Gastonia, North Carolina • Bennettsville, South Carolina Bowling Green, Kentucky JULY 1981 Firestone °Bnaws ‘Most miles per dollar’ 53 vecirs ago This full-page advertisement promoting Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires (“Most Miles Per Dollar”) is from the May 1928 American Magetzine. The large-format (11” X 16”) magazine (no longer pub lished) featured the ad's photo/art in a pinkish-brown tone with text and display type in black. Firestone-Gastonia plant pur chaser Robert Spencer has the framed ad in his office. A sales representative gave it to him several years ago. Firestone perfected the Gum- Dipping method of insulating tire cords against internal heat by a dip process in 1920. Note that the ad also incorporates a promotion for Company Founder Harvey S. Firestone's cam paigning for ‘Americans to pro duce their own rubber.’ WHEN SPRING INVITES With Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires on your car, Any trip in any car is more restfui‘~-cushionei you who love Nature can revel id the joys of to the point of supreme comfort by Firestone out-of-iioors;confidentofFirestontperform« Tires, And many thousands of extra miles ance. Any road swings open to the car that are built in by the Firestone process of carriesGum>Dipped Baliooos.Thereissafety Gum EMppiag. The Firestone Dealer near inthebroad.many-angledtread.ltgivesasure fou is especially trained and e]uippcd to hold.yetrespoaUsqutcklytowbeelandbrdic. give you “Better" service. MOST M1L£S PER DOUAR r(re$totte AMERICANS SHOULD PRODUCE THEIR OWN RUBBER.. Textiles: 8-states leader •Almost 7 of every 10 persons employed in the U.S. Tex tile industry work in the 8-state Southern region — Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee. The region employs more textile workers than any other and the textile industry remains the largest employer in the manufacturing sector for most of the region. But in 1980, employment in the Southern textile industry dropped off by more than 20,000 workers, the largest losses in Georgia and the Carolinas. The Labor Department report noted that North Carolina last year was the nation’s leader in textile employment, with an average 248,000 workers. That was 28.8% of the national textile employment and 42.3% of the region’s tex tile force. ‘Changing industrial giant’ From filament to fabric ••A Firestone Textiles-Gastonia TC Weaving loom in operation — the photo by DUKE POWER NEWS editor William S. Yoder. It was part of a story in the NEWS May issue on textiles as a “changing industrial giant.” A section, “Wheels Roll On Textiles,” featured Firestone. It reviewed the history of the Gastonia mill and told of its operation today — 1,000,000 square feet of space, 1,200 employees and a $12.3 payroll in 1980. The almost-exclusively syn thetic material is processed through stages from filament to twisted cord and woven into fabric, most of it about 5 feet wide. . . Finished product is chemically treated for added strength and other qualities, shipped to tire-assembly plants and other customers around the world...” Stock purchase SI 1.74 is the most recent average per share purchase price of Fire stone common stock. Manufactur ers Hanover Trust Company pur chased it at that price, for accounts of Firestone stock-buying employ ees. MHT. trustee for Firestone’s Stock Purchase & Savings Plan, calculates average per-share cost by dividing the total purchase cost of stocks for a given month by total number of shares bought that same month. Firestone Fibers & Textiles Company NEW NAME When consolidation of the Textiles Division and Syn thetic Fibers Company is completed by early September, the new name will be Firestone Fibers & Textiles Company. In the change, the Hopewell, Va., fibers-producing fa cility joins the plants at Gastonia, N.C., Bennettsville, S.C., Bowling Green, Ky., and Woodstock, Canada, as the com bined division. It operates under the North American Tire Group of The Firestone Tire & Rubber Company. Gastonia is headquarters of the consolidated division. All plants involved will continue to turn out the same pro ducts “as before.” July — Independence Month • The patriotic song "My Country 'Tis of Thee" was first sung in 1834 at a picnic in Boston, Samuel Frances Smith, a Baptist minister, wrote the words which were joined to a tune from a collection of old German melodies. The British "God Save The Queen" has the same tune. The first verse of "My Country'Tis of Thee". . . My country 'tis of Thee. Sweet land of liberty of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died. Land of the Pilgrim's pride From every mountain side Let freedom ring! The automotive car-care classes that Firestone Stores offer nationwide to women drivers, incorporate many suggestions on highway safety, travel con venience, vehicle maintenance, dealing with emer gencies, etc. Remembering some of those suggest ions from a class at the Gastonia-Dixie Village Firestone Store: To solve the "it’s never there when you need it’’ problem, these items make up a "what every motorist should have" kit in the vehicle’s glove drawer or trunk. Coins taped inside the glove compartment door for an emergency telephone call, a ilashlight, first-aid kit, white cloth to use for emergency signalling, paper towels and some soap-and-towel packets. Ya ‘What every motorist should have...’ i