mp r FORK-LIFT TRUCK OPERATORS — Regular members of the Warehouse fork-lift crew are, from left; Ben Byers, Tracy Moore, George Harper, Sam Love, T. J. Ross, Arthur Moore, Julius Eskews, Arthur Gordon, John C. Petty, Luther Thompson and Julius Parks. Standby operators (photo right), from left: Charles Adams, Finley Williams, Israel Good, McBrie Sanders, Clarence Alexander, Fred Gordon and Henry Gordon. Of both regular and standby members of the Warehouse fork-lift group. Jack Wellmon, George Pendergrass, Luther Harrison and William Hope were not present for these pictures. They Move The Goods — Coming And Going The 27 drivers of the fork- lift truck crew move the goods coming and going, to perform one of the most vital, around-the-clock jobs in the manufacturing opera tions here. The eight fork trucks and the two warehouse tow trucks regularly in use at the Gastonia plant, move the major volume of incoming raw materials, outgoing products to the company’s tire - building plants, and sales materials for the gen eral textile trade. Besides this, these trucks carry the heavier cargoes of in coming supplies, and outgoing re-usable waste materials and other by-products. Added to the job of taking materials to and from the production line, fork and tow trucks shift goods and supplies in warehouse storage operations. Nine Promotions —From page 1 Ralph Johnson, recreation di rector, will become safety di rector. Bobby Purkey, assistant recre ation director, will be advanced to recreation director. Additional details on these new management assignments will be published in the Febru ary issue of the plant news paper. Also included in that issue will be further coverage of Mr. Kessell’s retirement. In these powerful machines you will find a good example of the mechanization which today is helping industry keep pace with production demands, while holding production at the lowest possible unit cost. Ordinarily, there are a total of 27 operators on the three shifts, including those on both regular and relief assignments. Truck drivers at the Gastonia plant hold in their hands almost $68,000 worth of equipment dur ing a regular working shift. “Each vehicle costs the com pany approximately the price of a Cadillac automobile,” safety director A. V. Riley pointed out recently. BECAUSE of the property in vestment and the tremendous accident potential of the trucks, the company carries on an ex acting program of maintenance and operation of these vehicles, with emphasis on the drivers themselves. Out of this program an awards system was developed three years ago. For the awards, operators are chosen on the basis of each in- dividual’s job-consciousness, safety performance and effici ency. Among points considered are: Observance and practice of all safety rules, alertness, maintenance of vehicle assigned to the operator, and pride in the appearance and good mechani cal condition of the driver’s as signed vehicle. Throughout the year fork-lift and warehouse tow operators are under constant observation while at work. Operation rec ords are maintained on each in dividual and his machine. To determine one’s worthiness for the awards, records of individu als are carefully reviewed, and by this method the top three scorers are designated for the honors passed out every Decem ber. THIS YEAR, warehouse man ager Fred T. Morrow cited the truck drivers for “an outstand ing job in operation practices during 1959”, and challenged them “to an even better record in 1960”. Safety director Riley noted: “Your good care and safe opera tion of the equipment in your charge represents tremendous savings in the materials-han- dling operations, maintenance and replacement costs. But most of all, your safety-consciousness means untold savings in suf fering from accidents, lost-time and production cuts which na turally result from industrial in juries.” OUTSTANDING—Warehouse manager F. T. Morrow (left), pre sents a $25 U.S. Savings Bond to Alonzo Setzer, recognizing him as most outstanding fork-lift driver of 1959. Mr. Setzer won this same award in 1957 and was second-place winner in 1958. Other drivers honored for 1959 performance were Irving Worthy who received $10 for second place; and Will Starnes (right) $5 for third place. Industries Depend On Each Other In Order To Produce And Prosper In the American free-enterprise system of business, manufacturing and sales organizations must depend upon each other in order to exist and prosper. The textile industry utilizes the services of hundreds of suppliers, large and small. These facts are examples: • The US textile industry spends as much as $800 mil lion annually for chemicals. • To move its production, the country’s textile industry spends as much as $186 million for transportation every year, • The American textile industry spends about $16 mil lion each year for paint; another $7 million for hardware. POINTS ON WINTER DRIVING Do Something About the Weather? You Can! Akron Publication To Mark 45th Year The Firestone Non-Skid, em ployee newspaper of the com pany’s home factories in Akron, Ohio, this month will mark its 45th anniversary of continuous publication. On January 15, 1915 the house publication was first issued. The title “Non-Skid’' referred to the company’s trade name for tires belonging to the early chapters of automobile history. Tread was made up of the words “NON” and “SKID” in capital letters at an angle across the face of the tire. As a pioneering journal in the industrial field, the Akron employee publication has played an influential role in the Fire stone company’s development across the years. Firestone was among the first of American industries to recog nize the value of the printed- page type of communication with employees. Today, the company has 12 employee pub lications at its major United States and Canadian factories, and several at its foreign in stallations. January, 1960 After the wine-like air of autumn has turned to an icy breath which often invades the Mid- South in January and February, it’s time to reckon with those villains of winter driving. In summer the job of driving a motor vehicle is fairly easy, with roads free of such hazards as snow and ice, and windshields usually clear. Too, there are more hours of daylight at morning and evening rush hours, when people are on their way to or from office and factory. But for winter driving, there is an altogether different situation behind the steering wheel. This reminder is from the National Safety Council. Many motorists, says the NSC, duped into con fidence of a summer driving pattern, may find themselves unprepared for the added dangers of winter driving. BASED on information from the council, here are questions on some finer points of winter driving. : : If my car starts to skid on glare ice, what should I do?—Keep your foot off the brake and steer in the direction of the skid. : : Is there any way to stop quickly on icy pavement?—No, but a fast pumping of brakes will stop you the quickest and allow you to keep con trol of the car. ; ; How fast should I drive in winter?—That depends. It takes you 12 times as far to stop on ice or snow as it does on dry surfaces. The following driving tips are the basis of a good review on winter-driving practices: 1. Orient your driving habits and renew your determination to avoid accidents. Put your car in condition for winter going. 2. Remember the usefulness of snow tires. 3. Keep windshield and windows clear. Make sure your wipers, heater and defroster are work' ing properly. 4. When you are out on the road—but away from traffic—try your brakes gently to get the “feel” of the road. 5. Follow other vehicles at a safe distance. R®' member that stopping formula: It takes up to 12 times to stop on ice and snow as it does on dry pavement. 6. The best way to stop on winter roads, while still keeping full control of your car, is a fast up' and-down pumping of your brakes. Did somebody say you couldn’t 'do anythiii^ about the weather? You can. You can be ready for it!