OCTOBER, 1955 Tire$ton« MSWJ PAGE 7 Plant Watchman Vergil Stiles saw his two tomato plants grow into six-foot giants and yield almost two bushels of fruit. Some of the tomatoes were approximately three inches in diameter. They kept growing into September. Watchman Who Turned ‘Green Thumb’ Raised Prize Tomatoes Here Last Summer For more than 20 years now Firestone Textile has been turning out quality products of the tex tile industry. And this summer just passed one of the employees added to the plant’s history an other story of achievement; Some of the world’s ^®st quality tomatoes. Vergil stiles, first shift watchman at the Plant’s main gate, had, for several summers, taken note of the tulips and chrysanthemums in small plot near the safety record board. For time they’d been failing to do their best. Jle figured that the flowers were not adapted ^0 the soil, even though it was quite fertile. So last June, Stiles obtained from Alvin Riley Quality Control, and a successful gardener, some plants of the Oxheart variety and set them ^0 grow where he could watch over them while duty at the main gate entrance. ^nder his careful nurture, the plants grew yell—so well in fact that they reached six feet height at season’s end. They were supported by stakes and tied with discarded spinning tape. foliage grew so dense that the tomatoes when full-grown could not ripen properly. The watch- plucked them periodically and set them ^■ripening on the window sill of the gate booth. ALL DURING late summer employees on tha way to and from work watched the tomatoes grow red. And often they would stop to receive one at the hand of the generous gardener. “Best ever,” was the comment of many who sampled the fruit. The grower pointed out that the quality in this variety accounted for the firm texture of the fruit and the absence of “a lot of juice.” Stiles estimated that the two plants yielded almost two bushels, most of which he passed on to fellow employees and his neighbors around 1015 West 3rd Avenue. The watchman, who intends to experiment further with tomatoes next summer, is a veteran gardener at home. There each season he raises okra, beans, peppers, potatoes and other vege tables. ONE OF the original group of 20-year em ployees here, Stiles has been a watchman since World War II. Before that, he was a boiler fire man. His father, Manuel Stiles—once a watch man here—is now retired from the Company. Vergil’s first cousin, Wade Stiles, is also a 20- year record holder. And Vergil’s brother, Willard, is in the Weaving Department here. After 20 Years: A Ride On Horseback ★ ★ ★ Score of years is a long time someone to suspend an avid hobby. So think Ben Davis, ^en’s Club clerk, and his broth- Grady, employed in Carding, they decided one day last ®^mmer to renew their love for o^ses by going riding over some the bridle trails around hirnney Rock, near Asheville. It Was a thrill to get back in ® saddle again, they both Agreed. The DAVIS BROTHERS (left) and Grady re- an old love for horses ^®st Summer. '^HEIR INTEREST in horses ^ates back to youth when they on a farm in Cleveland ^ounty^ near Shelby. With a Jeatn they hauled lumber from sawmills of the region, ogged farmed. And often the business of making a living got in the way of their riding any more, until last summer. Ben and Grady have another brother who works at Firestone. He is Roy Davis, a clerk in the Weave Room. Whe ^ide the saddle horse. •''nen the family moved to pstonia in 1916 they had to ^ave their horses behind. And Your safety is our business at Firestone. Stop, look and think Safety. Community Fund Drive to Open —From Page I Mr. Firestone, who was na tional chairman of United Com munity Campaigns of America in 1954, has also served as presi dent of U.S.O., board member of the National Society for Crip pled Children and Adults, mem ber of International Committee of the YMCA and the Interna tional Chamber of Commerce. INQUIRING REPORTER What Memory Of Childhood Or Youth Does The Month Of October Suggest? The tenth month is a month of memories. Here these employees recall their happiest experiences of childhood and youth—in October. Edna Harris, Carding—Getting settled to the routine of school and then attending the round of fall parties, especially Hallow een parties, make very pleasant memories of childhood in Octo ber. Even now I just love to dress up for a Halloween cos tume party. Joel William Jordan. Cloth Room—My fondest recollection —takes me back to hunting as a youth in October—a sport I have followed ever since. Rabbits and squirrels have always been my favorite game, usually hunt ed with a .410 shotgun. S. A. Buchanan, Shop—Best memories of my youthful days in October are corn huskings, bean stringings, log rollings and fence building in Swain County, N. C. These things, with au tumn parties, made up our social life in the mountain country. Margaret Whitener, Rayon Weaving — the annual county fairs stand out best in my memo ry as something I looked for ward to in childhood in October. The things best remembered about fairs were the rides and other forms of entertainment, and candied apples. Corene Lewis, Sales Yarn Twisting—Early fall parties, es pecially Halloween, with stunts and pranks. I remember going to Halloween parties and bob bing for apples in a tub of water, and taking part in taffy- pulling contests. Boss Parson, Elevator Opera tor—Down in Commerce, Banks County, Ga., where I grew up, gathering apples in October and making them into cider is a pleasant memory. I would turn the apples press with a crank and sample the sweet juice as it came out.