Clarence Case, works in the take care of basic baby-sit- Jo Ann Case, Ashley High Mechanical department, gets uations. The baby, Cynthia School student whose father, in some practice on how to Diana Carpenter, is Jo Ann’s Safety And Security In A Good Baby Sitter Did you ever ask yourself whether your baby sitter is properly trained, or is otherwise quali fied for the responsibility you give her—the care of your child? When it comes to hiring domestic help, for example, you want to know about a person’s experience, character and habits. So, you in vestigate. You are likewise cautious when you hire a painter, plumber or a TV repairman. You’re concerned about such things as de pendability and “ability to deliver the goods”. But how about a baby sitter? Experience, re liability, good character, efficiency—all count. And you are reasonably sure she is able to handle emergencies that may range from an at tempted burglary or electric power failure, to baby’s sudden illness? Ernest G. Osborne, Ph.D., chairman of the National Baby Care Council and professor of education at Columbia University Teachers Col lege, observes: “The well-intentioned but untrained baby sitter is a threat to the baby she attends.” That in cludes the girl next door or the youngster down the street or even your own older boy or girl. Dr. Osborne proposes; Before you place your baby in the care of a baby sitter, rate your sitter by this suggested checklist: A Liking for Children; If the sitter doesn’t like children, she’s apt to neglect the comfort and welfare of your baby. Watch her reaction when you first introduce her to the baby. Experience and Reliability: She’ll need both these qualifications to care for the baby and capably handle any emergencies that may arise. Maiurily; Is she old enough to be trusted with your child, capable of staying awake and alert when her hours on duty run late? Hearing and Seeing: You’re risking danger if the sitter has difficulty with hearing and seeing. If hard of hearing, for example, she may not be able to catch your baby’s cry above the racket of the TV. Inviting Others: Does she ask others along— her teen-age friends? Having company while she is on the job will divert attention from her re sponsibilities. Use of Telephone: The sitter may have no trouble calling her girl friends, but does she know how to contact your local police or fire department, if necessary? Lifting and Holding Baby: Baby’s back and neck need proper support. A firm grip is neces sary for security and safety, since most babies have instinctive fear of falling. Feeding Baby: This is essential. The sitter should know how to prepare formula or other food, how to test for proper temperature, how to hold baby for feeding, how to “burp” him. Bathing and Diapering; Occasionally the sitter will need to bathe baby, so she should be able to prepare bath and know how to place baby and handle him. A good diapering job is another “must”. It takes patience, care, good technique. HOW DOES your sitter rate by the foregoing standards? She will, of course, rate high if she is a graduate of a baby-sitter training course. The National Baby Care Council promotes a course nation-wide, designed to teach skill and safeguard babies. The course is available to schools, parent- teacher associations and community service groups without cost, through community diaper services cooperating with NBCC. Here is a checklist which you can fill out and leave with your baby sitter. The list is based on information included in the Baby Sitter Training Course spon sored throughout the country by the National Baby Care Council. Where have the parents gone? When will they return? How can they be reached? Family physician's telephone; Fire Department telephone:. Telephone number of a trusted neighbor who will be home all evening: ON NEW CARS It’s Easy To Exchange Tires Again this year, the com pany is making it possible for employees buying new cars to change whatever tires might be on the vehicles, and have them outfitted with new Firestone D e L u x e Champion tubeless tires. And all this at a special price. Comp'tHive tires with less than 100 miles wear may be changed to Firestone tires for $1 per tire, plus any balancing charges or sales taxes that may apply. Forms have been prepared for those people interested in this program, to fill out and take to the Firestone stores where the changeovers are to be made. Gastonia factory and office employees may get the forms and approvals in the Industrial Relations office. There, too, will be additional information, such as listings of stores most con venient to the employee con cerned. The new changeover policy niece, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Dean Car penter of Bessemer City. applies to DeLuxe Champion tubeless tires, but if employees wish to change to higher-priced tires—such as Premium Quality, 500, or Butylaire tires—they may work out their own arrange ments at the store with which they deal. To avoid inconvenience of having the tires changed over after the purchase of a car is made, the employee can specify Firestone tires when ordering. But if not possible to get de livery of cars equipped with Firestone tires, this changeover program makes it convenient for employees to enjoy the advan tages of quality Firestone tires on their new vehicles. Plant Nurse NCAIN Head Firestone first-aid nurse Mrs. A. T. Newton (RN) has begun her second two-year term as president of the North Carolina Industrial Nurses Association. The third-shift nurse here was re elected at the NCAIN quar terly meeting at Weeks Di vision of Hanes Hosiery Company, Winston-Salem, in November. Other registered nurses chosen NCAIN leaders at the Novem ber meeting: First vice presi dent — Mrs. Doris Criscoe of Hannah Pickett Co, Rocking ham; second vice president — Mrs. Vella Williams 9f Cham pion Paper and Fibre Co., Can ton; corresponding secretary — Mrs. Edith Goforth of Clinch- field Manufacturing Co., Marion; recording secretary — Mrs. Lois Cain of Federal Reserve Bank, Charlotte; treasurer — Mrs. Geraldine O’Neal of Klopman Mill, Cordova. Christmas No Time To Play With Fire More than 1,000 American homes last year had their holi day spoiled by fires starting in Christmas trees and decorations. Average loss to each family in volved: $979. The year before, 93 persons died from fire dur ing the four-day Christmas holi day. Grim facts for the happy sea son, but a record that shows that Christmas is no time to be heedless of fire dangers. Rather, it is a time when precautions should be doubled. Many of our traditional Christmas customs— trees, colorful lights and decora tions, Yule logs—add greatly to fire hazards. Often a combination of active children and preoccupied par ents brings the one moment of carelessness that invites fire. The National Fire Protection Association suggests these pre cautions for a fire-safe Christ mas: Trees Pick a fresh-cut tree, one with needles which don’t shed freely. Stand it in water until it is brought into the house, keep in water as long as it’s in side. Support well, never locate it where it might cut off escape in case of fire. Take it out of the Firestone ‘Appreciated’ Gaston Tech The Firestone company was cited as a major factor in the perpetuation of Gaston Tech nical Institute, in an article of the November “News—Tech nical Information for Industry”, published by N. C. State College. The article on Gaston Tech nical Institute commended Fire stone for its gift of the present buildings of the school four years ago. GTI, a branch of the engineer ing school of State College at Raleigh, operates its program for engineering technicians for North Carolina industry. Said the article, in part: “GTI cannot rightfully be con sidered a local institution, since it presently has students from 47 of North Carolina’s 100 coun ties. Business And Industry Helped “It is often said that people, business, industry and educa tional institutions 'go where they are wanted and stay where they are appreciated’. This is true of Gaston Tech. Gaston county business and industrial leaders wanted it to locate there, and donated funds towards pur chase of a suitable location. Gaston county business and in dustry have shown a continued appreciation for Gaston Tech, by making additional donations. "As an example of their con tinued appreciation. Firestone made a gift of three large brick buildings to Gaston Tech in 1956." GTI offers a two-year curri culum in four fields of tech nology: Civil, electrical, elec tronics, and mechanical-produc- tion. All first-year students take the same subjects, engineering, drawing, English, algebra, phy sics 1 and 2, trigonometry, and general shop. All second-year students spe cialize in one of the four major areas of the curriculum. Com pletion of the two-year program leads to an associate degree in a given field, presented through the School of Engineering at N. C. State College. house as soon as possible after Christmas. Lights Check lighting sets for frayed wires, loose connec tions and broken sockets. Never use candles on or near the tree. Make sure tree lights are turned off before retiring or leaving house. For outdoor lighting, use only weatherproof equipment and cords. Keep power off when setting up or adjusting lights, to avoid shock hazard. Decorations and Wrappings Use only non-combustible or “flame-proofed” decoration ma terials. Dispose of gift wrappings promptly, and not by burning. Watch your smoking around the Yule tree. A lighted cigarette or match can ignite it. And most important, plan in advance what you must do for the life safety of your family — in case fire starts. DECEMBER, I960 PAGE 6