PlfDHIOni 'BVIflTIOR 0EUJ5 Vol. 1 - No. 12 Friday, November 9, 1945 OUR SUPPLY DIVISION The Supply Division and Parts Depart ment is definitely having grovifing pains. There is a great opportunity in this de- partraent. Our sales personnel has done good v^ork and can be proud of the incr eased volume of sales. Vife must not forget, however, that in order to keep on growing, it will be necessary for us to make every effort to keep on our toes and speed up and improve our service to the customers, To clarify some of the problems, there will be a meeting of all stockroom personnel Saturday morning at 10:30 A. M. in Mr. Ponish's office. Those requested to attend are Mrs. Shouse, Liss Adams, Iiiiss Mays, Mrs. Ponish, Mr, Gough and Mr. Bailey. FIEDMONT FLYING CLUB NEWS We’re glad to see the "Wench" is fly ing again, and hope there will be no more freak accidents. Brownie and Ketner's XC? In the future, all normal and ordinary expenses incurred on cross-country trips in NC 27127 are to be paid by the club member. The member will be rembursed by the club treasurer upon liis return to l¥inston-Salem. Gasoline and oil, etc. must not be charged to Piedmont Aviation, Inc. _ We believe this procedure v\/ill eliminate a lot of unnecessary book keeping, We welcome a nevj employee in our midst, Mr. Bob Northington, who is a former student of Piedmont Aviation. He will be connected with the Airplane Sales Department. Go to it. Bob, we are betting on you. Why has Gypsy Rose Anderson been walking around looking so lonely since Baker has been gone, kr. Vestal demonstrated the lOOHP Cruiser in Eastern North Carolina and arrived hoj^ie rather late Sunday night. V'ffilGHT AND balance BY F. K. Ponish This is the final lecture on Weight and Bo.lance. If you have understood all problems given so far, you should have a fair understanding of liow to prepare a Weight and Balance Report- It will take a great deal of practice^ however, until you will be able to make all calculations ?dth confidence and speed. There remains for us to consider Vi(hat procedure_to follow when no CG location IS given in the operation record and it is not convenient to v;eigh the plane in order to determine wihat effect any equ ipment change may have on an airplane. Any equipment removed or installed which is located between the CG limits will have no effect on the aircraft balance. Eqijiipment installed in front of the forv.'ard CG liinit will tend to make the airplane nose heavy. Equip ment installed, aft of the rean/vard CG limit or removed from in front of the forward liadt vdll tend to make the plane tail heavy. How to proceed in these CciSes is fully explained in CAA Manual 18 page 110 to II5. If you master all problems given on these pa.-or you should have no trouble underst'^ndi n the principles involved.