The United Fund Drive in the plant starts November 9th and ends November 30th. All charity drives are consolidated in this one big annual effort. Be a generous giver—either by cash or payroll deductions. VOLUME II Tire$lon« GASTONIA GASTONIA, N. C., OCTOBER 25, 1953 A half-dozen bowling leagues offer excitement and competitive thrills to Firestone folks of nearly every age. If you like to bowl— or would like to try—join a league team and enjoy the fun of match- game bowling in the Men’s Club. NO. 19 WITH the new bowling season underway, the alleys above, located in the Men’s Club, are the scene of spirited activity as individuals, teams, and leagues vie with each other for top positions. Match games between various teams in plant leagues get priority of the alleys. Alleys Readied For Daily Rush Of Duckpin Bowling Enthusiasts I>UCKPIN BOWLING, a very Popular fall and winter activity sre, was officially ushered in on ctober 19, when Weaving-Twist- defeated Main Office. These I'^anis, members of the Girls’ Bowl- League, are captained by Mrs. Rice and Mrs. Bobby Bald- respectively. •According to last season’s rec- approximately 200 Firestone (employees and family mem- participated in league bowl- That mark may be exceeded year inasmuch as a new Teen- Girls’ League has been added ^ tile league-lineup which now in- ^ 'ides, in addition to the Teen- Girls: the American, Ladies’ ^oneer. Little, Firestone Girls, ^departmental leagues. 16-week bowling season will erne thy School Sets Big Carnival Self Halloween Carnival is at for Friday, October 30, 6 ^ “srnethy School beginning at tijg The event is sponsored by the ^^^nt-Teacher Association of Proceeds from the car- be used for school im- including the suppli- of the school lunch fund. r. t) T are ' Jr., and Roy Davis fig^ ^inong plant personnel who Prominently in this P-TA of ^ I Ipock being in charge th, Pubi dir, ^^ity and Mr. Davis being for of stage entertainment ^ ® evening. events will include fort^^ l^ween favorites as Bingo ® telling, apple bobbing, ^^^'the-beans, blackface com- '^^ke walking. Capping the ^I’ivolities will be the prince and princess P’^ittiary and grammer di- Abernethy School. be highlighted by a number of tournaments which include such novelties as a “His and Her” tour nament, and “l-ball” alley scraps. At season’s end there will be additional tournaments to pick individual and team champions. Regular league games will be play ed at 10:30 a, m., and at 6:30 and 7:00 p. m., according to the week ly posted schedule drawn un by the Recreation Department. Tenpins, which is a poor second in popularity here, will be played after Christmas. Firestone Men Lead Volleyball League The Firestone Men’s Volleyball team, part of the National Volley ball League, holds a commanding lead at this writing in league com petition. The team under the lead ership of Captain Sam Honeycutt has scored 16 wins against 3 de feats to date. Safety Slogans Can Net Prizes For Authors In Plant Contest “THIRTEEN” will be the lucky number of winners in the Safety Department’s “Safety Slogan Contest” to run during the month of November. First prize will be 25 dollars, second prize—15 dollars, third prize—10 dollars, and fourth through tenth prizes—5 dollars each. Add them up and you have 13 prize winners in a contest that’s wide open to all employees with no restrictions on the number of entries an employee can make. Safety Director L. B. McAbee is^ confident that a large number of employees will enter what promis es to be a spirited and exciting matching of wits in the effort to come up with the best and most appropriate safety slogans. “Turn in all the safety slogans you can think of,” suggests Mr. McAbee, “the one you believe least likely to win might come through a winner.” Each entry must com ply with the official rules which follow: 1. All employees of the Gastonia Plant are eligible to enter the con test. 2. Slogans must be entered on official entry blanks. 3. The safety slogans will be judged on both quality and origin ality. Slogans copied from others will not be accepted. 4. The length of the slogans is limited to ten words or less. 5. There is no limit as to the number of slogans each person may turn in. however, each slogan should be entered on a separate entry blank. 6. The prizes to be awarded are as follows; First Prize $25.00 Second Prize 15.00 Know Your Reporter Community Fund To Be Consolidated With Greater Gastonia United Fund THE EMPLOYEES’ COMMUNITY FUND, launched so successfully last January, has been tied-in with the Greater Gastonia United Fund, according to an announcement by General Manager Harold Mercer. This means that a plant-wide drive for funds will be held in November, to coincide with the United Fund drive in Greater Gastonia, rather than in January of 1954 as would have been the case had the city not gone into the United Fund. ^ Our employees were generous in our first united drive, pledging $11 696.42 to the various recogniz ed agencies,” explains Mr. Mercer. At the time of our first drive last January we told employees that we would have only one united drive each year. We did not know then, however, that Greater Gas tonia would decide to join the United Fund and hold a drive be fore our plant would normally have conducted its own annual drive. “The Greater Gastonia United Fund Drive will be conducted from November 4 through November 20,” Mr. Mercer continued, “and we feel justified in stepping up the date of our annual drive to run ap proximately concurrently. Thus, our plant drive will be held in November—November 9 through November 30—and will coincide each year hereafter with the Great er Gastonia drive.” Mr. Mercer also announced that General Superintendent Nelson Kessell would again act as chair man for the United Fund drive at this plant. The same plan of solici tation as used last January will be used for the forthcoming drive, ac cording to Mr. Kessell. A corps of solicitors representing each department and shift will per sonally contact employees. The em ployee will be given a card on which are listed all the charities which were listed in the first drive plus several new ones which are included in the Greater Gastonia United Fund Drive. As was the case in the first drive, the em ployee may earmark his contribu tion as he sees fit, specifying the amount he wishes to give to each organization. If prefe^-red, the con tributor may indicate that he wants (Continued on Page 2) MRS. FRANCES HUFFMAN, Twisting Department reporter, is a newcomer to the ranks of news reporters from Firestone News. Mrs. Huffman who has worked for Firestone five years as reclaimer finds her news paper work both interesting and informative. (Continued on Page 4) I c. TO YOUR EMPLOYEES COMMUNITY FUND THIS is the group of solicitors who helped raise more than 11 thousand dollars in the first Community Fund Dr A similar group will conduct the United Fund Drive, of which the Community Fund is now a part, starting November ive last January. 9.