SEPTEMBER, 1959 T»r«$fon« sriwi PAGE 5 Softball Champions THEY PLAYED WELL—Front row: Tommie Sue Alkinson, Doris McCready, Frances Jones, Dot Blalock, Vickie Bolick, Marion Turner, Brenda Rawlins. Back row; Andrea Barnes, Shirley Coslner, Brenda Carswell, Starlene Craw ford, Doris Bradshaw, Juanita Rawlins, Patricia Turner, Earlene Creasman. Members of team absent from picture: Marlene Nivens, Pat Craw ley, Emilie Edison, Betty Travis. ‘H’ Bonds Good Investment The average citizen is familiar with Series “E” U.S. Savings Bonds, which are purchased at 75 per cent of their maturity value. They increase in value through the years, reaching full value in eight years and eleven months from date of purchase. These bonds—which many Fire stone people buy through the payroll deduction method—yield 3^/^ per cent interest compound ed semi-annually when held to maturity. “Are there types of govern ment bonds—besides Series “E” —available for investment by the general public?” several em ployees have asked. At present, the only kind of government bond other than Series “E” for sale to individuals is Series “H” Savings Bonds. This is an investment-type bond purchased at full face value. It pays a current income by semi annual interest check, and ma tures 10 years from date of is sue. SERIES "H" bonds provide an increasing investment yield the longer it is held. A bond held to maturity yields an average of 3V2 per cent each year. It is redeemable at par value any time after six months from date of issue on one month’s written notice. Series “H” bonds are pur chased only in amounts of $500, $1,000, $5,000 and $10,000. They can be bought only from Federal Reserve Banks, but most banks and other financial institutions Flower Show —From Page 1 Conservation Display An added attraction will be a display centering on the theme of conservation of natural re sources. Club president Mrs. Wyatt Keever urges Boy Scouts and members of other groups in terested in conservation, to con tribute to this exhibit. This por tion of the show will not be eligible for judging. Horticulture exhibits are open to Firestone employees and members of their families, and to all others living in the Fire stone community. Among other requirements pertaining to entries: Exhibits in horticulture class es must have been grown by the exhibitor. Potted plants must have been in possession of the exhibitor at least three months before October 16. Horticulture exhibits are to be brought in milk bottles or soft drink bottles. A complete show schedule with detailed information has been distributed in the com munity. Would-be exhibitors who have not seen a schedule may have a copy from the Plant Recreation office. People and PI —From Page 4 Electrician Gene Carson and members of his family are back home after a week at Myrtle Beach. Miss Jane Francum, daughter of Mrs. Rosie Francum, Shop, Was in Washington, D. C., recently where she visited Mr. and Mrs. John H. Thoni and son Stevie. Banks Moore and little daughter of New York City, and Mr. and Mrs. George Banks of Baltimore, Md., were recent guests in the John Bryant home. Mrs. Banks and Mrs. Moore are sisters of Mr. Bryant, employed in the sanitation department here. People in the Warehouse have welcomed Edward Love as a new Employee. Edward is working in the opening room. Warehouse overseer Fred Morrow returned in August from a ^eek of vacation. will accept and forward appli cations for customers. All appli cations must be accompanied by the full purchase price of the bond. What is the primary purpose of the “H” Bond? It is intended to provide a current income, with checks mailed to the own er every six months. Note this example; On a $500 Bond the first check (after six months) would be $4. The next check at the end of the first year would be $7.25, and the next 18 checks would be $8.45 each. You see, income would be in proportion to the purchase price of the bond. This type of bond is especially suited to those who are looking forward to retirement and want a safe, sure investment not sub ject to market fluctuations, but with a sure, steady income. It carries the same protective fea tures as the “E” Bond. THIS LIST of various issues of U.S. Savings Bonds explain why Series “E” and “H” are the only two available to individ uals: Series “A” and “D” were on sale before May of 1941, when they were withdrawn. Series “E” Bonds have been on sale continuously since May 1, 1941. “F” and “G” Bonds were is sued from May 1, 1941 to April 30, 1952, when they were with drawn from sale. “H” Bonds were first offered for sale June 1, 1952, as companion piece to the Series “E” Bond. Series “J” and “K” took the place of “F” and “G” Bonds May 1, 1952, but were withdrawn from sale April 30, 1957. There are other types of government securities which must be purchased through brokerage and security firms. But the “E” and “H” Bonds are the only kinds an individual can purchase and own outright. Although known by many names since they first went on sale — Baby Bonds, Defense Bonds, War Bonds, Security Bonds — they are all U. S. Savings Bonds, backed by the full faith and credit of the United States. All experience is an arch to build upon.—Henry Adams Firestone girls softball team added the inter-industry league championship to its list of ac complishments for the 1959 sea son. The plant team, coached by Ralph Johnson, wrapped up the season’s play in the Gaston County Girls League with a total of 28 victories and one de feat. The team captured the county title in late August with 22 wins in a row, winning the playoff championship by taking six out of seven games. The girls’ scoring record for the season was 555 runs to their opponents’ 132, with an average of 19.1 per game. Batting aver age was .495. Said coach Johnson: “Never before have I seen such de termination. With such an un beatable spirit, I knew all along the girls would win the title they now hold.” Firestone Money Promotes Student Safety Program Two high school students from each of the 50 States attended a National Student Traffic Safety Conference in Kansas City August 30-September 2. They met to work out a plan of action which they can put into effect in their own schools and communities, toward reducing traffic accidents and promoting good driving attitudes. This latest approach to the problem of traffic safety is made possible through a money ap propriation by the Firestone company. Said president Raymond C. Firestone: “We of the company have been increasingly concern ed with America’s growing traf fic problem. We believe the solu tion to the problem which is claiming up to 40,000 lives each year is in our youth. Give Youth Guidance And They'll Help “We are confident that the youngsters of America, with proper guidance, can make an invaluable contribution to high way safety. That is why we are supporting a program for youth that properly originates in our schools under the guidance of qualified educators.” The National Education As sociation Committee on Safety Education said that school, com munity, and some state-wide groups of teenagers have been organized to combat the increas ing toll of traffic accidents among themselves and others. Efforts of such groups have been hampered by lack of a plan which would allow these young sters to join other student groups, to compare notes on what they have learned by ex perience in their respective com munities. Driver and safety educatio'' courses in schools, says the NEA Commission, have produced ex cellent results in reducing traf fic accidents among youngsters. But many hundreds of thou sands of boys and girls are not yet included in such programs. Young Drivers Need 'Safety Conscience' Conference sponsors and the students themselves believe that much can be done by creating a strong “safety conscience” among new, young drivers. They believe that young people do not admire the few “show-offs” in their group who give a “bad reputation” to young drivers as a group. The driver education program began during the 1958-59 school year in many schools throughout the country. The long-range plan was outlined by the NEA’s Com mission on Safety Education, with guidance from a business- industry and education advisory committee, and financial support from the Firestone company. IDEAS TODAY