J 1'A(;k fouu MEWS DECEMBER 20, i95: Award For Winners V’*^V' ■,'C ' > p . < - y < c c /■///• Rt.cKE.irio.\ /)/•;/’./A'y.v OA IlKKSI'iSE TEXTII.Iy. /. .. /<■ / . . 7',r. HAW- if - pUoiurf in prtu nttn^ a ' •y News In Urief (’i)ntinued From Paj;e 3 in>r holiday? with her parcnt> CeoFKia. hilf hartu/pilling in man Jdr Kxlraonlinary _ during the year of IIS - c, )!•■ O. =3 i A <■ 3 ■> ^ 0 ? ) -> <v ? > > Mrs. Edith Whidden, winder ten der, had as during the Thanksffiving holidays, Mrs. Mary Harmon. Mrs. I’earl Peel, winder tender, J. |{. Nix, knot puller, and Mr?, spent the week end with Nix .It the wofk rn.l of N»- p^ank Peel in Salis- veiiiln'c -I in Au^rusta, Ga- wiih J 'lelal.i . Mr. and Mrs. Han.i v Mrs. Mildred Shields, winder ten- .■\lilri.l>;i a< <'onipanicl them on this vi.<ited .Mrs. Beatrice .Alexan- I trip. der in King.< Creek, S. C. recently. ’ The eiiiployet'S I'f the Weaving Mrs. Helen Dellinjfer, winder ^ Department welcome Kalph Mjers, jenJer, visited the Black Mountain fixer, bark to work after l*ein^ out Sanatorium recently to take ! for several weeks. Christmas shifts to the patients I from the Women’s Missionary So- CLOTH ROOM ciety. >lrs. Margie Waldrep. cloth I.jr- Marshall Stephen.son Crnfful .\fjna(.^r •a» u ;s* t‘ <s* {I «E> y •>i' y <5 , ■>i; ' ^ 'O .» TWISTKU DOri'KUS l.ionanl Cretn, left, and Joe Sain, richt. are .shown almve |iai tiiipatin;; in one of Firestone Textiles many recreational activities. These youn;: men are at the moment .shiKit- iiiir at liilliard lialls; their lontr laiiiie “tarjret”. however, could well be the Firestone Texliies Achievenu'nt .\ward. partially shown in the liacksrround. This award is nov. beinc presenteil to all nieml>ers of winnin;; teams in the various aclix'ities sponsored by the Uec- reation Department. Something For The Youngsters J \ )\ :in,sp.-ctor, has I*-en J a ' ■ 1 • ,\ cently. Wishes for a -.J— ,-r ■ • jk h.i’ I ’ If” \ \ i‘> v '^‘■nt to him. I' '■ i' I ■. \ \ > '===— — ■/ I I New Ovei Y\ ^~ !> ler, and her husband. Jim. Carding of MiUhell Air Force. New ^ork Department, received a nice Christ- ^P^nt several days recently w.th mas package from their son. C. I_ »• Waldrep, who is serving on the Stephenson. U. S. S. Kearsarge in Korea. The items included in the package were QUALITY CONTROL three picture plates, clocks, roties. Miss Ruby Neely, inspector, i pajamas, table cloths, ar.d jackets, ^p^-ni the day of November 22 in C. I- received his first Firestone jit, HoHy, N. C. visiting friends. News recently and thoroughly <‘n- .Mrs. I’at Bentley, inspector, and joyed reading it. family visited her mother, Mr.s. M. Hugh Wright, overseer, his jj. Loudermiik the week end of De- I father, and Clee McCaslin, creeler, in Gainsville, Ga. spent the Thanksgiving holi.lays in Mrs. E.sther Green, inspector, Waynesville, N. C. spent a few days with her mother, Hobert Kogent, hernias machine >1 rs. George Mas.sey in Gainsville, o|H’rator, recently siH-nt a few days Ga., recently. with his mother, who has U-en, Ed.ard Dailey, yarn man, and •riously ill, in Franklin. N. C. his family spent the week end of Mrs. Nell IJobinson. cloth l-urler. Deceml'er 6 with his parents in , r<*cently receive<l word that her .Athens, Ga- I son. Max Robin.son. Iand.-d in San j Charlie Hipps. head ins,H^t«r, Francisco, Calif, from Japan on and his wife \isited his sister, Mrs. D«eniUr 8. Floyd Moore in Lenoir, X. C. the ' The small son of .Nichols, week end of De^mher 6. sccond hand, an.l Klheleen .Xirhnls. Mrs. Betty Thomas. >"S,^tor, has Uen quite ill rv- enjoyed the Thanksgiving hol.dajs siH^-.lv n>c..v- with her daughter, Mrs. Rol)ert Karris and family in Franklinton, ===ix. a Mrs. DeaKa Jaeohs inspector, 'had as guests during the Thanks giving holidays, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Martin McCarter, Jr., of ‘ Clenison College, S. C. Mrs. Fannie Bryant, wife of .\. C. Bryant, inspector, had the misfortune of breaking her arm re cently. .'frs. Bryant is expecting to have the cast removed soon. Overseer % JV . ^ IIKI,rl.V<; Santa Claus—These young ladies, from left to right, .Misses Sarah .Mercer, Barbara Ferguson, and C? rie Ferguson, have for .several weeks—in their spare time—been wrapping Christmas toys which will be distributed to Firestone boys and girls at the annual Chiklitii's Christmas Parties on Deceml>er 20. SCHEDULES I .SKCOM) SHIFT IIII.I.IARI) Mon., Dec. 211, Carding-Spinning Fri., .Jan. 2, Weaving-Twisting j .Mon., ,)an. 5, Weaving-Caiiling (;iui.s Bowi.iNt; i.ka(;i'k Tues., Dec. ;UI, .Main Office vs Spoiding Thurs., Jan. 1, Weaving-Twisting I vs Spinning-General 6:30 P. M. OLI.IK S. DI(;(iS. overseer of chafer fabric weaving, is a new man at F'irestone Textiles, hav ing just assunutl his present po sition with the Company. Mr. SHOP Mill Wright Marvin Cha.stain is a patient at the Gaston Memorial Hospital. Carroll J. Webb, mechanic, who recently came to work in the Shop ii k radio ham. Hit home U in Bel. mont and hU call letter* to his sta tion are WiRX. Marshall Gilbert, son of the late Uncle Bob Gill>ert, who was a faithful employee of the Company for many years, recently came to work here as a lathe operator. Some of the employi*es of the Shop are installing the Christmas lights on the tower. Plans for the ^ Shop's annual Christmas Party Diggs was a weaving o\er.-eer I made, and the Committee is composed of Mrs. Rosie Fran- rum -V. O. Dill, and Kd Foy. Sant:i Chius ua> uiUnnu the Girl ' ('lub on I iiesila) ;i noor, Dtii'Hil.er li. t-y a inittee of one—a llltle b.iv ii. ■Mi.-liUel Conrad. Mirliael. of I., oin Kixi r i:.i!.iriil C..i •\a 'hr fii't y.iuMu' li'i' to FIRST SHIFT BII.I.IARD 1., Dec. 2‘.l, Weaving-Shop vs General 30, Twisting vs Spinning .Mon., Jan. 5, Tvsistinrr vs (Jeneval and assistaiit superintendent at the Gold-Tex Fabrics, Inc., R»vl Hill, S. C., prior to coming to Firestone. Mr. Diggs and his wife, Kuby, I will make their home at 31-1 j North Boyce Street. They have a : married ilaughter. iTues., Dec URSl SHIFT OK K PINS ,\l.>n.. I' •■. Twisting v.i Spinning Wv.i., 1)><- Weaving-Sli.ip *1. Santa I’lnb. Dun!. : !• ire.-toii'. . -.eral b...i.l, ■ I 'lnisi I ■ ai' iia.I, talk >hc- I :.;t .Moil., Jan. ling V:^ S!;< ( \D SIM! 1 DI CK PINS ii.-s , !>' C. i'.t, I anlinir-T'.vi'ti' g u'. 1. Spiniiinj' W avine li. J..f. '!V: Sl-li!' WINDING The employees of Second Shift Winding t'ave Miss Georgia DaTts. ■•Mrder a wonderful going a vay shower. Mi.-s Davis will re- .-iide in Florida. .Mis-i -\da Anderson, winder ten- Getieral attended her fiance’' birthday Weav-ir' party November 27 and rep..rteij a wonderful time. Mrs. Ann Sleph^n'on. winde; ter.: ,.. ently spt-r.r. -e' -tal d.ivi i'l r! . - in, N. C w h her lotVer. M. ^ M. xvho . . 11. WAREHOUSE .\lbert .Meeks, cotton trucki and -Mrs. .Meeks visited in I.invi: and Grandfather Mountain recer ly. .Albeit spcni Thanksgiving Di< hunting with one of his friend Melvin Knox. Fred Gordon, laborer, has rt turned to his home from the ho'- pital and is showing much in,- provement. Fred hopes that he will l)c able to return to his work soo' .j The Center Baptist Church Sui. day School held a very successful convention rcceiitly. George Jackson and James An derson of the Warehouse Depart ment recently went rabbit hunting. It was reported that the hunt was very successful. The employees of the Warehouse wish to express their sympathy to Warehouse Employee Major Wood upon the death of his nephew, Billy Sanders, and like wise to Employee Lonnie Gwinn upon the death of his father, Will Guinn. Major Leaguer? BIM.Y EDDI.EMAN (H’KEN, l>etter known as "Doc”, is work ing during the winter months in the Men’s Club as an assistant. “Doc” is well known in base ball circles having just completed a successful year with the Wichita Falls, Texas, class “1!” baseball club. This up and com ing baseball player is owned by the Boston Braves and hopes to see major league action next year. During the past season he batted 332, hit 36 homeruns, and had 146 runs batted in. PERSONNEL Mrs. Fan Cooper, wife of Senior Time Study Engineer J. .M. (iMiper, visited in Boston, Mass. for two weeks. Mrs. Coojier flew to Boston a week liefore Thanksgiving aii:l returned Decemlier 6 with frieml- who were on their way to Floriiln The employc"s of Personnel IH- partment welcome Mrs. (Irate Reeves, visiting nurse, back '•'> work after two weeks of illni- SEC. 31.66 P. L. & R. r. S. rOSTA(JK PAID (;asto.m.\, n. c. PEK.MIT NO. 29 lighways in a year of mployment NO. 1 Cb ishej w'+u ^here. users every- be- charges the pa- of haviri^^'^’ fusion.” the trans- Doi ^ 1^6(1 Cross chair- ^ blood bank ^harlotte^f^^^ the agency in hi which anyone may citi very short notice. *^obile results of the blood- Gaston County '^^aled Mr. McKay re- ^^^>000 ^>000 of the county’s Co ^ad given blood, in several times. “When av^ pints of blood, J needed by each Korea,” he con- ^ the need for getting people out for these The ch which are working Mili« Textiles and Tren- t End Methodist, Presbyterian, Fire- Loray Baptist, ^^^linteer groups will supply Cro^c, ^®^®o«nel to assist the ^ when it visits this on Wednesday, January today for his invested authoiity to perform marriage ceremonies. If circumstances demand it he can prepare warrents and dispense summary justice in minor cases. However, in most cases, he trys through friendly and helpful advice to prevent infractions of the law, rather than pass judgement on petty offenders. just/ice UJ i/iie peace 111 iiitj uli duty hours. As a JP he is em powered, among other things, with the authority of perform ing marriage cerenu)iiies. Yet, with human nature what it is, Mr. Jordan never knows when he opens his door to callers whether their presence bodes good oi' evil for the community. his increasing regard for the wel fare of others. “To the vision of man’s power to direct his physical destiny, Harvey S. Firestone, Jr., coupled a I’e- ligious principle: every nation’s economic strength ultimately rests upon a spiritual brotherhood of all people. (Continued on Page 2) itinued tin ’53 highlighted by h as this new Firestone Tire ’t combine the the output of )Ilars has been estone during luipment, tire more economi- is report that, and methods ires give more tth natural and 11 be sufficient demands. And ce ample quan- rubber should, I developments ucing areas of 't a strong in- ' the price of a reasonable ! Government’s iched the point has enough na- rry it through it war. During ;he rubber in- from virtually trols. The only ontrol is Gov- of the syn- in the United ng operated by mpanies. Page 4) Be Listed f Gaston * tax lister, will ‘ January 5 to )perty for tax- 10 live in Gas- unty may see hese dates at and list their Kj'. x.ic raw requires that property—both real and personal —be listed annually before the last day of January. In addition to propei-ty taxes all male residents pf Gaston County between the ages of 21 and 50 (unless other wise exempted by the County Com missioners) must pay a $2.00 annual poll tax; a dollar more ($3.00) if they live in Gastonia. STEVE CANYON (By Milt Canifi LOOK CANVON SWEATINO D HlVA.^TfiVe/ V^I 60T A KCP ►IPN'T You 6lVe \OIOSS' PLA^M PIPN VOUK ^HARe OF blood for VOUP. CODNT^y WHEM YOU WEee ^MbT POWN PUeiN6 plasma KBPILL FROM iOtM: UNfCNJOWM AM6KICAM THE NeXT PAV... NOW A PINT OF PLOOP TOPAY/ it's there for YOU/ok AAE, WHEN WE NEEP IT M05T/ SUfZE! PDTTtm BLOOD IN THE REP CK09S BLOOPBANK MEANS CAN 6BT BLOOD-ANP QUICKLY-WHEN OUK PEPENP ON ITJ ' 'lo ^■Onpr£ I I

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