MARCH, 1957 Sfiwi PAGE 7 r -‘*.k - m ,'V*- " '< § m u V i *1 , :s.4, .'. .. -- ^ ,p"l- -=j4 r-XU y MINUS ONE Last Minute April Foolishness Mrs. Davis (lefl), and Mrs. Decker—and a cake of many layers . . . Retiree And Her Twin Sister Keep Birthday Appointment Mrs. J. M. Decker, retired em ployee, kept a traditional date with her twin sister, Mrs. J. R. Davis of Atlanta, Ga., February 10. On the occasion of their 69th birth anniversary, neighbors and even close relatives agreed that it was still pretty hard to tell the identical twins apart. To the birthday celebration held at the Decker home at 825 Adams drive, Gastonia, mem bers of the family took gifts for the honorees—and there was a king-sized birthday cake. The twins, the former Misses Mary and Sarah Abernathey, grew up in Cherokee county, near Murphy, and were married there. Around 35 years ago, Mrs. Da vis moved to Georgia and Mrs. Decker came to Gastonia. Each had a family of 11 children, and two children in each family are deceased. Mrs. Decker has 19 Wyandotte Plant Has Newspaper When it made its bow to read ers in January, Firestone Rim Lines became the ninth em ployee newspaper to be publish ed by the Company at plants in cities of the United States. It is published by the Firestone Steel Products Company at Wyan dotte, Mich., world’s largest pro ducer of truck and tractor rims. The monthly employee paper, edited by Carole F. Coffman, Was named “Rim Lines” by Joseph Angerbrandt, a safety in spector at the plant. He sub mitted the name in an employee contest which drew 445 entries. IN MEMORIAM Funeral for John M. Wright of 217 South King street, was con ducted from Covenant Methodist Church on February 25, and burial was in Hollywood Ceme tery. Mr. Wright was a retired Fire stone employee. Mrs. Wright, Who survives him, is also retired from the plant. A son, Hugh Wright, is Cloth Room Overseer here. Others surviving Mr. Wright are three daughters, Mrs. I^aymond Glass, Mrs. Herbert Swanger, and Miss Inez Wright of the home; sons Theodore and Guy Wright; two brothers, two sisters, and a granddaughter. grandchildren. Her sister has 16, and four great-grandchildren. MRS. DECKER retired from the Cord Weaving Department here four years ago, after spend ing more than 10 years on the job. Today, she h2s three daugh ters and three sons-in-law who are employed here. They are: Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Robinson, Mr. end Mrs. Payton Lewis, Mr. and P(/[rs. A. C. Bradley. The twin sisters make a special effort to see each other on February 10 each year, and oftener than that if possible. This was the second consecutive year that the birthday celebra tion had been held in Gastonia. Sometimes they mark their special day in Atlanta or else where. Mrs. Davis and her husband have lived in Atlanta for around 30 years. Mrs. Decker’s husband is deceased. When visiting each other, the twins delight to recall incidents resulting from difficulties peo ple have had in identifying them. When they were first married, even their husbands had to look closely to tell the sisters apart. And when the children came along they often were confused as to which mother was theirs. “Across the years it has not been uncommon for both of us to contract the same ailment at the same time, even though we were living miles apart,” they relate. Note; This is a preview of the night before Tax Day, based on human nature and information from the American Institute of Accountants, and checked for technical accuracy by the Internal Revenue Service. ☆ ☆ ☆ Now to figure up that old income tax! In other words, Ralph, the fight is on. Fight the form, fight the deadline and fight the temper. This is the night of April 14, and tomorrow is the deadline for filing your federal income tax return for 1956. You, like millions of other people, have succeeded in putting this matter off until you have all the evening to rush through a job that might save you more money than you earn in a week. No, Alice, I’ll not need your help this year. Too many cooks spoil the soup, you know. Sit right there and read the paper.” A TYPICAL year’s spoilt soup included one million returns filed without signatures—(or with only one signature instead of the required two on a joint return). Also, arithmetic errors re sulting in over-payment by taxpayers of more than $19,000,000—not to mention an even larger amount of underpayments. Uncle Sam, who checks every return, catches these errors. But don’t expect him to look for all the deductions or exemptions you missed. “Must get organized! Alice, would you bring me that pen from the dining room table?” You’d better bring him a pencil for the first draft, especially if he is going to itemize deduc tions. Since Mr. Organizer waited until T-Day- minus-one, chances are he will only have time to repeat last year’s performance and take the 10 per cent standard deduction in the end. But it is early yet, and he realizes that many tax payers can save by itemizing such expenses as charitable or religious donations, interest paid on mortgages or loans, medical and dental ex penses, and state and local taxes. “What did I do w'ith that tax blank, Alice? How about getting it for me out of my coat pocket in the hall closet.” Alice retrieves beautifully, and she is also good for a $600 exemption on the tax return. And Ralph, don’t forget to take a $600 exemption for yourself. Anyone 65 or over gets an additional $600 exemption, and there is still another ex emption for blindness. These special exemptions for age and blindness do not apply to dependents, but you can get the regular $600 exemption for each dependent, as explained in the instructions— even when you provide less than 50 per cent sup port, in some cases. “Now that you’re up, Alice, would you add up this column of figures and enter the total in item 10? I’m sure it’s Item 10. Show me where it says Item 11 in the instructions!” WITHOUT taking sides on this particular issue, it might be suggested that everyone who may have to file a return (including anyone whose income was less than $600, but who wants a re fund for tax withheld) should read carefully the instruction book which the Government pro vides free. Since there is usually some change in the tax laws each year, you might miss a de duction or exemption to which you are entitled, if you fill out the form without first reading the instruction book. “Then of course we’ll enter it in Item 11. Where else would you put it? Let’s try to be intelligent about this thing, Alice!” Remember how stupid it was not to give birth to the twins before midnight December 31, which would have qualified two more dependents for 1956? And as if that weren’t bad enough, how about the $5,000 you won on that quiz program? Didn’t you realize that such a prize is taxable? “Doesn’t this take the cake. Look at this, Alice. How can those tax people in Washington expect me to remember every little doctor bill I had to pay last year?” YOU CAN itemize and deduct all medical- dental expenses in excess of 3 per cent of your income, within certain top limits. Be sure to list fees of doctors, dentists, hospitals and nurses. You may not deduct expenses paid or reimbursed by insurance, but your medical insurance prem iums count as medical expense. Ralph, do you remember when you twisted your back removing the storm windows last summer? If you were absent from work due to an injury and received “sick pay” from your employer or his insurance company, you do not have to pay tax on $100 per week of this income. The same applies to sickness, except that unless you were hospitalized for at least one day, the payments for the first 7 calendar days of absence are not tax free. “How long have you been hiding these re ceipted bills and cancelled checks in this desk drawer? Fine thing, Alice! What if you forgot where you put them!” THERE IS LITTLE chance that Alice has for gotten where she was carefully filing the receipts of bills paid. She knows you must keep receipted bills and cancelled checks to prove payment of such important, deductible items as state and local taxes, interest included in mortgage pay ments, union dues, the fee Alice had to pay the employment agency for her part-time job, and child-care expenses (you may be entitled to a de duction of up to $600 if, while you worked, it was necessary for you to pay someone to care for a child under 12 or anyone who is physically or mentally incapacitated). “I give up! This is impossible. Alice, we’ll just have to go to jail.” This fight may be over late in the 14th round of April. It happens to the best of last-minute filers: the form wins by a TKO. If you want to give yourself the best possible break on your federal income tax, the American Institute of Accountants advises that you prepare your return carefully, file early and save your records to back up deductions. And, if you find that Uncle Sam owes you money, early filing means a quick er refund. “Alice, please! How can I concentrate on this newspaper when you interrupt with silly ques tions? Naturally, I’ll look over your figures be fore I sign the form. And when you mail it — Don’t forget to put a stamp on the envelope.” Good Posture Promotes Efficiency You typed three instead of four carbon copies, lost a tele phone number and misfiled a whole sheaf of papers. It could be the cold you’ve been getting all week ... or last night’s late movie ... or the lunch you raced through at noon. But recently the Posture In stitute has come up with another and probably more important possibility—the way you sit in your office chair. One specialist said, “A sur prising number of secretaries and other office people don’t know how to sit properly. They crouch, slouch, stretch or wiggle instead of just plain sitting. All of these unattractive seating habits retard blood circulation. twist the spine and increase mis takes while cutting down on ef ficiency.” HERE ARE a few important tips from the posture people on how to sit right; Don’t scrooch forward in your chair. This puts constant pres sure on your lower spine and re stricts the movements of your arms and shoulders. Don’t slouch into an arc. Such a position crowds the lungs and internal organs. Do sit way back in your chair. Rest your feet on the floor. Snap up straight, toss back your shoulders and place your feet squarely on the floor. Doesn’t that feel better? Now all you have to do is stay that way! 0 -=©(^ or Slipping in bath — Use bath- mat in tub, handrail to get in and out of tub. Electrocution — No portable electrical devices such as a radio or space healer should be within reach of bathtub, basin, plumbing piping. Remember water and electricity do not mix. So be sure there is no water in the washbasin while using an electric shaver. Sivalloiving poison — Keep poisoi] out of the reach of young children. Scalding in shower, tub or basin — Regulate water care fully before getting doused. Razor blade cuts — Have a safe place to carefully discard old blades. © AMERICAN MUTUAL LIAB. INS. CO.