PAGE 8 MAY 18, 1955 Anniversary Program Ends On Festive Note 'L/ ON THE CLOSING day of Ihe anniversary pro gram. employees and members of their families were treated to a barbecue on the new Company parking lot. TWIN DAUGHTERS of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Ramsey came to take part in the fun. Linda and Brenda, 8 years old, sample the food. MRS. MELVIN KNOX, daughter Michael and son Garland get started with their plate of barbecue. Mm UNDER THE big circus tent Mrs, Harold Burgess and son Charlie join the festivities. Charlie huffs and puffs on a souvenir balloon. PAN HANDLE Peet, famed one-man band of stage, radio and television, drew applause for his unusual brand of entertainment. AFTER HAVING finished her plate of barbecue, Juanita Smith, student at Armstrong School, turns attention to her Firestone souvenir balloon. RED BRIDGES, "King of Barbecue," adds his personal approval to the food which he and his associates prepared for the occasion. THOUSANDS danced on the closing night of the mammoth celebration. The dancing pavilion was a part of the new parking lot, in the shadow of the plant. FUN AND FROLIC are mirrored on these faces as the square dancers got ready for the contest from which three winning couples were chosen. THE EVENING of merrymaking captured the at tention of the Murry twins, Brenda and Linda, who were escorted by Grandfather D. R. Vernadore. THE CAROLINA Playboys band furnished rollicking music which kept the dancers going until near midnight. SOME COUPLES, like this one, tired of folk dancing and shifted to a more modern form—jitterbugging. OTHERS GREW weary. Here Teresa Ann Chastian sleeps in the strong arms of her daddy, W. H. Chastian. PRIZE DANCERS were. First; Jo® and Annie Lou Harmon; Second: and Mrs. H. A. Cauthen; Third; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bradley.