'Jivs; ■^.cooivcd 3^our copy of the "Hoover Rr,il" and enjoyed it vei-y much, o'ud ti'.y -Ghr-nks to the people who talting their vc.luablc tir.i.e rJid goinG to tno tiroublc tc lot Uf5 )-.Tio\7 ia hr,ppcnin£- at hoKio, I hr.vcn't r.a.ich tc say, jast a fcv; v’ords. I ar'. now stationed at Camp Pickett, Vir^jjiia ?nd have two and one years service and also like the Arny fine. It rrij.de mo feel £ood to Iq\om the people back homo v’cre thinlcin^ of us and backing us up. 1 think people like that are dconj-, a creat part in vjinninr this War. I havo me brother in the service and one beirig cal.lcd this month, I guess that \d.ll .-nr-kc three of from that to\;n, do.ln^j o'.U’ part in ivinning this fer and I osri sure the rest of the feliovs feel the srjie v;ay I do abrut getting this war over v'ith. I will bo looking forward to getting your ne:± copy of the paper. figc. A.H. Pi ice. C-.'jr.ip Pickett,, Virginia -j;- Dear Jim; It was very nice of you to thinlc of a paper to send us service men - the news of the Hoover Rail. I m liking the Nav'' fine, there is notlnng like it at all, I v/ill advise my pals to join me,. The papt.r helped mo lots, thoi'e \;ere se>ne aadi'ecses I wriited to kno\; and I found then iu'ycur fine paper. How is old nan C.r. Forney, getting along, I hope and I guess, he is still T.’atching the boys do their \icr\: in the old dyehou.se, VJell, I am hoping all of you have a Merry Cnristr-ias. I hope I get to be hone soon, Roy Elnore, Norfolk, Virginia •i'c “X" • -ic •}(- Dear Mr'. Osborne: I h."'vc just fxniahed rerding ny first copy of your "Hoover Rail" and I think it is the best I have seen yet. I have shown it to all the boys in the barracks and it showr: up papera ’froa all parts of the country. I Ov3peciaily liked tlie letter fron the ''Mothej;* of the Month" this one having been written by Mrs. Bax'ns, inr.’ces it even raore interecting, as she is toown and loved b3»- so r.'ir.ny boys throughout the United States, at this tirao. Pvt. Durham C. Griggs, S obring, Florida. •j;- -j:- •};- -if Tear Folks: I have just finished reading ycur little paper and I certainly enjoyed it. I thinl: its a swell idea j^’cu have, in letting us know wh-:.t you are doing back hone, sincc we left, for that is always of great intei-cst to us. You said you \vc.u.ld like to kn^n •.•h.at v.'c have been doing since entering the service - as for nyself - I've been in school for th^ past two nonbhs. It hf.s been a long wjjiding road - this learning to be an airplr-r.e nechanic, Uo were puzzled at first by the various mechanisms bat thrrurh constant adaption of our 'wocik' brains, v;c managed to understam' thciT' functions, and now, the end of the road is in sight. Our class will graduate about the 12th of January. I don't think any of us will be scrry to leave although vio have had some good times here at school .'jad wo *13. niss then ivhen we-re gone. L>..t me vdsl' y^^u oil now, the best and merriest Christirr.s over, and bigger and better things in this Ne\; Year to come. Pvt. Charles II. Carpenter Tu]. s a, Oklahoma •ji- -X- •!:- I have been reading your "Hot the Hoover Rail" rnd I appi’ociate it verj^ much. . A’’'‘Out nyself, I can't tell you raich, but I cpne up here for Radio and I just couldn't mr.ke the grade, so I want to thi.; Engine Rc on and I [ct c. First Class Rating in a month. I like my work very well. Adlev I.dlkii'ison, Gallups Island