JULY, 1957 T1ir«$t yvu tkmn.,, whim (fw prMmts you mmt mt>et $nm tmre than you ymtr»elf mn htmdt4>.. - wfwn your mry soul mV« out for ntrettgth nnd mmforf.,. lake iki> iirm ihm far ihc /<>«« tm tlim far the strmgtk you smi fo sw you «/< ihr hilL Worship rrith your fimUy thh week ai your cktm'^li or xynnp^gue. Some Church Leaders Classified Hager, church treasurer, mem ber church board; Mary Posey, VBS teacher; Loyd Metcalf, Wil lard Stiles, Robert Nichols, board of stewards; John Foster, church board; Alphonzo Nixon, church board; Margaret Hamrick, SS class first vice president; Rufus Carpenter, deacon, SS superin tendent, church treasurer, presi dent BTU. Mason King, church secretary- treasurer, president usher board; Edward Tims, board of trustees; Pauline Moore, chairman WMU, SS teacher. Eula Davis, church pianist, assistant superintendent Primary department; Alphonzo Davis, VBS teacher; Walter Les lie, church trustee; Frontus Lyles, president training union, SS teacher; James A. Mathis, deacon, SS teacher; W. M. Cosey, board of stewards; Jesse Jones, president Men’s Brotherhood. Pearlie Anderson, deacon, SS teacher; T. J. Galloway, deacon, church secretary - treasurer; James Brewer, deacon, assistant SS superintendent; Charlie Young, church secretary, leader church aid society; Hasker Love, deacon, choir leader; Annie Car son, leader women’s society; Blanche Hovis, keeper of nurs ery; Lela Cobb, vice president missionary society; Emily Can ady, leader WMS; Delia Buch anan, Missionary group leader, SS teacher; Bell Whitaker, BTU leader. Wayne O’Dell, usher; Worth Honeycutt, deacon, usher; Willie Geter, church trustee, president SS class; Leroy Posey, church steward, treasurer, director chil dren’s choir; Nettie Corn, leader women’s society; Pauline Stroupe, SS teacher, leader youth group; Clarence Houser, board of stewards; William Buchanan, deacon church treas urer, SS secretary; James Gault- ney, deacon, church treasurer, SS teacher, VBS craft instructor; Gary Lyles, SS teacher, usher, leader Royal Ambassadors, as sistant director BTU. Grady Cook, usher, director BTU, William Roberts, director BTU; Beulah Cook, assistant SS superintendent, church secre tary, secretary BTU; Barbara Howe, church steward; Hazel Grover, captain BTU, SS teach er; Rudolph Calhoun, deacon, chairman building committee, assistant music director; George Poy, deacon, leader in organiz ing new church work; Grady Johnson, church program leader. Cramer McDaniel, church steward; Ray England, deacon, VBS teacher, chairman benevo lence committee, SS teacher, committee on boys’ work and Baptist Brotherhood; Thurman Davis, brotherhood work, visi tation; Ralph Dalton, deacon, chairman board of ushers, sec retary SS class; W. F. Rockett, Usher, leader men’s fellowship; board of stewards; James Craw ford, Sr., chairman maintenance committee, deacon; R. H. Har- nion, secretary-treasurer training Union; Cramer Little, church trustee, assistant music director, assistant S S superintendent, committee chairman, member official board. Alvin Dill, deacon, chairman board of ushers, SS class vice president; A. D. McCarter, su perintendent cradle roll, vice president men’s Bible class; Oscar Jacobs, deacon, assistant ftiusic director, secretary-treas- Urer men’s fellowship, member • • • —From page 2 SS board, SS teacher; Rosie Francum, training union leader, SS teacher; W. H. Hallman, ush er; Ann Goodwin, secretary- treasurer women’s circle; L. B. McAbee, elder, SS teacher, com mittee chairman, chairman of congregation, treasurer building fund, chairman of all church business transactions; Flora Pence, SS pianist, substitute or ganist; Luther Brown, counselor young people’s training union; T. B. Ipock, Jr., deacon, SS teacher. Clyde Moss, music director, SS teacher; F. B. Galligan, chair man youth activities of Catholic Men’s Club; Howard Love, trus tee, church treasurer; Herbert Broaden, deacon, church treasur er, SS teacher; Pansy Falls, VBS teacher, committee chairman; Louise Ward, youth director, WMU, committee chairman, SS teacher; Mary Helen Spencer, church organist; Novella James, leader Girls’ Auxiliary, presi dent SS class, assistant SS teacher; Betty Moss, secretary Gaston County Baptist Business Women’s Club, assistant direc tor BTU young people; Harold Mercer, trustee, Past Chairman of Board. ☆ ☆ ☆ Who does not in some sort live to others, does not live much to himself.—Montaigue ☆ ☆ ☆ Mozelle Brockman, VBS teach er, committee chairman, presi dent WMU, leader WMS, SS teacher, leader young people’s auxiliary; Eula Wilson, SS teach er at Orthopedic hospital, sub stitute SS teacher in home church, associate Pioneer leader at evening meetings; Delpres Turner, SS superintendent, sec retary Primary department; Bill McSwain, deacon, secretary to board of deacons; W. H. Davis, president brotherhood group, committee chairman, VBS, SS teacher. Myrtle Bradley, committee chairman, VBS, SS teacher, president Women-of-the-Church, church organist, director work of women’s organization, presider at executive board meetings and monthly general meetings of church; R. L. Tompkins, church board of trustees, church treas urer; J. V. Darwin, board of stewards, secretary official board, member executive com mittee official board, leader men’s organization; Marguerite Styers, chairman WMU circle, SS teacher. W. G. Henson, deacon, com mittee chairman; Oliver Hardee, deacon, music director, assistant SS superintendent, SS teacher; Henry Dellinger, church secre tary; Frances Britton, SS teach er, assistant director training union; Thomas Grant, music di rector, instructor of SS teachers, SS teacher; W. B. Ward, member SS board; Ray Thomas, church secretary; Howard Burgess, as sistant vice president SS class. Johnnie Wood, counselor young people’s society, SS su perintendent; C. F. Robinson, board of stewards; Mary Cal houn, social leader BTU; Pauline Hanna, secretary missionary cir cle; Mattie Giles, member mis sionary board, treasurer building fund, treasurer SS class; Walter Alexander, deacon, SS teacher; Claude Callaway, elder, worship leader, chairman Constitution committee, trustee, SS teacher. Clyde Foy, usher; Ernest Giv ens, deacon, assistant SS teach er, vice president men’s brother hood, member Gaston laymen’s club, director Junior training union, associational junior su perintendent SS, leader West Gastonia district Junior training (Baptist); James Hemphill, trus tee, choir work; Ronnie Rumfelt, board of stewards, finance com mittee, chairman membership committee. Paul Whitesides, building committee; Paul Nolen, usher; Lawrence Burk, maintenance work, leader on finances; Nor- ville Johnson, deacon; W. C. Long, usher, chairman attend ance committee, brotherhood work; James Price, brotherhood committee; George Floyd, fi nance leader; John Loyd, board of stewards, finance, assistance SS teacher; Rutherford Duke, SS class leader, board of stewards, treasurer. Jessie Glover, deacon, trustee; Sam Lowery, trustee, SS flow ers, finance, building fund; Mary Robinson, SS superintend ent, teacher; Andrew Starnes, elder; Burlie Neely, committee chairman, church treasurer; Brady Whitesides, deacon, SS teacher; John Bradley, elder, SS superintendent, music director. Tom McClure, church treasur er, SS teacher; James Walker, deacon, SS teacher; Robert Clark, SS teacher, training union vice president; J. L. B. Grant, church clerk; Loyd Crain, dea con, SS teacher; Ernest Gibson, assistant SS superintendent, church secretary; Fay Helms, as sistant SS superintendent, VBS teacher; Neazel Weathers, board of stewards, money-raising group, preacher steward; Willie Hannie, usher, SS treasurer, board* trustees. A. B. Dalton, chairman SS committee; I. S. Bull, men’s club council; Frank Sparrow, deacon, secretary board of deacons; John Bryant, usher; Charlie Parham, elder, chairman evangelistic Deacons Otho Chambers, Henry Allen, Otto Davis, R. B. Burleson, George Williams, C. O. Starr, Clarence Bryson, Neal Lowery, Lacy Nall, Hoyt Blackwood, Cicero Falls, J. F. Ledford, G. V. Tindall, Elton Still, Johnnie Davis, Harlan Butler, Luke Sad ler, Fred Morrow, Sr., Harold Robinson, J. W. Hendricks, S. L. Owens. SS Superintendents George Hager, Charles Tanner, Roy Hardy, Romulus Richburg, Howard Allen, A. V. Riley. Other SS Leaders Alice Taylor, treasurer; Pau line Buchanan, secretary; John P. Smith, secretary adult depart ment; Howard Dellinger, secre tary; Roland Conrad, secretary of class; Louella Queen, secre tary-treasurer, SS Class; Rita Rowland, secretary-treasurer; Alva McCarter, treasurer; Clees Hamrick, assistant SS secretary. committee; Nelson Jackson, board stewards, trustee; Joe Finger, steward, usher, treasurer young men’s club; Humbert Hardin, choir marshal, trustee; T. S. Huffstickler, deacon, rec reation work; Manlest Wray, music director. Albert Meeks, deacon, church treasurer, SS teacher; Fred Gar ner, director training union; Arthur Gordon, deacon, SS lead er; Ben Byers, elder, SS teacher; Cleveland Mills, church clerk; Earl Floyd, church secretary, SS superintendent; Spurgeon Web ber, deacon, SS superintendent, SS teacher; Israel Good, deacon, SS teacher. Luther Foy, deacon, assistant church secretary; Deuel Red ding, assistant SS secretary, Gaston Baptist Associational Brotherhood and Male chorus; O. K. Forrester, member official board; Lillian Jackson, church pianist; Roxie Newton, deacon ess, vice president Christian Women’s Fellowship; Lois Wool ley, 12 year’s work in beginners’ department; Lenhell Keenum, deacon, church treasurer, music director, director BTU, SS teach er; John Morrow, elder; Carl Guffey, deacon, song leader; C. B. Hipps, deacon, song leader; W. R. Turner, deacon, SS teach er; A. A. Gaddis, deacon, SS teacher. SS Class Presidents Aline Whitesides, Catherine Fletcher, F. A. Waldrop, Bar bara Sneed, Correne Lewis, Mae Grindle, Thelma Hiatt, Louise Dill, Edna Harris, Margaret Whitener, Betty Hanna, Palmer Waters, Lois Bolding, Samuel Crawford, G. W. Carpenter, Wil liam Massey, Jr., Jessie Mitchell, George Terry, Loyd Watson, W. E. Waters. SS Teachers Sybil Lowery, Janice Collins, Minnie Welch, Cora Sneed, Bus ter Stiles, Blonzeen Mauney, Elene Dodgin, Pearl Tate, John Owensby, A. G. Wilson, Marie Bolding, Jennie Lee Hall, Sallie Crawford, Mescal Certain, Lu cille Baker, Ella Whitaker, Stella Cothern, Eunice Jacobs, James Dixon, Jr., Fannie Humphries, Frances Brewer, Lillie Crain, David Britton. Opal Bradley, William Reeves, W. L. Deese, Nina Dilling, Mar garet Whitener, Bobby Payne, Thomas Dalton, Irene O’Dell, Vera Sambole, Joe Moore, Mar vin Hudson, Philip Williams, Carolyn Bohanan, Christine Clark, Betty Holbrook, Virgie Pryor, Mary Pruitt, Ethel Rob inson, Beulah Haynes, Margie Waldrop, Leonard Bumgardner, Ella Whitaker, Evelyn Parham, Elvin Galloway. Lonnie Gwinn, Henry Gordon, Mary Wilks, George High, Henry Barfield, Elease Cole, Katheleen Hodge, Ruby Riley, William Mc- Leymore, Marie Devern, Aileene Chastain, Helen Green, Callie Reece, Clifford Bolding. Community Helped By Club Projects The two toastmasters clubs in Gastonia provide a service to the community by furnishing speakers to address civic clubs and meetings of other groups. Two Firestone men are mem bers of the Spindle City Toast masters Club. They are I. S. Bull and F. B. Harrison. Various projects of a com munity service nature are car ried on through music clubs, Garden Clubs, and home demon stration groups. —Turn to page 5 Unusual Congregation Names Firestone Textiles employees worship and serve in approxi mately 200 churches in the Gastonia area. Most of these congregations, representing almost two dozen denominations and religious groups, are designated by the usual names like First Baptist, Covenant Methodist, Gaston Avenue Church of God, St. Mark’s Episcopal, Gospel Tabernacle, Holy Trinity Lutheran and Linwood Presbyterian. But among the long roster of churches are some names that fall in the unusual category. Have you heard of Lovely Hill Methodist, Vestibule Methodist, Stooping Pine Methodist, Track Rock Baptist and Weeping Mary Baptist? Then there are others that belong in the not-so-common list. Among them are: Mt. Cabin Baptist, Pleasant Ridge AME Zion, Friendship Bap tist, Ebenezer Baptist, Piney Grove Baptist, Pleasant Grove Bap tist, Old Zion Methodist, New Zion Methodist, Gethsemane Baptist, Pisgah AR Presbyterian, Shady Grove Baptist and New Home Methodist.