V It shall have a Hoi’ld Court, conposGd of 9 ncmbors: (honorable, ropufcablo and icarnod non,, oxporionood .in Icfj,-;! r.iattorG), The judges to hold offico for l:.fe unless iiipc.-r.chod for .r.i'sbohr.vior. Each judge to bo appointed the Procidont and approved by cong'i-ess. A.n attcjipt to ''pack the coaj't'' for ar/ purpose vjhatsoovor should bo rogai’ded as r.dspi-’issioxi of treason .ar-.d pv.rJ.bhod as suoho VI All neniber nations of the WorJ.d Peace U.aion shor.Id be taxed for the support and oper.-’ation '.;f the super-ju'wrr^Mont. The tax on each nation to bo .in pi'oporbion to the total taxabio'n of all. Iciiids, L-iposed ii: each nation, on its ‘wn peoplec VII No nation of the union shou.ld bo al.Iovjcd to maintain an arr_iy or navy or nilxtary force uf any V:ind, bcy:-rd what- is declared by the congi’esa to bo necess^u';^ to prope.rly poli'^o ins uivn people. VIII The said Vforld Perce Union should ;r.aiatain a powerful r.iilitary furce, araply able to ca^’ry ouc. cjid enforce the purpose for vjhich the World Peace Union is eaoablishcd, IX The !7orld Peace Union C'.;n^Tess shall, ha^'e the power to declare and v; a^o ’/;ar agairist, ^nd chudc, those nat.iotis of the Peace Union which resort to vjar; end aJ.so shaj.I have av’thority to closely inspect conditions and operations withj.n cach neraber nation, nerely and cnly for the purpose of loarr.ln,!}’ vjhuther or not ca'jh naaber nation is con-" plying v;ith the c '. nst itutlon of the super-go vornr.iont; and shall have authority to levy a.nd collect the taxes herein before referred to, X The Prosidont_, after war is do dared by congress, is to be C , r:cjidex’-in-Ghiyf of t he arny, but bo subject to the constitution and to the co.ngross i.f the super-goverixient^ XI Sett] o;io.it of disputes bebveon nor.bers of the Peace Union shall be by a:‘;‘bitrac.ion, before the 7for3.d Court, or before sone other judicial bxly, agreed upon between then, XII The Co.nstitution of tho World vJido Peace Union should speci- ficalj. y and oriphaticalj.y state chao its only purpose is to prevent war rjid enforce peace bet?;een nei.iber nations; and the super-govern- raent, established under Uiis constitutii-n, should refrain fron nod dling or interfcrr.lng with tho internal affairs of rjny nation under any pretext whatsoever. XIII The President r..:ust always act ,'',s if he wore servant of the nations instead of their boss and r0('.^-i.a0iitc.-r, XIV If the President should ever try to influence congress to corner on iiir;* the power to distribute in the several nations, large sux-is of governi'.icnt i.ioney whensoever, wheresoever, and to vjhoasoever he r.iay choose, ho shou.ld bo pronptly ijMpeached under charge of attenpt- ing to buy cji d corrupt the electorate, RospoctfrJly si.'br.rj.ttod. John F. Schonck, Sr,