fire$fowe NEWS ^utea )rld’» i pro- icture f, efiti te and nds of )n pro ^ year. hoenix Hge of ■ trade- randed r Coin- fchem- /uction ilefensf els am flatabk i engini te-inch, I repair ^evelop- ^iiuction t wliich jlKins ol nsibilit) [for tb* V>. A n - ills calli ^peiidei.t ■j and t' )of tiff . ; for O' r linue 0 ‘chuiKi 5- I Uion j on * i i AUY Service Hiiroau is in contact with more than 1400 voes as they serve our country in the armed forces. Christ- .!i(i other remembrances arc sent to these men and women oil : VO of ab.sence from the Company. I i'or th(> Nib time in the last seven years, the National Safety Council t.' f I'onipany its DistinKuished Service to Safety Award, the f }. h,'^t hon>'i iriven l)v the Council for industrial safety. Also during the ’ I f .r.oiir AKi >’u plants set a new world record in industrial safety for the |:r7m;iiuif.i< iiiiin>r industry as they completed 5,300,000 accident-free ;r,i. I’roviHiis world .safety record holders in the tire industry were our at -Mi iiiphis and Pes Moines. A total Hi' 1S.366 men and women of Firestone and 46,509 dejiendents ,re pro!t i tl'd by our employees’ jrroup insurance plan which for the r ftiili I’lit $979,300 in death bonelita and $1,375,451 in disability and |-i;ijt.i!izatioii. Ill Ai'iii. Firestone became the first company in the rubber in- <:ryto iiiviie the Red Cross Bloodniobile to visit its Akron plant.s on a ■r^jbr basis. For two days every other month the Bloodmobile comes to ;r plants aiul Firestone employees have contributed 1,398 pints of blood :i establish an average of 139.8 pints per day against a quota of 125 :;r.ts. Other Fire.stone plants also are participating in this national pro- jam of the Rod Cross. IN COMiM.ETlNCi its thirty-fourth year of operation, our factory I'CfStion program paid out $59,378 for the 2,856 suggestions adopted by I;'?Compriiiy. Highest award of the year was presented to J. R. Lewis, jr.:!t>;i|re serviceman in the St. Louis District, for his suggestion for an jjrproved method of repairing punctures of mileage account tires. Employees in Akron worked 1,613 gardens with an average yield Iviiaed at $95. Prizes were awarded for the best and most productive prden.s. Vmith activities are encouraged by all Firestone plants. Most of them 3irrparticipating in Roy Scout work. More than two hundred Scouts entered ;hf award contest in Akron which was won by Fred Hoppstock, a member cf Fire.stone Troop Number 27. Em))l(»yee participation in recreational activities of the Company in iVron ;j!)il in our bninch plant.s was greater than ever. included 2 'f. tennis, bowling, basketball, .softball, horseshoes, swimming, archery, :r.iflel)()ar(l. table tennis, badminton, and bridge tournament.s, a.s as photography and choral work. IN THE I.VTEKEST of providing financial a-s.slstance to worthy .sons daujrhtcr.s of Fire.stone employees who .seek a college educiition, a .•CMlar.ship fund has been set up by The Firestone Tire & Rubber Comp;iny. The annual income from this fund will provide enough money to pay • full tuition, academic fees, te.vtbooks, and a substjintial part of the -• nt'cost.s of 15 new .students each year. After four years the fund will > providing support for 60 students annually. It is the sincere desire of the management of the F'irestone Company ■'it this scholarship program will make it po.ssible for the children of '-ny of our employees, who ordinarily could not alfcrd a college educa- ■ >!i. to ixnefit from advanced educational opportunities. 'Ve hope that these students who obtain a college education bwause j' the Firestone Scholarship Program will be able to make significant i^womicand .social contributions to their families, their communitie.s, and twir country. ^ In the year ahead, we fully expect the rubber Industry will make a sjjnantial contribution to the high level of activity which hWent economic barometers indicate for 1953. J !':<■ < :| I , KXl’l'KIENCE AM) I.OVAI.TV OF THE MEN AND WOMEN OF FiRESTONE AKf amiing the greatest assets of the organization. Lee R. Jackson, 1*KFS11)1:NT. IS SHOWN WITH OTHER DIRECTORS ON litS -fOTH ANNIVERSARY. Left to Rk;ht: John J. Shea, Mr. Jackson, Harvey H. Hollingek and Harvev s. Firestone, Jr. rniHrLCiiiim The h xtii.e pi.ants of the Co.mpanv supply practically all of the twe CORD RfgUIREMENTS OF THE DOMESTIC PLANTS AND SOME OF THE FOREIGN PLANTS. Si i.t I I'on ONE SON, ARY. AND hotography __ 1 it — you’re in- Camera Club. The M^room is available n Tuesday after- and printing- NO, rmit One Work iGth is H Ui2l Xikim E TIRE REIGN week’s t^mpJoyoe 'rilS i oy T. take their vacations i periods desired, em- the most company given preference, changes pointed er provisions of the vu- remain in effect— the provision for in the past, em- titled to vacations will nation pay as follows: ;led to one week of va- inued on Page icy ese is iy. As Firestone’s Plant Newspapers Win Annual Freedoms Award I’eceived THE Firestone Tir ave ,,'as ctwaraed t meaai In the Public Addr category for his talk, “The Bonds of Brotherhood”. iire & Rubber Compa S. Firestone, Jr., have ‘ Foundation. Mr. Firestone ^'hairman, Harvey the freedoms two high honors from was awarded an honor medal Ik, "Tb- s seven publica-' ' n o TH ^ - publications. The Company tions have been given the top award Company ^juoncat in the Employee Publications cate- gory of the Freedoms Foundation A 'ess r ( Awards Competition for 1952. E. Trainer, Vice-President "^®^nber ^wo charter ^®yan Firestone Wes Mrs V ch: W n —- The Wesleyan Methodist Church with its pastor the Rev. Dennard shown in the inset. J. vice-Fresident in Charge of Production, accepted the award for the Company at cere monies at =onarho'r/'“'^^4«<=«vecl Mai-y editor for per- F. B. W n vves-j members will be in their accus- many yeai’s^ for Firestone Tex- Hill ^and I tomed pews for these services, if before that for the Man- These 50-year j health permits. Mr. Waldrop work- (Continued on page 6) Freedoms _ J at Vaj Pennsylvania, Februar President E the awards. the which for seven the top awara in the Em- «... rreeaoms Foundation ployee Publication > headquarters at Valley Fors’e- ' Penna'"?!''’'”--“ President Eieha'rrNix™ Forge, presented publications award category The Firestone publications won the award in competition with several hundred other leading ^^...csury was given was: the Firestone Non-Skid, for employees of the home plants in Akron, Ohio; the Firestone Californian at the Los Angeles, California, plant; the Firestone Southerner, Memphis, Tennessee; (Continued on Page 2)