the world loved him for his song. I had sweet dreams that night. I am still on the grand rounds talking to the unpretending people of this grand old state. It seems to have got out, however, that I had joined John Robinson’s circus and gone off with it. Some of these mischievous drummers told that. Yours on the wing. Bill Arp. How It’s pone. If you want to know how to get your wife to mend your clothes, find the se cret in the following domestic incident : “It’s strange I can’t get my wife to mend my clothes,” remarked Mr. Bri die, in tone of disgust. “I asked her^ to sew a button on this vest this morn ing, and she hasn’t touched it.” “You asked her?” said Mr. Norris, with a slight shrug of bis shoulders. “Yes ; what else should I do ?” “You haven’t been married very long, and perhaps you’ll take a pointer from me,” answered Mr. Norris, with a fatherly air. “Never ask a woman to mend anything. That's fatal.” “Why, what do you mean?” “Do as I do. When I want a shirt mended, for instance I take It in my hand and hunt up my wite. ‘Where’s that rag-bag Mrs. Norris ?’ 1 demand in a stern voice. “What do you want that rag-bag for?” she demands suspiciously. “I want to throw this shirt away. It’s all worn out,” I reply. “Let me see,” she demands. But I put the garment behind my back. “No, my dear,” I answer, “There’s no use of your attempting to do any thing with it. It needs—” “Let me see it,” she reiterates. “But it’s all worn out, I tell you.” “Now John you give me that shirt,” she says in her most peremptory tone. I hand over the shirt. “Why, John Norris,” she cries, with a womanly triumph, ‘‘this is a perfectly good shirt. All it needs is—’ And then she mends it.” JONES FKOM THE KLONDIKE “Good-Bye.” Did you ever hear two married wom en take leave of each other at the gate on a mild evening ? This is how they do it. “Good-by !” “Good-by !” “Come down and see us soon.” “I will. Good- by.” “Good-by! Don’t forget to come soon.” “No, I won’t. Don’t you for got to come up.” “I won’t. Be sure and bring Sarah Jane with you next time.” “I will. I’d have brought her this time but she v/asn’t very well. She wanted to come awfully.” “Did she now ? That was too bad ! Be sure and bring her next time.” “I will; ard you be sure and bring baby.” “I will; I forgot to tell you that he’s cut anoth er tooth !” “You don’t say so ! How many has ho now ?” “Five. It makes him awfully cross.” “I daresay it does this tiot vreather. Well good-by ! Don’t forget to come down.” “No, I won’t. Don’t you forget to come up. Good-by !” And they separate. T.'vo Gontlomaii Fi'oin tiie Gold PigglnKS Tell:j About the Wt'atlier. j He ha<l just returned from the top of i the Chilkoot Pass and was apparently ] glad of it. ’ I “How was the weather when you i left ?” inquired a friend. “Cold?” “Yes, but not so bad as it will be] along in January, after the mosquitoes get out of the air and let the wind have a chance. Then it gets good and cold. A man told me who had wintered up there seven years that it w<*s ^o cold in January that they |'roze the flames of their candles and sold them for straw berries, He said thoy kept their .ires over night by putting them out in the air and letting them freeze and then thawed them out in the morning. He said he had seen four men die o! colic fro.m eating whiskey that was frozen so hard it would’nt thaw inside of them. He said the cows all gave ice cream till they froze to death. He said he knew a clerk in a hotel on the Yukon that got rich selling the diamonds he wore, said diamonds being nothing on earth but ice“crystals|thatldidn’t thaw till after the clerk had got out of the country. He said he had seen a man fall off the roof of a barn and freeze so stiff before he lit that he broke in two when he hit the ground. He said he had seen smoke freeze in a chimney till the fire wouldn’t draw, and he knew of one case where the smoke froze after it got a hundred feet up and fell back on the house, knocking a hole in the roof big enough to drive a yoke of steers through., He said the reason the nights were so' long in that country was that the dark got froze so hard the daylight couldn’t thaw its way through in less than six months. He said—” “Excuse me,” interrupted the friend, “did this party have affidavits with these statements ?” “He said he had, but I guess he must have froze to death hunting for them, because he never came back when I asked him to go after them for me,” and the returned Chilkooter smiled a smile that v/as childlike and bland. SO-.U6 of Sl'ij BrtgSit Lectuiri ififs In Ilia Curreiit ABOUT “KSSOLUTIONS OF KESrECTS.’ Mooresville Recoril- For the dead or living there neVer has Here arc some of S5’m Jones’ witty been a greater farce than the Resolu- sayings, as reported bylthe Citizen from tion of Respect business. We have his lecture in Ashevillejlast week: noticed from time to time, of resolu- This is a great old world, and I’m not tions being adopted and signed by com- gqing to leave it on pjirpose. Here’s mittees that 'vere appointed to draft one fellow who is not ioing to kill his them, when to our certain knowledge fool self. i) there was not a word of truth in them. I’ve no respect for gaowlers, therefore Itinerant preachers, sometimes, after I don’t respect many pfople. This na- h,iving served their time^ out at certain tion reminds me of a fijmilyof spoiled places, are followed by lying resolutions, children. ,n»' They have been so faithful, which we That philoaopl'Uf. '■"/i yet lived doubt not is perfectly true, and we will who c.'in tell w'hid/estate to show our .high appreciation (?) of their be hungry and fcive iBthirig to' eat 'or valued services by this mark of respect, to have the colic from eating too miicb. While those deceitful papers are being I want to give you the worth of your drawn, some, if not all, of the commit- raoney if you’ve got any place to put it. are rejoicing because of the re- Some of your fellows, 1 expect, We are glad of a cjange. paid too much. But if you haven’t got “The old preacher has become too room for it you can just sit still and let stale, etc. 3'our T-eward for it ran over preacher while he is among you There is nothing in this world to and then these lying resolutions will which I tip my hat with profounder re- deman.d. spect than a genuine man. The only , The same may apply to resolutions trouble about it is, I don’t have to tipit drafted m memory of the dead. _ While it often. A man is bigger than a king ivjng; not a good word is spoKen to —bigger than a president. IE there is j^elp the vfeary on his way, but a man in politics I don’t know it. Take j death disrobes him of everything North Carolina for example. ' earthly, a loving committee is appomted A Boston man once asked me: “Does the negro differ from the white man in instinct?” I told him no, the difference was mostly in the outstink. Some old deacon who swindles you will say ‘‘I’m obliged to live.” That’s a lie—he can die any day he wants to. Among the girls we need more honey bees and fewer butterflies. I don’t ob ject to bangs; I think bangs are becom ing to women and mules. When women get to cutting off the tops of their dresses for the ballroom and the bottoms for the bikes, I begin to get frightened Some say Sam Joneeis vulgar. When they say I’m vuglar it's like the skunk telling the ’possum his breath smells bad. It is a reversal of God’s order of things when woman becomes the leader in immodestv. to draft resolutions and tell of all his good deeds, and how it saddens our hearts to give him up. Flowers are heaped upon his mound, and by some who never did otherwise than to throw thorns and briers in his pathway while he trop the paths of life. We do not mean to say that all resolutions oE re spect are insincere, but we firmly be lieve that nine-tenths of them are founded upon hypocrisy. Many tombstones bear the impress too, of falsehood upon their faces. If we cannot conscientiously speak well of the living or dead, it would be far bet ter to say nothing at all than to place on record a batch of falsehoods in the shape of “Resolutions of Respect.” “Taffy” is good and wholesome when sincerely given, otherwise it is hurtful. Let us try to be consistent upon this j line. i.iI.E OF THE UNION S KOAD. iClFlC IIAIL- 10001N SHilGBilERS T/ and in order to p'et tliem -we wilj send THE JOURNAL- t One Year for Cents. Six Months fos 2 5 Cents. I Cagli A€5€5®iii|^tiay tlie Clrti©!’. An Infaliiblo ilard-Wlnter Si Batavia, Nov. 22.—On Friday of las^ Copy or cut out the following and send to us once; The Journal, Elkin, N. C.; | Enclosed find 5o cents or 25 cents, for which sfnd The Journal 12 or 6 months to Date. P. O. Your Name. Good rains fell last and Eriday, wliicli will gr^ wheat sown to jf'’'' _ ...u't, io a\ ings are dreaoi'P- ffiings trouble on the I'i '10 ^'flOUS next Jio uu ii.c old over him at Salisbu^, where I was billed to lecture that night. On my ar rival I found that august body, the Presbyterian synod in session. Preach ers and elders innumerable were scat tered among the good people all over town. They were holding night ses sions, and wouldn’t have adjourned for McKinley or Grover Cleveland or the yellow fever or a firo. But this was not all, the Episcopal bishop was to lecture oa the Holy Land, where he had been recently, and I knew that I would fall between and get smothered. Mr. Marsh seemed to feel very bad, and apologized by saying that when he booked me did he not know of these meetings. ‘‘Well,” said I, “the saints •s^l ali-go'to" these meetings, but you have sinners in this town.” He admit ted that there were som.e. And so I went ahead and lectured, and was sur prised to see before me a select and cul tured audience, select, and I hope elect according to Presbyterian theology. ' So all is well that ends well. The ne.xt evening found me at the nice little town of Marion, in western North Caro lina, away up in the land of the sky. They are good people there, I know, rn was Boriilo Mr. and Mrs. ‘ Waterman of South Byron, a 'ment about ten miles distant. The vent of this youngster has caused a considerable commotion iu and .around that village. The reason is because the child came into the world with a fine growth of hair on its head. The capil lary patch which covers the infant’s head is six inches In length and quite thick. A resident of South Byron, who is in clined to draw morals from all happen ings, decrares that the phenomeoal growth of hair ou this infant’s head is a sure indication that a severe winter is in prospect. So sure is this man of the truth of his prognostications that he spent all of Saturday in laying in an extra supply of fuel for the coming months. A Lansuage Lesson. A college professor, who prided him self on his correct-English, heard his ..“I intended to tell Jane to brhig a fresh bucket of water . doubtless Si'ean a fmcket of fr®h.water,” corrected the professor. “L w’feyi woitM p»y-«Ima_ail.cntiop to your rhetoric. Your mistakes are curious.” A few moments later the professor said: ‘‘Jly dear, that picture would show to bet*er advantage if you were to hang it over the clock.” “Ah,” she replied quietly, “you doubtless mean if I were to liang it above the clock. If I were ,to bang it over the clock we could not toll the time. I wish you would be more care ful with your rhetoric, my dear; your mistakes are curious.” And the professor all at once became very much interested in his book. jloliduy Kates. The usual holiday rates will be good this year all over the territory of the Southeastern Passenger Association and probably all the way to the Mississippi river. Heretofore it has been customary Id at the de- Utttler'a lAwlo Hufl. News and Observer, 20fch. ^ Senator Butler yestercly worked nice little bluff on the crq TOt^wgiting fo Senator was goin^oii"cjis^““^ dou-k Soathern traia. Therep i^eea much said about pass-totera people were wbnd'errng going to do about it. io riedly with his Bag, stl ^ up to the Southern Eaihvay took ISiiying Cotton Wliilo It Is I.ow, The receivers of the Eagle and Phoa- nix mills, at Columbus, Ga., are taking • to restrict the low rates to points within advantage of the present low price of cotton to buy a supply for the mills to last until next fall. Eecently the re ceivers borrowed money with which to buy 4,000 bales and petitioned the Fed eral Court for permission to make ar rangements to get 7,000 bales more. Saturday an order signed by .fudges Newman and i'ardeo Avas received con firming the action of the recesvers and authorizing the borrowing of more money with which to buy cotton. The mills now consume between 1,300 and 1,400 bales of cotion per month. a radius of three hundred miles. Fourteen lines announce that they will participate in holiday excursion rates from points in Texas at a rate of one standard first-class fare for the round trip to destinations south of an imagin.ary line along the northern boundary of North Carolina and thence across the states of Kentucky and Ten nessee to Memphis. The roads in this territory will run home-si.ekers’ excursions on the first and third Tuesdays in every month from December 1st to May lat. out a roll of money, hd \\ ^ bill to the agent with a A Vf*- change it. While the agent was\“g the Senator shifted some otheV'’''S® from one pocket to another; crowd behind him, whojP’-^^*^ hear nothing of what passed, was putting a ticket Then he raked in the' picked up his bag and.'’ tlie train. “And so the Senate ticket,” said several in t| he did nothing of the ki his pass. ‘ ^ . Tne liop.-irt a Fabric^' WIKSTOX, N. C., Nov. 2# has bseu widely circulatpxl in dividuals contiectlu^ Mril ,CD (is pocket j m change, jried toward buying a icrowd—but -he rode oa nolds, the millionaire toi-,- facturer of this city, alleged social scantlal hero. , < “The report is a fabrii^^ entirely, and the first knowledge brought to Winston from outside"raL^ started probably as a jo^if^ j suined serious proportio Jc] knowu citizen today. Mr. Reynolds is one < most prominent citizens of this f report does him a great it bd a well Disease Spread l>y Pejieils. iNDi-iSAPOus, Nov. 19.—The health authorities are making an investigation of the rapid of diphtheria and ^ . r—rV™"g ; ,-Tiools opened Un Sep- temben, and Vlieve that they have found in the system f^Uowea »r> the-HSQ'oi‘-lea<l pen cils. All tlie pcii^iVia and pentiolders are gathered together each day just be fore dismissal and placed iu a box o^\ the teacher’s desk. The next moruihg the [)encils and penholders aie redis tributed, so that each child may get dif ferent pencils and penliolders every day. City Sanitarian Clark says that it is second nature for children to place pen holders in their mouths when at study, and that thus disease may be commu nicated from child to child. The City Sanitarian is experimenting w'ith a pre paration by which the pencils and pen holders can be sterilized each day. Youth’s Companion. Thirty-five years ago there v/ere no means of overland Communication be tween our Pacific and Atlantic coasts, except by a difficult and dangerous ride across mountains and deserts. With the outbreak or the Civil War, the need of a closer military connection with the Pacific became imperative; but the risks of building a road through long stretches of unsettled country made the enterprise too ditlicult for private capital, and its importance seemed to justify making it a national under tak ing. . , In 1862 Congress passed an act to promote the construction of the Central Pacific, Kansas Pacific and Union Pa cific Railroads to make a continous line from Omaha westward across the conti nent. This act made large grants of land to the railroads, -and directed the issue of government bonds to aid in their construction at the rate of from sixteen thousand to forty-eight thousand dollars a mile. The companies were to make good to the government the prin cipal and interest of these subsidy bonds, and to ensure payment, the government was given a first lien or mortgage on the property of the r.iilroads. Ttie roiids were completed in 1869. The Union Pacific Hoad, extending from Omaha to Ogden, Utah, was built by an organization known as the Credit iilobilier. This was composed mainly of the incorporators of the railroad com pany, and it made large profits out of the construction. The distribution of some of the shares among members of Cangress, either as gifts or at a price be low their real value, occasioned one of the most serious scandals in our politi cal history. Altogether, about sixty million dollars ol bonds were issued to aid ths Pacific Railroads. The companies have not met the government’s claims, a:^d the difficulty ot enforcing payment has been enhanced by an act, passed in 1864, which permitted the companies to issue first-mortgage bonds to an amount as large as their subsidies, a proceeding which made the government claim a second mortgage. Repeated attempts to secure a settle ment through Congress have failed, be cause no agreement could be reached between those who wanted to extend the time of payment and those who be lieved that tne government should take possession of the delinquent roads and operate tham. Foreclosure proceedings in the courts were therefore begun under the last ad- niij-iistratioD, and are .being carried through under the present. The Union Pacific was first taken up, and tho road has just been sold to the “reorganiza tion committee,” which represents the bondholders and stockholders of the company, at a price—above the amount of the first mortgage—large enough to meet the entire claim of the government. This amount, which in round num bers is fifty-eight million dollars, is twelve million dollars larger than the first bid of the committee. The com mittee raised its bid four million dollars when the government proposed to ap peal from a court decision which di minished the amount of property sub ject to its claims, and it rassed its bid eight million dollars more when the government gave notice of its intention to postpone the sale to admit other bid ders. Under the price just p.aid, the government receives baclc every dollar of principal and interest which it has paid out for the Union Pacific. A date has been set for the sale of the Kansas Pacific, and proceeding in the case of the Central Pacific will be taken later. £=lCiV.iaut Tmio at a Mouro County Ilop. Troy Troian. The Trojan learns that our old neigh bor, Jas. L. Currie, of Moore county, had a “corn shucking” last Friday, and as is his wont, he gave the youog folks “a hop” and they hopped. Anil as the report comes to us, as the night grew on tliey grew so hilarious they conclud ed to “put the shootin’ to the people” and tliey shot. When the coasts had cleared Jess Thomas had been shot in tho hip, several others were powder burnt and Kob Thomas’ clothes were badly hacked by a knife and his head terribly bi-uised by lilows inflicted with a stick. We have not learned the names of the participants other than those meutioned above. A Kat Attaclcs a Cliild. McKeesport, Pa., Nov. 17.—Mrs. Mary Kunkle, a widow residing ou School alley, yesterday placed her 14- months-old child iu a cradle and went about attending to her household duties. Mrs. Kunkle W'as suddenly attracted by her child’s distressing screams, and, on entering the room where the little one was, found a big rat attacking the child. The rat turned on Mrs. Kunkle, but was finally driven off. The rodent had bitten the child through the hand and it almost bled to death before a doctor could check tiie flow of blood. The rat escaped. ^ Yiidkcw Kailroud Prosperous. ,Salisbury ^VorId. 3Uh. I The Boar:! of Directors of the Yadkin Kiiilroad met this morning in regular finnual session. The election of officers [took place with the following result: ^’resident. A, B, Anlrews; Vico Prcsi- ■dent, Theo. F. Kluttx; Secretary, U. W. 'Miller. The Yadkin is said to be one of the most .orofitable bri»nch lines the Southern now controls. Both the freight and passenger traffic ar,’ highly satis factorily and yield a good income to the company over and above ail operating expenses. A New Gauio Liaw, Book agents may be killed from Oc tober 1 to September 1; Spring poets from March 1 to June 1; ^ .ndal mong ers April 1 to February 1; Unu.rella bor rowers August 1 to November 1; and from February 1 to May 1, while every man who accepts a i.».) ,'oars but when the bill is >)iac,;:-'e.i says, “I never ordered it,” may be killed on siglit without reserve or relief from val uation or appraisement law}, and buried face downward, without benefits or clergy. A Philiidnlpbia judge fined a man $10 for spitting on another man’s front door steps. In his charge to the jury the judge said that in foreign countries the habit of spitting on the sidewalk is unknown and the only way to stop it in this country is to have the offenders ar rested for malicious mischief. “The defendant,” he continued, “was a hog iu spitting on the ste)) or sidewalk, in stead of, as any gentleman would, over the curbstone,” The - Joarnai - Leads IN riucE,' m NEWS, IN CIRCULA'riON, IN ADVERTISING, IN LIVE ISSUES, IN UP-TO-DATE JOUENALISM. Sl-AIN COUNTS ON xUcHIJSI.E¥3 AID. New Yorlc World. The World is able to suv ou very high authority that President McKinley will tacitly approve the yirogramme for au tonomy or home rule for Cuba which Spain now promises. Second—That the President will ex press the hope that the Cubans will not prolong their war for complete inde pendence, but will accept instead a form of autonomy. Third—That if vhe Cubans (io not heed this advice S;\aiu will be given more time without interfer^^uce from the United States, ,( Fourth—The President says that he ardently desives peace both at home.'and abroad. “War scares” and “b'elliger- ency resolutions” disturb business, re tard prosperity,and do no good. A new Congress is to be chosen next fall, and everything depends on “good times,” A season of peace “from Cuban sensa tions” is therefo»e now almost certain. Fifth—Spain has been informed of McKinley’s hopes and plans, and as the first eyidence of her own good inten tions and good will she pardoned and released yesterday the American crew of the filibustering schooner Competitor caught under arms off the Coast of Cuba on April 15, 1896. Cau’t Tas a Postmaster’s Salary. Washington, Nov. 19.—The issue as to whether a State or municipality can levy an income tax on the salary or compensation of a postmaster, a sub ject of broad interest to the Federal ser vice generally, was decided to-day in an opinion rendered by Acting Assist ant Attorney General Harrison J. Bar rett, for the Postofhce Department. The case arose on an inquiry from the postmaster at Gastonia, N. C. It is held that a State has no authority to tax the emoluments paid to any officer or agent which the United States may “use and employ as necessary and preper means to execute its sovereign power.” Mr. Barrett says ; “The govern ment of the United States is supreme within its sphere of action and any act of a State or municipality which at tempts to tax the emoluments paid to the officers of the government is un constitutional and void. If the power existed in a State to tax the officers or agents of the government, it could thereby impair the power of the United States in the execution of its sover eignty. The postmaster at Gastonia, therefore, cannot be required to pay a tax upon the income of his office, either to the State of iNorth Carolina or to the municipality of Gastonia. A Free Scliool li’igrht. Daedenelle, Aek., Nov. 17--—A riot occurred in the public school yesterday, the result of which is that Prof. Dickson is in a critical condition, a student namee Alley is expelled and the student’s father, F. A. Alley, is in jail. The trouble started when Miss Jones, one of the teachers, attempted to correct young Alley for an infraction of rules. Alley is 17 years old and Miss Jones thrashed him. The boy took the punishment, but resolved on revenge and at recess set fire to the premises. For this Prof. Dickson attempted to give the boy an other thrashing. Alley resisted and in the fight with Dickson had all the besjt of it, beating the professor’s face into a jelly and inflicting dangerous wounds. A free fight ensued, and Alley’s father came to his son’s rescue. Officers stopped the fight and locked Alley, Sr., up in jail. The Yield of Cotton Per Acre. Washington, Nov. 12.—Preliminary reports to the Statistican of the Depart ment of Agriculture indicate an average yield of 181.9 pounds of hnt cotton per acre. The principal State averages as follows: North Carolina, 184 pounds; South Carolian, 189; Georgia, 178; Ala bama, 155; Mississippi, 120; Louisiana, 245; Texas, 165. Arkansas, 215; Ten nessee, 132; Oklahoma, 225; Indian Territory, 300. In the main the crop has been picked in excellent condition,- the weather having been highly favor able. llauua Feels Safe. Senator Hanna’s majority on joint ballot in the new Ohio Legislature ia now placed at 5 certain, and 15 if the Cincinnati fusionists turn out to be Re publicans. It is pretty safe, jjerhapa, to_ tr'iie'cau^'get"inna- joritj of 5, he is pretty sure to get the 15. Ohio politicians are very practical and like to get down off the fence on the side where there is “something in it” for them. And Senator Hanna is probably the kind of politician to meet their views^ The Human Body. This will make good reading for the man who is continually conijjlaining of inefliicient teachers of our day. It is from the Chenoa, 111., Gazette: Not long since iu a Western school a student’s examination paper contained this marvelous budget: The human body is divided into three parts: The head, the chist and stummick. The head contains the eyes and brain,’ if any. The chiet contains the lungs and a piece of liver. The stummick is de voted to the bowels of w'hich there ia five, a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes w and y.” Chio.vgo,Nov. 20.—Belle Murry, aged seventeeu years, daughter of A. Gordon Murray, a prominent leader among Scotchmenlin the United States, died early this morning from fright. A bur glar entered her room at midnight and pointed a pistol at her. She became unconscious and died from the effects of the fright. The police now guard the house. —Salisbury is to have an electric rail way, which will also be extended to the new railway shops and the town of Spencer, two miles away. Work will tsegiu January 1, 1

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