FIBERS AND TEXTILES COMPANY PLANT MANAGER'S MESSAGE The transition period of preparing to move to the new plant has most definitely negatively affected the Gastonia Plant performance in the month of February. Below are several performance measurements for your information: Actual Budget Difference Safety 14-3 [Niunber incidents] Quality 1.07% 0.93% +0.14% [Waste] Daily Prod. 2,931,763 3,057,000 -125,237 SAFETY has been good overall through February. Please always think "SAFETY FIRST" on your job and report any unsafe practices or situations for immediate correction. QUALITY has deteriorated over the last two to three months. We finished last year (1992) at 0.99% tire cord waste and through February of 1993 we are experiencing 1.04%, a 5% increase in our waste levels. Doing our job right the first time, paying attention to quality-related aspects of our job and wanting to produce the very best possible will greatly improve our operations. PRODOCTION has been negatively affected mainly by the number of employees going through the education classes at the Learning Center. Through the middle of March there have been 42 employees who have successfully completed the new plant education programs. This education and training has necessitated many other employees being moved to different jobs and filling in where needed at the current facility. Your patience and willingness to "go the extra mile" during this transition period is very much appreciated. The February plant performance also impacted the year-to-date Gainshare Program resulting in a 0% gainshare. If we pull together during this GASTONIA PLANT MARCH 1993 difficult transition and work as a TEAM, we can make significant improvements in our overall operations and achieve gainshare opportunities for 1993. Thanks again for your cooperation and hard work during this transition period. CONSTRUCTION NEWS By: Bill Lindquist Greetings from the "Big Muddy". As I write this article the sun is shining and the temperature is close to 80 but I'm surrounded by acres of mud and the weather forecast calls for rain tomorrow night. I expect the rain to stop about the time we plant the grass and complete the landscaping. Oh well! In spite of all the rain we continue to make progress. Duke Power has completed the electrical substation for our plant, the electrical subcontractor has installed all of the switch gear and is now installing the power wiring and the lights. The air compressors, air-conditioning chillers and cooling towers are here and are being installed. The floors are finished and look great! The building is now closed in and painting has begun on the inside. Work on the office area is progressing nicely. The walls are going up and the exterior finish is nearly complete. The Department of Transportation was able to get gravel down on the road in front of the plant but the weather has prevented any further road construction. Though far from finished, we will be ready to start moving in production equipment April 8. We still are optimistic about being able to start production May 17, but a break in the weather is desperately needed to get the roads in.