PlfifflOIIT flVlflllOll ituis Vol. 1 No. 20 PA NEWS June U, 1946 Let’s look at our line service from the visiting Pilot's view. The instant the pilot sits his wheels on our runways, we begin to either win or lose him as a customer. (1) Do we meet the customer cour teous ly? (2) Do Vie shovi him vjhere he can find Operations? (3) Do we show him where he can find the rest room? (4) Do we show him where he can find the restaurant? (5) Do we show him where he can find the ?/eather Bureau? Let’s find out his or her needs and show and tell them where they can be found. It will cost us only a few min utes work to dust out the floor and wipe the windshield, yet it will pay big dividends in good will. SOFTBALL We are all very proud of the Piedmont softball team, and we sincerely hope they vjill continue to play "bang-up" ball and come out in first place in the league. We urge all employees and their families to come out to the games whenever possible, to cheer our team, and give them their moral support. A good cheering section helps any teami June 4th - Piedmont vs. Selected Dair ies at Wiley June 6th - Piedmont vs. City Silent Club at Gray #1 June 11th - Piedmont vs. ¥Jinston Steam Laundry at South Park #2 June 13th “ Piedmont vs. Wall Coal Co. at Hanes High Our softball team has won from Tire Re builders, Selected Dairies, Duplan, and Modern Chevrolet; and lost to Y's Men and Modern Chevrolet, IMPORTANT ANNOlMCHkENT Mr. Charles Vestal on June 1st assumed the duties of Director of Operations and will be in complete charge of all flight activities and other functions centered around the operations, Charles has been with us a long time and his knowledge of a general operation should well qualify him for this posi tion. Let's all give him our whole hearted support and cooperation. VETERANS We welcome all the veterans v;ho are taking flight training at Piedmont, and vie all wish thera \iell on their trainings Piedmont is an approved flight school to give private and commercial license and also instrument and instructor ratings. Let's all work together to "Keep em Flying". NEWS ITEMS Vie have a new employee in our midst, Mrs. Maxine Trotter. She vjill be a big help in the general offices of the com pany and be able to take care of the increasing amount of paper work as a result of the GI Program, VvAA, Surplus Parts Sales, etc. In case you didn' t notice in the May 26t! Journal, J. C. Kelley was awarded a - trophy for the "best sportsmanship" for athelete at Mineral Springs High School. Joe Culler also received the football award for best all-round player. We all welcome Frank Nicholson back to our flight department after serving a tour of duty in the Army Air Forces.