Courage for Ihe big troubles in life and patience for the small ones, and when you have faith fully fulfilled your day's labor, go to sleep in peace. God is awake. —Victor Hugo GASTONIA I have a cure for boredom that will never fail. It is made up of the following ten rules: Go out among the people and perform one kind act ten times. —Carrie Chapman Catt VOLUME V GASTONIA, N. C. OCTOBER, 1956 NO. 10 Contest Of Ideas Through November ☆ ☆ ☆ Four Prizes Await Winners There are three top prizes and a “consolation” gift await ing winners in the Suggestion Contest which began Sep tember 15, and is scheduled to conclude November 30. Prizes are, First; A Firestone clock radio; Second; An electric mixer; Third; An automatic toaster. These awards will go to the there will be a drawing for the employees ranking first, second third for the highest amount in awards for the total number of adopted suggestions turned in during the contest period. In addition, every person sub mitting a suggestion will be §iven a ticket to be deposited a box set up at the main entrance of the plant, where contest prizes are on display. When the competition closes, Boehler Honored William Boehler, at one time Weaving Overseer here, recently received a trophy as “Salesman of the Year” for Firestone Velon. Koehler, who is in the Velon yarn division of the Firestone Plastics Company, was selected for the honor by the members of the entire Velon sales force, besides the trophy, the Grey ■Advertising Agency presented him with a personal transistor ^adio. “consolation” prize—a portable barbecue grill. All prizes will be in addition to the cash awards which are always paid for all adopted ideas, on the basis of their value to the Company. FOR THE remainder of the contest time, every employee is urged to submit at least one sug gestion. The more you turn in, the bet ter your chances to win. If you haven’t begun to sub mit your ideas, start now. Your suggestions can mean extra cash in the pocket and a prize for entering the contest. At the same time, your adopted sug gestions may result in improv ing the quality of the Company’s products, reducing waste, im proving work methods, reducing costs, or improving safety op erations. Contest winners will be an nounced soon after November 30. the afterglow of summer hortig ^*°t)er, the ripe and golden month, is the time of harvest Apple's ^^*idles anew memories of falling chinquapins, roasting Partig sputtering before the first fire of the season, of Halloween iaiijg K ^ thousand other delights. It is the month when moun- t with a brilliant blaze of colors, when the Piedmont clay cojtQ take on more red to contrast with the brown stubble of Barton looking across an autumn landscape are Jerrie Qw ^Jl®ft), and Doris McCready, both of Main Office. The scene " the ~ m llmtal States ©cparmicnt in'labor ■ ICATE OF SAFETY ACHIEVEMENT T0xtl I us ^ J ip mm WILL WE KEEP UP THE GOOD RECORD? For nine years in a row, Firestone Textiles has qualified for the North Carolina Depart ment of Labor’s Safety Award. Through the employees’ safety practices, the plant’s acci dent frequency rate has been kept low enough to share this outstanding honor. The award is given in cooperation with the U. S. Department of Labor for the larger in dustries, such as Firestone in Gastonia. Winning the recognition is no easy matter. “The 1955 frequency rate qualified the plant with a percentage too close for comfort,” Safety Director Alvin Riley recalls. In order to qualify for the award, a plant must op erate the entire year without a disabling in jury, or, reduce the frequency rate over the previous year by 40 per cent, or maintain a frequency rate 75 per cent below the state average. At the end of August last year the plant’s lost-time frequency rate was 2.67. For the same period this year, the rate is 1.08. But just because the record shows this improvement, the Safety Department cau tions supervisors and employees to guard against being self-satisfied. Complacency breeds accidents. Merely to establish a good record and win an award is not the goal of the Safety De partment. Working safely is important to each employee and each member of his family. The primary purpose of safety is to prevent unnecessary suffering or loss of life and limb due to accidents. Child Safety Week October 21-27 National Child Accident Pre vention Week will be observed in Gastonia October 21-27. Post P of the Travelers Protective As sociation of America is sponsor ing the local observance. The TPA will launch the drive at Todd Field and Lineberger Park where luminous stickers will be attached to bicycles, because this year, emphasis will be placed on bicycle accidents. Prizes will be offered to entice the children. When a child has allowed the reflective tape to be put on his —Turn to page 7 Flu Shots Ready October 15 You can fight the influenza bug this fall and winter by getting an immunization vaccine in October and again in January. The Company is making this health protection available free of charge to all employees. October 15 has been set as beginning date for the immuni zations. According to Dr. W. B. Parks, plant physician, the vaccine is administered intradermally—that is, it is injected into the skin. The flu preventive usually gives little or no unfavorable re action, Dr. Parks said. The plant physician points out that public health records show that influenza leads the list of all reportable communicable diseases every year in the United States, and often reaches epidemic pro portions. The vaccine has proved 75 to 80 per cent effective against the disease. Watch the bulletin boards for further announcement on the flu vaccine program schedule. Paper To Salute Community Service Workers Plant R ^ Crowders Mountain farm of L. ■Refreshment Service. R. Foy, manager of the A SPECIAL MESSAGE TO ALL EMPLOYEES: Because so many of you are giving gen erously of your time to your community through membership in churches, school groups, civic organizations, and other in terests, the Company wants to recognize its employees in a special edition of Firestone News. This will be a Community Service Salute issue which will be published after all information has been received and re viewed. We do not want to miss anyone who is active in community life and feel that the best method of getting this information is through personal interviews with your su perintendents and overseers. It will take some time to contact all people and for this reason we are advising you now in order that you can be prepared to give us as much information as possible when you are interviewed. It is hoped that all employees will be in terested in reporting their activities but we want to make it clear that this is strictly on a voluntary basis. Your complete coopera tion will be appreciated. General Manager