Gastonia’s annual “Clean Up— Paint Up—Fix Up Week” starts April 18. Let’s do our share to make this a “City of Growing Beauty." Tireslone GASTONIA “I Speak For Democracy,” title of Miss Elizabeth Ellen Evan’s winning speech in a national “Voice of Democracy” speiech con test, appears on page 2 of this issue. VOLUME III GASTONIA, N. C., MARCH 25, 1954 NO. 5 Industrial Safety, Management Courses Set At G. T. L; Students Praise Current Series the fifth and sixth in a series of Industrial Management courses start on March 30, and April 1, respectively, at the Gaston Technical Institute. The fifth course in the series is entitled Industrial Manage- ■^ent, instructor to be announced. The sixth and last in the present series, Industrial Safety, is to be taught by T. B. Ipock, Jr., industrial relations director of this plant. These courses are being offered^; to any and all interested persons m this area. No formal educational requirements have been set up to govern admittance to these classes, although they are presented under the sponsorship of N. C. State College, the level of instruction and course content comparing favor- S'bly with those at the college. When the approximately 30 stu dents now enrolled at the institute finish all six courses (some have already completed four) they will receive from N. C. State College a Basic Certificate in Industrial Management. If sufficient interest IS shown in the remaining courses to be offered, another round of In dustrial Management courses will be offered to the public in this ^rea, according to James Mason, director of the institute. teachers for these courses ^re either State College professors, or are approved instructors from industry in this area. In every in stance the instructor, if from in dustry, is as well qualified from the educational point of view as a professor from State would be. Students taking the courses come from textile plants as opera- tives and supervisors, from the city’s utility department, and from business establishments in general. From all indications they like what they’ve been learning at GTI. hese comments are typical; Says John S. Jenkins, Jr., gen- eral foreman, Jenkins Metal Shop Gastonia, “The Industrial Man- (Continued On Page 4) & blackboard SESSION—Instructor D. B. Mattox, left, has Student Sam Honeycutt, Quality Control Department, explain a rather intricate graph in the Quality Control class at Gaston Technical Institute. Mr. Honeycutt is one of several Firestone employees enrolled in the Industrial Management series at the institute. Quality Control is one of the six courses being offered in the series. N. C. Safety Award Firestone Textiles has re ceived the North Carolina De partment of Labor Safety A- ward for the seventh consecu tive year, according to informa tion received by Safety Director L. B. McAbee. Formal presen tation of this and similar a- wards to other Gaston County industrial plants will take place Friday night, April 9, at the Chamber of Commerce Safety Banquet in Gastonia. Model Safety Glasses te LEILA RAPE, inspector, and Edward Watson, twister among the first purchasers of prescription safety ^nder the revised purchase plan which was adopted at this ;^der, ^sses Pl&i^t Jo the ^^ary 1. Under the new plan the Company pays $5.00 on each pair of prescription safety glasses, and the IS allowed to select from a wide variety of dress frames for loyee his prescription lens. Easter Sermce On Girls' Club Lawn Scheduled AN Easter Sunrise Service will be held on the lawn of the Girls’ Club at 7 a. m., on Easter Sunday, Apirl 18. The service is sponsored by the churches of the Firestone Community and the Recreation Council and Department of the plant. Rev. R. M. Hardee, pastor of West End Methodist Church, will preside, and other ministers from community churches will take part, Music will be furnished by the Community Singers under the di rection of A. A. Gaddis, Carding Department second hand. Doughnuts and coffee will be served following the service. Plant Receives New Booklet - - 'Rubber’ A new booklet entitled “Rubber” has been received at this plant for distribution to visitors, school children, and employees if they re quest them. The booklet was especially prepared to furnish au thentic and up-to-date information on the subject for school children. Local schools will receive a supply of these booklets from this plant. Visitors to the plant will receive copies as souvenirs, and employees who want copies may get them at the Firestone News office. Joseph Thomas To Speak At Annual All-Sports Banquet JOSEPH THOMAS, Secretary and General Counsel and a director of the Firestone Tire & Rubber Company, will be the speaker for the annual All-Sports Banquet on April 24, according to an announcement by General Manager Harold Mercer. The banquet honors those employees—individuals and teams—who have distinguished themselves in the plant sports and recreational program for the year 1953. Approximately 300 employees will be so honored. The speaker was born in Akron,O' Ohio, January 29, 1893. He was educated in Akron public schools and was graduated from the Uni versity of Akron in 1914 with a Ph. B degree. He then entered Ohio State University Law School and received his LL.B degree in 1917. He was admitted to the Ohio Bar after being graduated from law school and engaged in general practice in Akron. His professional career was interrupted during World War I when he served dur ing 1918-19 with American Expedi- tioning Forces. Upon being discharged from the Army, Mr. Thomas returned to his Akron law practice and continued in this field until 1943 when he joined the Firestone Tire & Rubber Company as General Counsel, serv ing in that capacity until 1947. In 1947 Mr. Thomas was named Secretary and General Counsel of The Firestone Tire & Rubber Com pany and its subsidiaries. In 1951 he was named a director of the Company. He served as President of the Akron Bar Association in 1928 and has been President of the Akron Law School since 1938. * * * ACTIVE in community affairs, Mr. Thomas is President of Com munity Service Center, Inc., is H JOSEPH THOMAS, Secretary and General Counsel of The Fire stone Tire & Rubber Company. trustee of City Hospital of Akron, Old Trail School and of the United Foundation of Akron. He is Presi dent of the Akron Automobile Club and a director of the Ohio State Automobile Association. A member of Masonic bodies, Mr. Thomas was Monarch of Yusef (Continued On Page 2) Sets Long Service Record MISS VERNA MAE GREER, Cashier of The Firestone Tire & Rubber Company, was . honored Monday (March 1) for being the first person to complete 50 years of service with the Company. Among the many flowers, gifts and messages received from all over the world, the highlight of the day was the presentation by Harvey S. Firestone, Jr., Chairman, of the Company’s gift of a $1,000 check and a sparkling brooch—a circle of diamonds set in platinum and closed at the top with a bow knot of diamonds. She is shown here receiving the pin from Mr. Firestone. To Miss Greer, who retired on the same day, goes the distinction of being the only woman in Akron’s rubber industry ever to observe her golden anniversary of service for her company.