Ill Sorrl,, NEWS l'A• Ills liasic tai iiili ( '»-'-in;r u, «,-ss: IS,? I'. 55-:„ny,;^ J ‘"■t ‘ ^ S. C r L- it" iti(l jbattery li ,. , ^^^aylock, spin- j ’ ^as \ • .„■ ‘‘‘•'' 111 thi- Air j i| ill Hi- is iiiiK j, ■ '"'■"UMdlaii.l. Hi- . I'l **' fallows; A Jl ' : AK I , ' ''’'""I S.IA, Al’d i , ’ ■ Voi li, V VS ii ■•- ! li r It' ImtI I-*" .l:iut:l''>'l- “I'"* •"*’ :iav.Uil ihioush I'oiSs- aml Vinrii'ia .; Kitlv II «■’< •ll'l 1 ('aiolina, on thoir iroliinxm liis of ihfir va<’ilioii , ( .. It' , T.ndii l.iiinarH Capiis. n - .1 lU ilav furl -. ' !'■ lit- lias n'tiii iu il j., • ('alifoini >. vif llj'rH>. s|>,<-.l. i trii.i.T, till' »ifl. Ilf .liiir ;;.iy M; >“H "f IJiiinn ra!;l.v.:T an*! liricc'. T«inline. i:iaii Junior r. May 0 H i:\si > INNING K «Ha riillvns, ioIKt pil’krr, •ar. Iy 'j-i»l Mrni«*i ial innrr, an*! his M»r». 'pin»>tT, >pi*nt a f«*w f *hvir vacation at F<»ntana ' T. n.r'H itsnn. huslianti of • Kthil HoWrtson. spinnrr, an operation r»*r«*ntly. I'hfs fnr a v|HMMiy rtTovriy. '■ a’.«! Mi>. Ki-nnfth Ilarkfi ra;.>tt«'villr air visitirij: thr '* I'arrntv^ .Mr>*. Pauline *y jpiiJUT. ami lU'lon llanna, ''■US Ovpartmvnt. "ffn I»a\id HiU. his wifr, an»l tnjoyvd a \von»h*fful va- Kl'ifhla ncriilly. Man John Fr«*rman bafl ■ imiovril r. fiih*r, an»l Mrs. **♦'. ur.*!* I‘Avnt H V4*ry svrinvi^ R M-ontly. She ha.' n*- • to hfr home and wou!‘l like *• from hvr frion^l*. l.>di;i «pi!iner, anti Man John havis attfnx an»i nuun)» and f«*rl •*vr. I*h'’lips. -pinner, and hei ’• M IJiH (’oiirad. enter- * ^p of friends on Kri- Thr orra'-ioi) honoirtl ' dri on of Urnfu tl' . '-rrnrrly of (ia>toiiia. I -hridue, 'pinnn. ui\* priatioii at thr (ia.'-- *1 tl'ispita! rrrrntiy. * -V* f'*i a spi^^'dy rrrover\. m-s. il„ff,.|. >prnt hi' - *}r Soiitln'in llapli'-^ llou'ton. Tr.\a>, and Aiahania, l.oui~iana. I?. Pirrcy, hrothrr «»f Sec.ind Hand K. I'. Piercy, is thiinjj nirrly after a serious operatioii in the (u'nrral Hospital at Spartanour^, S. ('. Anothrr hrothrr of llrnrrtti, N. is preparing: for surjrery at the Uaptisl Hospital in Winston- Sa!<*m. Hest wishes for a spertly r«‘covery. Doffer Jark (luffey has n'tuin *d to \v«*rk afliT s*/veral weeks of illness. He was in the Memorial Hospital in ('iiarlottr. Ihiffer William MrCtinnis yr~ coverin*r from an operati»»n at tV • Memorial Hospital in ('harlotte. J. n. N'alentine, son of Mrs. Minnie Valentine, spinner, and a rising: senior at (I.If.S., ha< hren seleeted as a drlr^atr to P»ovs Statf* at thr I'nivrrsitv of North ('arolina at ('hap<‘l Hill. Jiinr 11- ifl, sponsoriMl 1)V the American I/ejrion. Uo\ie ShuUr, spinner, recently purehaNed a new home on (‘reseent I.ane. Mrs. I.ela Panther, spinner, wishes to thank all of the em- phiyei'S of the Shop for their kind ness ilurinjr the illness of her hus- Irind. Hill Panther. Mrs. Viola Alexander and ilauirhters visited thr rampus at V.S.C. at Chapel Hill. whrr»* Kii- jjene Alexander is a stinh-nt. He is majoring in Physical h.dueation and is also the son of \\altinner. and her husi»and niotorrd to th<- mountains on Iheir vacation re cently. SPOOLING GHvnn Hardin, Ix’ani iloffiT. vprnl Itis Vjiiatioii in Kraiiktin. N'. C. Mrs. |{h«'s for a s;ii-rtlv ii'iovrry. S«s. ~|iool<-r ti-nihr. riii nlly spi nt a wn'k in Norfolk. Va. Mrs. MaKL’i*- I" il. r. spi nt tli«’ »« ' l' N. 111.' I'liiiil' liaM rk: Itiiyrt \|rl»anii'. ll, w.> < lark. M.l r> Mr \lM-f. i:»a Mai ll.irri-. \ilnia Small. lloiM-X cut 1. . lutir A tfr *.f I.on Iia - Jnnjrd ' lln p.l-. pinnri 1' J TWISTING <;rad> llurrh. t»i' trrnh *. of Juri** lrn«ht L.'l„\ilh Mrs. Faye Mc(!aha. wife of Kennrth Mr<;aha. twister tenon. rivlaimrr, is in tlie ( ton Memorial H<»spital. Mrs. Ilixie <;riKj;s, reclaimer, and Vinccnl Crii'ijs, twi. I’l at Wild Acres r.ear Marion, N. C. This trip was sp<»nsorrd hy the Civitan <'!ul» of (lartonia. He wrs s«d«‘ctid t« >ro to Wild .\stonia Hi^h School. He will attend the Hoys St:i1<* at Chapel Hill. J;uir I I to IJI. with i'ichl other lioys fi«*nsored hy thr .\merica!i I.«‘^^ion «if <*astonia. Coy Kr«-e. fixer. Mrs. Kmma Krrre, rr>po»»U‘r, and Mary Hall s|H*nt thr week end in Statesville with thr latter’s sisters, Mrs. T. T. J*»n and Mrs. Clyde I.ittle. Mr. ar;d Mrs. (J*iy K<‘emim of W'a~hi»»;:ton, I). (\, visiteistrr, Mrs. Klease Cole, r«Tlaimrr. Miss Mildrrd Hanna and Willis Hanna, datiirlitrr and son «»f Mrs. ' Malde Hanna, tie-in-hand, spent :thr wrrk rnd at Myrtlr Hrach. I Kidynn has rrtunu'd to his ! homr aft* r a rrcrnt oprrati»»n at [thr hospital. ! Mrs. Virginia Hradlry, respool- : rr, hrr htishand. Prtr, anil son, ' Kickir. >iH'nt thr wrrk rnd visit- ii;»r Mr. an«i ^irs. i.r-*nri ( arvrr in Ashrville. J. (*. Oisp. ovrrhau!<’r. has re turned to his work after a reci*nt illness. Mrs. Ilessir ( ha'^lain, respooh'r, has rrtuinrd to woik aftrr a wrrk ttf vacation. Jr>s Shehane, twister temler. Mrs. ShrhaTie, Harol-l. anp«Muiinir the I >unn»M*r holidays with Mr. and I Mrs. Paul Cahle of Hampton. Va. Twi-'ler Tender l.uther .\lfo*'d, Mrs. Alford, an.l >on >peiit t'le i wrrk • nd at Myrtle Heach. j Mis' i:ul»y **elers and Mrs. S^e ‘1 Flrtrhrr, tir-in-hand<, t'f \vr<*k rnd visiting' thi- latti’i s *vistiT, Mr, and Mrs. Tlrnmonl Smifh and famib' iti Hrminrway, S. C. SrcMiid Hand < lainlr 'l'a\lor and !Mr>. lVl.on:i Ta%U»r. >plic*i. cn- jtixrti .1 pii’nii' al P.i iili:i’\'aU‘r on Sumlay. -luni' 7. j M: Aniiii' Siii'laii is siumlini: till -a.ilioii with hrr hrothrr. Jai'k Sutton, twi'tir trmlir. iiii'l I (lailion Svrri(v oriM) CIIAMHKKS, li^rhl, of t!ie W«avinjr Dtparlment, talk.-; to Uccreation Director Ualph Johnson ahoiu his vacation informa tion (juestionaire—a new servic;.* of the Hecieation Dcparinient. Mr. ('hamhers, at the time this i)ictuie was taken, was planninjr a trip to -Miami, Fla. He reports since returninjr that the information he receivrd helore dipaitinj: on hi«:Jnvay routes, scenic places, etc., was of real value to him ;-r.d his family. Twister Tender Alton Webb and The followinjr people were wel- Mrs. Viida Webb, winder tender, comed as new employees to th< visited her sistir in an .-\sheville j Twisting; Depaitment: Ja Am hospital ami then journeyed on to j Hope, Joyce \ and*‘rf*»rd, Kllei. Si>co Mountain to thr Indian Ilesev- jCanmm, and Kdith i'olvard. j Mrs. Fannie Humphries, re- Mechanic lluberl l^«d>inson. ..laimer. Twister Tender Hill Hum- Mrs. >!ary Kobinson. respoolrr, j phries, their daughter, .Mr. an< and dauj:hter visited relatives in j Vernon Hawkins, and theii Hickory recently. sort spent Memorial Day a' Mrs. Margie Turner, respooler, j Chimney Rock, an.l ianiily rw.-ntly spent a ililr,-n. I anil Mrs. 1). 1- Urowcr spent the ■i4; (•:■.:! =:; 'la. .-,..-n! I'^lfvator t)p»*ralor Kussell ('arp-}^^^’ "'et'k end with his hiothiT ent. r and Mrs. Kuth < arpcntir. ro- :‘ Hr* "**-, doffor. and Mrs. S»l- spoolor. rtv.-nllv nlehrafd their '*«■ »re«.T. respooler. an* .vilS. . Mr". Fhnina Sutlon. ,||, i, I...II... in I "V Ml-. in a niti .!> I ‘ *1 \ 'Ih*. \ ‘ Uulh lhi:;he~. t. -i ‘ 17th wedilin;: anniversary. Mrs. Dot ItalMT. respooler, at tended the weililinc of her father, I’anl Harper iiml Mrs. Iloy San ders on .lune at the First liap- tist Church in York, S. Spt'eder Tender U. Deatim a?id .Mrs. Ida Deaton, respooler. anil their family visited relatives in Biscoc, X. C. Mrs. Itulh Hardee. resp*»oler, and Mari>arel Hudson, winder ten der. spent a day at the Hlne Itidtre Parkway and .\sheville re cently. Mrs. 'I'rula Hall, re.spoolei’. and her husliand, Koy, are takinjr iheir vaeation. Twistfr Tender (Jvnr llutler. .Mrs. Ksllier Hutler. respooler. and chililien are speiidin^r their vaea- lion at Daytona Heaeh. Kla. Mrs. Kl«iy Green. respooU'r. and her husband were in Caffney, .S. refi'iitly on a business trip. Twister Tender .lames Smith. Mrs. Wilma Smith, tie-in-hand, and dantrhter spent a week of vaeation in New ^ ork with Mr. and Sirs. Kreil Ilayes. They reported a Uvon.lrrful time while there. They j visited New Yo. k City, nrooklvn. Manhattan. I'nion City. New I.r- si-e. Coney Island. Kockwav liiaeli, I ami the Knipiie .Slate Huildinjr. I They also saw the Yankees plav , Wa'hinirton. j Setlion >lan lunior janil fainiK -pe Sparl'inl.u \'- ■falhiv. <».eond Hand \'adc > I ra Slilt'. I. I’l'oii T«ister Tender J. U. Easier ha< week-end >ruests recently. Mr. and Mrs. .\. V, Hardie and daujrh- ti'r from .\ndrews, N. C. Mrs. .loan Stilt's .Sells, respooler spent the week end with her hus band in Tampa, Fla. Mr. Sells i; leavintr for overseas duty. Mr. and Mrs. John Lynn, .Mr. aiu’ Mrs. Jean Mason, and dautrhtei .spent the day with Mrs. Marii Kocle, respooler, at her home oi the I'nion Koad recently. Doffer James Smith and hi; wife, Wilma, enjoyed their tripi ti New York, inspite of the fact thai Mr. Smith dot lost several time, on the New York Subways. Mrs. Xell Dean spent the weel. end recently at Myrtle Heach. S. ('. Dverseer HoWrt .\ldridue abni) with his son-in-law Charle.^ Kayloi and Twister Tender Walter Dock ery, spent the day fishing recently II seems that the fish were no' bitinc U'cause they cane homt empty handed. Twister Tender Jack SuKon am Mrs. Klmina Sutton, respoolei. spent llu* wei'k t.|id vi.-itiii)r lela- ti'es in I.amar, S. C. Twister Tender Horace Hau*i^ hi- vacation paiittiiiir h: home in I.ove Ilei*rh|s. Mr». tiertrude ItraTilej. , .. ai..l l:u-' ai .1 :ilti n.I. 'l a Sur.'l f Scliool . I. I- on Sun ,l:iV. Mav H t that b*tti I i-rs drift P*P'^ .. KircsloaJ forW ^ tton H*’ .ubniit it t OLl MK M movies have • to five hun- their families Join the fun by attending NO. 13 SIKIWN al>ove an ^ ijii. Thi.< picture wa.3 [ f eveninjr, L. J. ' Lggestion J. Alger 3n system” might '0 by a recognized uggestion systems a director in the iaking before this 'Ointed to the “dor- )lants—which need through the plant I- J. .\U.KK of "e of tho plant si;| jl'- l.eft to ri»rht rler.lent; .Mr. Alvr< ■“I iclations dir^‘«:t^: mp.:r.y. >>( Nylon H 'tone .50f cts. 1 channel of ex employees to top nd help the super- 1 to encourage the free-flow of prof- d thus aid in en- falue to the Com- emselves. as a most import- the employee rela- JCING the speaker, Cer Harold Mercer that though this enviable record in ion, bond buying, gged behind other 'ompany in the use suggestion system. g;nize,” said he, “the textile industry is e rubber industry -■fers relatively less r new ideas, I am \i'i p.-i f Mr. Alger; Mr. Mercer; Robert Hull, quality control engineer; anci i, ±}. ipocK, jr., muus- director. Mr. Alger is director of the suggestion system for the Firestone Tire & Rubber -^^l^pany. First Nylon Cord Tubeless Tire - The i^estone 500 - Developed By Company nylon f’iRST TUBELESS TIRE to be developed with high-strength combining the safety features of tubeless tire con- June 25th"^k'^ extra strength of the nylon cord was announced Rubber* n ^ Jackson, Presiden^^ of The Firestone Tire & Company. liubber « ^onstrn-4--- *^®^Pounds and new this of one ProvS which t capable the T races ever Speedway h.. ”?^^apolis Motor thig , 6 been incorporated as ‘Pi firestone 500 " wMch has b';:; approp- >^d;Tthn'r ae- '’^^ckson. said Mr. ^ first tire y designed for contin- is def ever de- uous high speeds with long wear and greater safety.” This is the third of the tubeless passenger car tire lines which Firestone has introduced. The “Firestone 500” will be offered at a price slightly above that of the lowest - priced rayon DeLuxe Champion tubeless tire which Fire stone has been producing for the last year. (Continued on Page 2) Service Awards FIFTEEN YEAR PINS Spooling Mildred W. Redding. TEN YEAR PINS Spooling Bessie E. Wells Twisting William U. Allen Orbie D. Chastain Bonnie L. Marsh C. Weaving Anthony Holdt^n William C. Smith Annis Myers Plastic Dip Reese Berryman l lIK KIHST Tl H rd thu s con with tht th l.y I Company compoun featur> ’Ve«' them.*el. lintf the d on Page 2) (Continued on Page 2) FIRESTONE TEXTILES EXHIBIT—In cooperation with the Gastonia Chamber of Commerce and the merchants of this city, the industries of Gastonia were invited to place displays of their products and other items of interest in designated store windows for one week during June. Firestone Textiles had a window in Maxwell Brothers Morris furniture store, as partially shown above The exhibit was designed to feature the Firestone Supreme Tire and the fabrics from which it—and other Firestone tires—is built. Fabrics exhibited included nylon tire fabric, rayon tire fabric, and cotton enameline duck. Yarns from the Sales Yarn Department on display included samples of knitting, warp, and plied yarns on dytex tube cone, and Franklin spring put-ups. ’