Dear Jin: If tho idea for the "Hoover Rail” is your oY/n^ I \/ant tc tell you its a GEM. I li’cc to lie around on the bunlc and read that 'baby’ T;hcii I have nothing much to do. Kopo ^rou vail see to it that. I don't rxiss a copy for the Duration. My basis tra,ininf, is roll under way noi; f’iid I have cnjoyed it every minute, so far it has not toon too hard. I like the place voT'f much. Some of the fellovv's here came up fron Fort Era^;g- r„Lonff v/ith mu, but most of Comprjiy G from Indiana and Ohio This IS a grnnd placc t'l be and I'm /^'ctbin.n’ alonr; fine. Kindest regards tc evcr^/body in I^w^ndrle, Jerry Ca.ldAv'cll (Viooley) Camp 1.00,, Virginia To the Lawndia,lc Citizens, the "Hoover Rail La,\73^e:?s" and Editor: I have received copies of your paper and cnj.-)y--- reading it, so keep up the f:ood v/ork, I knoTj the r^st of the men in scrvicc cn;io^’':!d the paper as ntuch as I^. I wish to thank the friends of La\'»nda3.c for l.hc many Christmas greetings which I received and mr.y the Nci^ Ycr.r- bi-;Lr.-5 VjL-tory tc -33 all. I am looking fonvard to the nc::t issue, so Just pass the ammunition. To tht: Men in service from Lav/ndalc, I you the best of luck and a safe return, home- Pfc, Avery T, Sloan, Fort Dc'u^las, Utah ■ii- -je •):- Dear Friends: I just received my second copy of your (or our) "Hoover Rail", r.nd I crji’t borin to tell you how much I enjoyed readinr; it. I think it is a v;onderful thing, somcthuif/ uhat every man or boj-, ;vho ivas born, or has lived in that tcvm would appreciate. ^ I cspcci?.VLy like 2.I f^r this parti' reason, I have a number of fricnc.s -.n the service ircr: there., ijho I could never make contact i;ith, but j^-our Bulloi-in has :ioa it possible. lou proba.bly wonder hov; I like life in the service — I like it very much and mr.y m.ake a career of it, that is^ after I help ''Sink the Setting- Sun", I'll be looking fr-rward tc the ne>± edition^ S/Sft. Lbrris S. Rarasaur, c/o Postmaster, New York, N. Y. -5c ^/r -5J- -JJ- We thank-you for the nice letters we have received and which we have thc'rou^;^h^y enjoyed. Ue wish more of you 'i/ould write so that wc could publish your letters, which v;e lnow wdll be of interest to all the boys in the service, BE SURE TO DTFORfi US FROJPIT.Y OF kin CIlAl-ICth; 71' YOm ADDRESS. •?{■ -){■ -k- -x- •}{■ -j;- -5- -jj- ■5:- -;{• Joseph C, Grow, former ambassador to Japan, quotes this from a diary of rii Aixrican Soldier as a good, motto for every American: "I will work; I will save; I wilj. sacrifice; I will endure; I will fight checrfully and do my utmost; as if the whole struggle depended on uo alone."