.j-'- ^ / / "SKY PILOTS SEmiONETTE” ' • . Rev. Durharu Whisnant. Subject - We speak. Scripture Text, 2nd Cor. i'l.th C3ie,pter-^13th Verse, v'' *Vi; V., m ALSO BELIEVE, AI€) THEREFOR SPEAK. vf—\ y ^/ First of all, j^'ou notice, we believe iTTTTT^ t could not spealc effectively, if we I i *» I M 1 * “''% ■" believe in God. The millions llffeiu! ('1 vT ' 4 American Soldiers and our allies, in T/f L'h' J i //If. ^ all paiiis of the world are speaking in ' ' ‘ the only way left for us to speak, isince Pearl Harbor, Tojo’s men in the State Department in l^ashin/^on could not hear us throuph Hon. Cordell Hull and other officials. Hitler and I-iussolini, as well, have failed to hear us speak through our president. V/e, as a democracy, would much prefer to speak in a more Christ-like manner, but we have been forccd to speak in a little clearer and more distinct tone, and we ai’e doing just thct. Major Jimmy DooLittle made a nice little speech over Tokyo and from all reports, he is at present on an impressive speaking engagement in North Africa. Gen, IvlacArthur and his men have been spcal'.ing over a3.1 the f'lr east and south west Pacific vxid in a language the axis do understand, Colin Kelly, Gen. Ike Eisenhov^cr and thousands of others, too nuiiierous to mention, are speaking in defense of our right to live as free men fnd worship Crod, according to the dictates of our individual conscience. We trust and pray to God, that the way wo arc speaking now, will result in the right of all humanity to live free and happy under God. Boys, have faith and try to be soldiers like Gideons soldiers, after his army could only boast of throe hundred men. In closing, may I extend sincere wishes for a joyous Christmas Season, and through out the Kew Year, mn.y you be blessed with every happiness, •55- -i'c ■}{• -5$- -5J- .y. 45. As wo arc approacliing another Christmfis season, wc \v'ill hoar again the carols and the story that never grows old...Of Jesus and his birth. Lany may ask questions as to why God having loved the world so much to send His onl^^ Son into the world to save it; and then allows wars to come to destroy his people. The CHURCH...Gods, only Son the HE/D...with all its high ideals is worth fifhting for. Tho’ the world is overshadowed with v/ar clouds, v-/e can have pea.ce.. .Peace in our hearts...A lasting pcace. Here at home, v/e arc planning a prograra to be given along with the Christmas tree service for the little folk of the Sunday School. l:r. Leo Chrjnpion or Mr, Smawley vjill lead in the song service; the pastors vjill be \;ith us j-jnd say s: word or two; and the grovjn ups as v^cll as the children v;ill be locking for Santa. We rre hoping to have the glee club from Piedmont vjith us for the re^iular service on the 3rd Sunday night, Vi/’c have lost this month...by death..,ohe of our most loyal members, Mrs, ’’Gent" v/illic'3jns. And now, until v/e slor.ll have another visit \;ith you,,.., "Looking back upon the year you’ve spent since last December, May you have a lot of cheer and ]^3.essings to remember. And looking forward may j^’ou feel that this year vdll increase The bright hopes all are cherishing for true r.nd lasting PEACE," -Carrie Lee Vfeaver,...