A CROSS with white lilies and other flowers; emblematic of Ihe Resurrection season. ‘HE IS RISEN, AS HE SAID’ The majestic declaration of “He is risen,” rang out across the world as millions hailed the ultimate triumph of Christendom—the resurrection. The fourth annual Easter Sunrise Service was held at 7 a.m., Sunday, April 1, in front of the Girls’ Club, with four Firestone community ministers and the Firestone Community Singers par ticipating in the one-hour program. The ministers were Dr. Frank H. Malone, Loray Baptist; C. E. Hedgepeth, Firestone Wesleyan Methodist; G. W. Bumgarner, West End Methodist; and David F. Blue, West Avenue Presbyterian. IN THE SERVICE, sponsored by the four churches represented 3nd the Firestone Recreation Council, worshippers joined others sround the world to extol the praises of the Saviour, who by His sacrifice, saved men from the tyranny of death. Worshippers, once again, rejoiced in the message of hope which first came to earth over 1900 years ago. They were aware that parts of the world cherish another year of peace, however uncertain, ^hile leadership in high places is changing and men struggle for power, Christ still commands the greatest armies of all, with His call to “Love one another.” AND HIS HOSTS are swelled by men everywhere who struggle to find the way of goodness and the way of peace. While man stumbles in darkness, fretting over the forces that have left him fearful and frustrated, the risen Christ holds forth the hope of the World, In His resurrection, comes the promise of hope and rebirth. A Message of hope that holds the light to guide our footsteps when the way is winding and the way is dark ... It lifts even the saddest hearts with its message of salvation through Christ, and the Assurance that life is not a dead-end street, but a glorious ad venture, begun here and continued into eternity. Tir«$ton« GASTONIA Volume V GASTONIA, N. C. APRIL, 195S No. 4 All-Sports Banquet Program Announced For April 14 ☆ ☆ ☆ More Than 200 Trophies To Be Awarded James Moore Tatum, head football coach at the University of North Carolina, will not be the only star on parade when he attends the 20th annual All-Sports Banquet here April 14. For on that occasion, upwards of 300 Firestone Textiles sports and recreation notables will pass in review to receive honors which they earned in 1955. Of the long list of honors, top award will be the Supremacy Trophy which will go to the plant department that has won the most impressive list of distinctions during the past year. The Su premacy Trophy has been captured by the Spin ning Department for 8 consecutive years. Last year that department tied with Twisting for the honor. INCLUDED for the special awards will be four men and four women representing all three shifts at the plant, and who will be announced as “Ideal Athletes of 1955.” Those so designated have been chosen by secret ballot, cast by employees. Those voting were required to have participated in at least one sports and recreation activity during 1955. Points considered when an individual voted included the suggested Ideal Athlete’s sports manship, attitude, co-operation and participation in the sports and recreation program last year. Coach Jim Tatum is scheduled as the principal speaker at the April 14 meeting. Besides him, a number of other eminent personalities in the sporting and recreation world will attend. A partial and tentative outline of the program follows: Invocation; L. B. McAbee Dinner Words of Welcome: Harold Mercer Awarding of Trophies: Ralph Johnson Awarding of Supremacy Trophy: F. B. Galligan Awards to “Ideal Athletes”: Mr. Mercer Introduction of Speaker: Caldwell Winecoff Address: James M. Tatum "SUNNY" Jim Tatum is credited with having produced some of this country’s top defensive football clubs. He has an .812 winning percent age for 11 years of coaching. He was at the Uni versity of North Carolina before going to Okla homa and then to Maryland. In the time that elapsed between his tenures in Chapel Hill, Tatum became recognized as one of the most outstanding collegiate coaches in the country. He used his football mind and his per sonality to perfection in compiling, prior to the —Turn to page 4 James Moore Tatum Good Roads For Defense And Economic Progress The following statement by H. D. Tompkins, Vice-President in Charge of Trade Sales of the Company, is addressed to all Firestone employees. Because of the high stakes that Firestone em- Ployees have in the enactment of the right type legislation for a long-range building program an adequate highway system in the United p^tes, the Company is making known its posi- concerning the Boggs Bill (HR 9075), expect- to be reported out of committee in the House Hepresentatives soon. t "The Company, with the rest of the tire manu- i^cturing industry, has thrown its full support . ^Mnd the “pay-as-you-go” approach to financ- construction of the interstate highway system. BOGGS BILL, as introduced on the floor of the of Representatives early in February by Con- ®ssman Boggs, Democrat of Louisiana, and referred ^ the Speaker of the House to the Ways and Means Committee for consideration, provides for financing the new highways in the pay-as-you-go manner. After much study of all possible legislation the Com pany and the rest of the tire industry has concluded that this bill contains the most adequate and fair method for financing. The bill includes provision for raising new taxes amounting to $12,000,000,000 over a period of 15 years, through additional Federal excise taxes on gasoline, diesel fuel, trucks, buses, trailers, tires and camelback. THE BILL PROVIDES for spreading costs of the construction program fairly among highway users. The measure would increase the Federal excise tax on tires for highway use from 5 to 8 cents a pound and would add an entirely new tax of 3 cents a pound on rubber used for retreading purposes. It is noted that the increase proposed on tires is pro portionately higher than increases suggested in the ex cise taxes on other automotive products. However, the tire industry is supporting the Boggs Bill because, ac cording to an announcement through the Rubber Manufacturers Association, it “believes wholehearted ly in the pressing need for an expanded system of fed eral, interstate and defense highways.” AN ADEQUATE HIGHWAY system is needed for the survival of the nation in time of war, for the full development of the economy of the country in time of peace, and for improvement of traffic safety. The sys tem must be geared to future needs to permit the con tinued expansion of the national economy for the bene fit of all. Of particular interest to those in the rubber industry is that, because of poor roads, there may be less use of vehicles on the highways and thus a decrease in the sales of tires and other rubber products to the automotive industry and to the driving public. In addition, jobs by the thousands will be created in accomplishing the task of modernizing the highway system, both in the actual construction of the highways and in the production of materials for construction. For these reasons, Firestone employees are urged —Turn to page 7