E ELllll riurder in Wilkes. New Ordinance. iSSVKI) FA’KRY TIH'HSDAV. . . . I’.Y . . . T1!K JOrRXAL pris. (’(). W. B. F>m.L, - - Kd.& Mgk. Entered at the Elkin I’ost Office as second class mail matter. Until further notice THE JOURNAL will be sent one 3/ear for 50 cents, Six months for 25" cents in advance. A Plan for a Graded School. gran- sniaVl I'lind. three Along witli t)ie other improve- meiifs Avlucli out’ town is making we would suggest that she estab lish a system of graded schools. This can be done very easily and che<iply. We have in the town between the ages of six and tweuty- oue about 250 (^liildi'en. AVe get from tljjki'egnlar school fund about year. If we h;id a ISThool we would also get a i’.mount from the I’oabydy For S 750 a year %ve '-iin get good teachers and pay the incidental expenses. Deducting the $ 250 received from the' county it lea\ es ? 500 to be raised by the town. A extra le\'y of 15 cents on the $100 will raise this amount. The system of books iio«' used in the graded schools of the state could be adopted, the children could be di\'idcd off in grades and tlius 'S^^^uld ha’i'e a teu^months school year thns sa^■ing Use parents of tiye town a grepdi deal of expense a/d the principal of tlie school nee(yiess worry in collecting accounts. /Pupils living outside of the towy could get the benefit of the gr;)/led scliool by paying a cer tain mice stipulated by the town eonfi/issioners. This money would h-<ixkt to be paid at the end of e\'ery n^nth and would go to the general srliool fund of the .town, 'W'hat /gay you men of Elkin ? Is’nt this the best way for Elkin to do to ever build up a good sc-hool I We votdfl be pleased to liear from others on t)ie subject and onr column.s are open to thein for tlie discnssi'ju of this important stibject, Tlie innocent tax-payers of AMlkes have to pay the cost in an- otlier murder case all on account of “old corn liquor ”. T!ieCiironicle says that in Job’s ('abin township, on A\’ednesday night l>efore Christ mas, Bill idorgan killed Jno. Waters, Jr., by disend)oweling him will) a knife. The cutting occur red at Rich Welborn’s. Tlie two had been to a still and gotten pret ty full of “singlings” and stopped at this house to rest a little. After awhile Waters toltl J\Iorga-n it ■\\ as time they were going home, and he 'ivent to Morgan, took hold of him and started. B.v tlie time tliey reiiched the door Morgan had g{)tten otit his knife and cut Water's clear a<;ross the abdomen. lie lived some liours afterwards. Morgan ^^•as arrested anil after, a preliminary hearing was placed in jail here. The town commissioners met^ in 8])ecial session Monday night. Mayor Gwyn presiding. All tl'.e : members of the board were present. The ordinance adoxited July (i, V8S)4, ill regard to wooiieu builil- \ ing-s was repealed and the follow ing ordinance was passed : “ Be it I enacted that no person or persons : : shall build or construct iiiiy wooden ' building of any kind within U)0 ' feet on eitlier side of ilain. Front! ' or Bridge streets witiiin the foUow- ; iug bounds : Main street from tlie | ])ul)lic Iji'idge over the Elkin river | to (iwyn venue, Front street from tlio Elkin M’f’g (.'o’s ollice to ; tlie railroad, Bridge street Irom ; 'larket street to railroad crossing , at depot. I'enalty for eacli- oH'ence i ; S' UHSO.Oi) i-’ermission was grant- k'dT. li . F/ii(s!)n to linisli his tin- s.'iop in rear liidson & Reves' store. White petticoA on nniddy dayii, Cheapjewclry\^ anytime. Bright red with^g florid complexion. Conspicuous costumes. A broad belt on stout figure. ’ A' plain ba.sMjgi^ij siim Cheap trinin^jj^^Qji ^ good dress. Cheap lace on aijythiiig. Diamonds in th^, daytime. Ivinen collars wii-h dressyfrocks. Picture hats wiU; outing costunics. j Theatre bor,netii„.;th street suits. I Soiled whito^gl^ves on a shopping; expedition, or tfiay time. s Worn sliocfj elaborate toilet. | Dotted veily -^veak eyes. i Something to ‘'Qiew on' v^O<5<)00<)-0<KX>00<>0<K><hCK)<KKK>0-v \ iistemetionsal I After a boy had eaten three plates of turkey with , [ plenty of-\'egetables and dressing, and three stiucers jv of pudding, besides Iw'ead and butter and.^CKinberry sauce, his graniima asked him to liave a piece of pie. J “(irandma,” said lie solemnly, “1 ctinH swallow any ' f more, but 1 might chew some.” • L"iiabi'ir2(/ed.' of tllO s. (lov’tl rltltlll; (t!if‘ r.S. Sui>rcii)o . li Ui(i Kini.‘ Sr ICourts.;! 1x1 r>l 1/ :J1 Ihv SchuoliJooka. Ti’'ar2iily 1-y Puvf'riiitondeiits ' I J’rcsi- uiii’i.'Si muuLier. i;i iih-' lv'diS(’i)ol(l. find to • iIk- l.'ju hfi- sc'iiohir. pro- f< and solf- educiito:'. PlCyOXAIj AIEXTJON. down to Elkin Has== A field of cotton just out-sidetlie corporation tliat .;\ et remains 'un- piclced. Too <M.)ld a climate for ' cotton. i A merchant that can’t read his ■ own M’riting. ! A woman who ate a small cliick- I en and thought all the time she i was feasting (m quail, i ;N'o loafers. j 3Slore dviiys tlian you can siiake j a stick at. I Some of the prettiest girls in the ;state. ; A young boy ten years old that is Ismai’ter than liis “'dad”—or at ; least thinks he is. i A wiilking encyclopedia on his- i tory and politics. I A free silver crank and a gold : bug enthusiast. I A fellow 'who is rather off on i some things pertaining to religion, j A woman who thinks there is uo i otiier cotiee but .Vrbuckles and will ^ use no other kind. i A linen collar tli fresh. () loves ijuttons mis Hair dressed 1? Hair in a psyc' nose. Pointed shoe! Gaudv colors is not imniaculately ; ’es in, or boots with a with a snul) nose. | kiiot with a Roman Peoi)le who don’t feel like “swallowing” many vertising statements, are invited to “chew on” foiloM'ing pliiin facts : an- tlie : 2 THS BS.5T FOR PRACTICAL USE. 9 It is easy to find ihe word wanted. 9 it is easy to ascertain \ho nroniinciatlors. 6 It i3 eacy to trccc i!se growth of a word. It 13 sasy to learn what a %vord means. The Ke-iv Orleans Plcaytilic siiys: It j'.KM' a iiiori'inK-iif. <•' ii’.'lnatrj' ' brillirj'it : II* of (li'j j'K'sr, <■< iblislu'ii in this c . .'iiM iil'ivtc and I’sol'iil works Gvor i'.niry. bic3"clinf^. heap materials. Buck. The Pension Qiisi'tion, A great ]iov.;dv-do isi)eing mad(.> over'purging tfix^ peiisi'.m list. The different papers in the strde are taking uj) tlie cry purge the pen sion roll.' They go on to say that there are a great many' deserving men drawing pensions while on tlie other liiind there are a lot of people getting bounty from the United Btatt« government that do not de- ser\'e it. This may be true ))ut ve are opposed to cutting off any of the pensions that come to the South, We get precious little money from the government do>\ n here any w'ay ;ind the more that comes tlie better, [f we had it in our poM'er we would jiension every old ex-slave Ijotliman and woman. They neetl the money and if they W'ere pensioned nine tenths of this money would come Bouth. And furthermore it would go to a class of people that weald be obliged to spend it. Open wide the doors of the treasury and let everybody, men and woman, white ami black, draw a pension that can. j iMessrs H. (iwyn and (). (). I Eidson got in from their hu.nting 'trip d;)wn on the coast last Thtu-s- i day. They brongiit liack witli ■ tliein as trophies of tiieir trip two I bucks the largest one weighing ! ! 84 pounds. It is the biggest buck tliis sfesou. ' They^ also brought j with tiiein a large string of ducks ;!iid other wr.ter fowls. A photo- |gra.ph wiis made of the game on ; their return here from which a cut ; will be made. J. F. Hendren weid I NVinston M^onday. I J. \V. (Jardiier of rine liidge ; was',in town Monday,. Alex Cliatham, Jr., went to i A'orth "Wilkesboro Friday. Fjlmore ('a.in of Davie county v.'asatX, W, Fowler’s last week. Keuben Tharp and wife of Ire- , dell county spent Sunday at J. Jf. i ISall’s. j j Miss Susie Bray of Crut('hfield I \ isiled her sister jNIiss Kizzie Bray i last week. >trs. Joseph Chatlfam returned Tuesday- from a ^ isit to lier parents at Jseau fSIioals, ilrs. F. L. Jackson returned 5[onday from a visit to relatives in Marsli townsliip. Mrs. J. L. Madison went up to Konda ;ind ( ’lingman Baturday to visit relatives. ! iMillard (,'ockerham ot Rural ' Home, Va., is visiting relatives in this section. Edward W'ilcox of Dresden ar rived here Batnrdiiy to attend school at the Elkin Academy. A.. M. Smitii left Monday on :i I business trip for a week in the in- ' terest of his shoe business. Mrs. Jil. A. Johnson and Mrs. i f^ovie I’ardue of Y adkin county !\isited >irs J. H. Bprinkle this ! week. ;That we sail good goods at a very low prices, The new tight'^eeve q,, ^ jong slim always consider quantity as well as quality . I and meet all competition. Ian shoes in i A long dvagglc(| oil a rainy day. ■ bace frill^or ch'j|-fo,;, i-^ches for work or school. Klaborate t'-ntidy fr HormKTtal stri| figure.—D cm o j! Haynes & (j business and Prices right. I f in need of whip, set of lui! or anytliing in on J. W. (iillia Dr. J. W. Eii he now lias elegant line o-f ti aretts and genera], Bee h A. E. King & ring and do not dersold. Tliey and m:ike prices is wha.t yo else\vhere ! J. B. Bell has of canned goods tlsh, oat meal, appear next weel ■ch. or tucks on a t M a J?: a z i n e A. E. KING & COriPANY. l.'onier ^laiu ai\<l Kridge GE£T 'niE: BEST. ' ^iT‘jSpeci7iirii 2:‘a(7es sniit on ajipiicaHoit io G. & C. MERZITA:':! CO., Publishers, {Springxloid, Mass., U. S. / Do not be deceived in buying small so- ’ called “ Wcbctcr’s Dictionaries.’* All ’ authentic abridp-inents of the Inrerriationnl 1 tliG various Sizes lioar our tfride-markou [ tho front cOYcr as shown l:i th.e cuts. - CAUTi©No stout 1 Specia Notices , are doing Want vour I NOTICE OF SUMMONS. . THE ; J. T. WAIJvACIC Adin’r ofNorth Caro-; NEW YORK WOPXD b p'ood ! [liiia, Surry ' • i vs J Coiiiitv, vSu- trade. . ricHARD MOSI^EY 1 perior Court. i and 'othei*s, lieirs ot law. ^ liefore Clerk good SaddlCjbridie^ i, it appearing to the :-:atisfaction of the ness ro])e ■ Court that Richard Moslc}' and (Tcorge lie ll’u'ncss" line ('all ' necessary parties in the above 1 entitled action, Bnd that they are non- ' residents of the State of North Carolina, ilitbrais llS that : Lhat this is a proceeding for the sale of ! publication, and the freshness, accuracy; . in stoek ‘>d ! land for assets. It is therefore ordered ' variety of its conipits. It has all ; Hi MiH iv till, ^ ^ ^ . ... . ^ the merits of a <4reat daily atthepnce i bacco. cisaivs, cit;-- i adjudged tnac notice of this action be : ^3 political news is | j. ,, Tj. • i pnblished in the Klkin Journal, a news-■ prompt, com j)lete,accurate and impartial 1 KeiS s.ipi)lies in p^jp^ p„i,)i..j,ed (-iig of Klkin, for i as all its readers will testify. It is; S new ad. successive weeks, requiring said de- | against th.e monopolies and for the ('o. are still in the fendants to appear before the clerk of | ", )i'opose to be ^ .. , , . .. ^ ^ . liiisofnce in Dobson on the 15th day ol iuiportant news points on the globe. It sen Honest 1answer tlie complaint of j has brilliant illustrations, stories ly great ri^ht and as that 1 piaj ' 1 , i THRiCE-A-VVEEK EDiTiON. ! 18 Pages a Week . . . ' . . . [ 5 S Papers a Year I FOR ONE DOLLAR, | ; PubHshedevery Alternate Day exccptSuKday. I : 'l^ie’ Thrice-a-Week Kdition of Tin-: . Xkw York Wori.d-is first among all ^ ;“\vceklv’' papers in size, frequency of i TIE PEOPLE , .It prints the news of all the world. ! the Superior Court of fenrry county, at; correspondence from all | All know me and ktio’n'' , that luy woric stands on its niei'its, so why run somewhere else when I have given you satis faction. VVORK GUARANTEED, All kinds of repairing in harness d.one on short notice. JOHN M. PRUNER. 1’. O. Bnilding. re after, why go ■eceived a large lot )f all l>:inds, white tc. Ills ad will intiff. Let the said defendants take ^ ai'Hiors. a capital hninor page, complete j .... ' : markets, departments tor the household 1 ice that if they fail ,o appear as above | ,,,o„ien’s work and other soecial de- notice stated plaintiff will apply for relief de- nianCj^ed in this conipuunt. W. W. HAMPTON, C. S. C This Dec. 7th 1897. partments of unusu^^.l interest. We offer this unequaled newspaper and the Elkin JOURNAL together one 3’ear for $ 1,20 The regular subscription price of the two papers is .f: 2.00 Hiuniner Soapfc the l)igge«t and | and best cake of s for ihe price, I* & Vo. ^ (Jliclc & Co. ai spring stock pared tiian e^ friends, (’all i I A New Firm. We learn that W. I'\ Weir has ; bought out the taihnlng depart- I ment of the Chathain iM'f’g ('o. jand associated himself with Frank ('. Ball who together will conduct j a general tailoring and clotJving business at this pkice. Tliey will i iilso carry an up-to-date line of i gents furnishings. Tiie new lirni i v.'ill open for business about Feli’y 1st iu the liounsaville building on Main street. We welcome tliis new i firm to our business circles and ; M'ish them much success. Tsoii' 01-" ciparta boardei* the train here Hat urday for apleas- i ure trip to Biiltimore and AVasli- i ington. j X. >f. .Greenwood who is run- ; uing a photograph gallery at ^orth. I Wilkesboro spent Sunday with his I family near town. j Jim Wallace of "\\'ilkesboro was iu t()-wn Tuesday'. He is now a “ knight of tlie grip ” representing Joiin U. ('ary of liichniond. Weaver Ilickerson, Of Konda, : leaves this week for Jlebaiie whei'e ^ he will enter the Presliyterian : High School at that place. Miss A vie Booe who spent tlie holidays liere Avith 3Irs, K. W. Reece returned to her liome at Mocksviile ^Jlonday evening. Lost;—-A Finder will pi *>Ui(‘e <ind .<ret re oap on the market i or sale by Bally i e. receiving tiieir are better pre- to serve tiieir d examine their of small kevs. Heaters festiiliif fee tarn Need DO YOU a nice Saddle, If you need ; neu'ieFTiii,s'“-v. ^^Ood’s seedsi their “ ad ” on ' for catalogue. return to this| I $3.00^ the best. See t page, and send novr is your chance. Prices as lov,' as tiiO lowest. $4.00 and $5.00. SchoolH'Pe'’"’K“ The Elkin Ac, the spring term with an enrollnii: t From a privafS our sidiseriberst learn that tl'.e Institute at tlft Tuesday the 4th rollment of U)(i The spring Academy open with an increasi ieniy opened foi- 5 Ion da y nior n i n g lit of 77 pupils. note fri)in one of it Boonville we Yadkin Valley [■ place inst, with upils. term of I Mondi V general line of a FKAXK TIUAKP (S; SO^'. ' Riding or Driving Bridle, Halier, Saddle Blanket, Buggy robe, Wagon or Buggy Harness, or Anything in tEic hai^iici'iiri - Nv c have a brand new stock in the building next to the post office, an'* '■an please yon both in (ina.lity ano price. All kinds of repairing done promptly, and work guaranteed. I i’aii and inspect our stock. J. VI. Gillfam. J. F. HENDREN, Attorney at Lav/, Ki.KfXj X, (\ Collection of Claims a Specialty AdKNT FOR Continental Fire Insurance Co., N. Southern Stock Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Greensboro, N, C. Travelers Insuraiice Company, (Life and Accident) Hartford, Conn. Insuranxo placed in these Companies is ai the lowest possible ^ ■ ■ ■ '• \ rates. ■ "f - THE PR* opened i •* an en-; Kye ; Corn i Peas Siloiiui ' “ y 8l*(i l^eans Market Report. ('orrected W'eei^ly Vv^heat - - No. i Per 'Bn, 8o to 85 - 2 “ '75 d attendance and; for a Sc<:ool Money Apportioned. 'What is a Grocer, Papa?” ■'What is a grocer, papa?”' '• A\'liat is a grocer, child ? NV'liy lie is a good natured man who deals in the necessities of life at the corner, and is too humble to be lieve for a minute that he has any riglits. He soli(;its Tho school committee for Elkin to^\•nsllip met here ilouday and apportioned tiie money for the dif- foreiit schools in Ihe township as follows : Xo. 1 Kock Spring, ^Vuthur Hurt te:icher, Xo. 2 Smith (trove, J. H. loivay teacher, §8I.i>2. (.'ummings school house, Mosley teacher, «.<S<).00. Ifussell Kevnolds who has been clerking tor H, A\'. Pardue at | prospei^ts ly bright :ood school thjs term. Prof’s Cundiff and Alfcn are first class instructors and build up a ;*13 aeon Joh:ison '('ity, Tenn., for sometime | ■ has returned lo liiK home at Cliu!>'- Onions : Irish Potatoes Partridges Clay Mixed White Mixed per dozen 5^'to 60 40 60 !°'-“Uibera! 75 to 85 ; 50 to 60 30 to 46 60 Per 100 lbs ^2.40 to $2.60 man. I J. W. A'ickers and wife after I spending a few days liere and in Yadl^in with friends returned to lb good scliool at SiV'<'ni Jonesville Hi,t Jlonday with <(n T. ('al- Xo. -t MilUird Xo. ,-) ,1 ■ , J X' /r , I au(« and several their home at Jsorth ilkesboro 1 next week. Jiondav. 1 h School opened te a-hirge attend- l)0;:ders will lie in Our Roll Elkin, Geo. ]). Brown and jVIiss ?tliss Clyde"Hamilton who has| been spending sometime liere at (.'. ]■' H. (Jwyn’s left last Friday for her' The following home at iieaver Cl-eek much fii theill^^^’n enrolled 01 lier liu; new nameshave Pork Butter “ I^ard - Tallow - “ Per Dozen Chickens - Per lb Green Apples Per bn Buckwheat I'lour Per lb FUR._ Rabbit Per Dozen. TO MY FRIENDS. ^ I thank you all most heartily for the very support which I iyou gave me during; ;I897 and hope to merit | ®7:a continuance of the! 5 to 6 i I )to 12;^'same this year. Wish 6 to 7 I of the .'[iiality of the Hour is in the eating of bread made of it. A taste of bre.id made of the Elkiii Kolier 3iill rlour will prove the claim that is the best v.'heat . patent tlour in Xortli C'aroliiui. ROYAL, WHITE ROSE DIAMOND DUST, Xot only better j)ut more economical than other brands. \ Sold Everywhere. 41 ing you all a happy ano; elkix uollek mills, 3.54 to4: prosperous New Year h 40 to 80 ! ■ O’possum (Air suljscription: Coon each TStlSSUVl ET iidspeth. Weaver; Willard, J. X. i ..V. and Vv'alter j W. Eeece, ^frs.; r.. Holcomb, ('has. E. ('. Kirkman, P. Clodfeltei', J. liarles Spurgeon, ; ■;eHambri.K, Wm. ; Lineberry, K. J<1. ! ird, L. Ji', F>atson, ^ ). J. Andrews, J. Jjong, J. U' (’au- Total 27, ^.Inskrat 10 2 to 5 25 to 40 ;am Respectfully, J. S. BELL Elkiu, X. TTo^ Mink - y ’ - 20 to 60; .Skunk - ’ - - 25 to 50: House Cat - - - .— ■ Reniarka : Prices are based on actual _ sales and for No. i qualit}-. Cirecn apples Ouion-5, Beans are in j^ood demand and ' ■ wanted. Chickens are dull. Onions i scarce and wanted. Pork in good de- ; inand. ! fnmiaissioiiers of )nght suit against isurer restraining the interest on' for the construe-. ■lilroad to Xortli' ..•ral ;\’ears ago.: excitement over it ion waxeth A\arm le case ■will be de- ch term of court. PRICES. : Best green cofiee, 15 cents lb, 1 best oil, 1.5 cents ga.!h)n, ;! cakes line tainily soap, 10 cents, t box line toilet, 1.") els, Arbnck-' les and Lions coffee, 2 lbs for 2.‘> cents, 1 cake line soap and silver spoon, 5c, <'eltdoid starch 5c package, and many other things too numerous to meii' - lion, ^Ve have added a new ^ line of Dry Goods to our stock, ('all and see us'..' Ha}mes & Co. ; m IIBiS MITEB, Win P§y 0 eerits per Psnnei, , CASH. The Elkin Shoe Co. Elkin, H. C. advertlsemenfeand tnink you can get the oest m^e, finest finish and — ^ ^,vov iMwuts, xiueso nnisn ana I MOST POPULAR SEWINC MACHINE ! for a mere sonpf Buy from reliable marrafactnrert I aa many imp rovementsas the N6w HOME WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. The New Home Sewing MacWne Co, San 1 EANCisco, Cal. Atlania, Ga. FOR SALE BY

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