n t w No. 9 Friday, October 19,1945 NS17 JOB FORMS The new job forms have arrived and are noF/ being used. It v/ill take full co-opera tion on the jjart of all mechanics and the stookrooia personnel to mice the use of the forns vrork smoothly. If wo all inalco an earnest effort to give these forros a chanco by observing the following rulos, there should bo no confusion: 1, Every job, large or small, must have a job form. 2» v/lienevor a job is acceptod/ the customer should bo directed to f.ir. Ponish's of fice, v/horo the form vdll bo filled in, 3. The foreman v/ill hand the form to tho cro\7 a ssigned to tho particular job, A fter tho repair work is started tho form must at all times stay, mtli tho plane 0 4. TfVhon any parts aro required for a job, tho job form must bo taken to tho stockrooms Tho stockroom porsonnel has boon ins-nructod not to issue any parts without tho job fomu 5. Y/hon the job is complotod, tho job fonn and all papers (319^ 20-hr chock otcr,) must bo hmded in at Mr, Ponish office AT ONCE, These fonus vnll WOT be used on PA jobs, % ** * PERSONALS P A Flying Club is grieving over the crack up of their plane. With all members '"pitching in", the Club plane should be back on the line in the near future, Mrs. Emch is on a t;vo-weeko vacation. Vie are hoping she has a big time. V/5IGIIT AND BALANCE BY P.H,Ponish To find the C G Aft Extreme, the air plane must be loaded in such a manner that all items will exert the extreme aft moment. Let us continue with tho ex ample given on Pago 2 of last vrook’s P. A. Nov;s. Tho first lino v;ill bo the sardo as before: Yv’'t(lbs) Arm.(in) Moment AEW 650 16 10400 The specifications require a J3 C-65 Cub to bo floTO solo from the roar scat onlvc Tho roar seat is on an am of / 36 and tho front seat on an arm of / 9, It is obvious that tho most roarv/ard moment ■will bo exortod v/hon tho airplane is flovm solo, Tho socond lino, therefore, will bo: Pilot 170 36 6120 Tho fuel tank is locatod on an arm of -18, Tho loss gas there is in the tank, tho greater vdll be the total aft monontf Vfo use, theroforo; tho minimum fuol in our calculation. This is found, accord ing to tho C A M 18, by dividing tho Maximum Except ToJio-off HP by 12, Tho Maximum Except Take-off HP of the plane in question is found in tho Operation Record of the plcaio or tho pertinent specifications. For a Jo C-65 Cub it is 50 HP, 50 divided by 12 equals 4 l/6 gals of fuol, Tho third 1 ino v/o put down is: Fuol(min) 4 l/6 gals 25 lbs -18 -450 Oil must bo includod in all calculations as explained last vraok, Tho fourth line v/ill bo: Oil 1 gal, 7,5 lbs -29 -217,5 The baggage on an arm of 49 will give a