liOTl-IER OF THE HONTH , ' (Each, i-'-onth sonc ;iothor with a boy in Uio 's-c^rvico will bo asked to V\;ritc a I'ettcni.-f’or"this btilletin, .\ telling 70U hoYi it foolc to bn at miting for /'"ii* your letters and your return.) 4' ' ■'' / Dear Boys in the Service: / / j ) X have been asked to'Vi/rito you through the I f ) iiHot Off The Hoover Rail”,- and, not being very \/ i’ood at writing, I’n still very happy to try, \ .r^ ;.■> V I think it is an honor to bo able to m-ite so I \ r.any soldiers at .^ne tijie. 17e Mothers } —;•■ be soldiers too, for you Icnow iiothers worry their / V. sons tliat cxo ar,)c.y in the Service. If it wore true I ^ that the boi^s were tied to their Mother’s apron strings, then v/e would be worrying over the possi- bilit:'^ of then getting loose. It is silly to tell v;oi.ien not to worry,oven the youngest -^f then know tha.t it. Cvannot help though. They can, as President Roosevolt suggests, pray not only on Thanlcsgiving and Now Years Day, but every day for ultiinte victory. I see nost of the Iiothers each week that have boys in'the Service and wo have a grand tiiae telling the latest news froa each one of you. You know our neeting place is usuaU^' at the Post Office or the grocery store and I have iiade iiany new friends :;f I.others v;ho have sons in the Service. It always scolis that I have knuvm then for a long, long, tirie. We are so proud of all of you that v/hcn you return hojie we wi3J. look so mch younger that 2''ou won’t realize we have had a birthday. Iiothers shouldn’t have a birthday but every five j.’-ears after they have passed forty anyvjay. vTell, I don’t see/.; to loiow anj’" news but I think you boys that are not narried w ould lHic for one fron ,the outside to tell you what your very best girl does to araiso herself while you are avi/ay. r/olllllll---vjhon they c01:10 hone frjn work, they stay at hone and knit, or go to a iiovie occasionalljr^ and rjost inportant of all, write you a letter each day. On Sunday they can be found at Church and their constant prayer is for your safety and early return to 3-our hone and your loved ones. Honestly, they are behaving very nicely and arc just as sweet as v;hen you left« Boys, attend the Chapel sorviccs at your base, or visit s -ao churh in the neighbc^ring town. I’l: sv^re that you will alv/ays find that you are as welC'^ne as you would be at your h^ne church. In closing, I would lilce to leave v;ith you this llov/ Year’s thought, I said to the nan i;ho stood at the gate of the year, "Give no a light that I nay tread safely into the unlaiov;n.” He replied, "Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of G'od -rnd that shall be to you, better than a light and safer thrji a known way,” I'iay God keep you, rjy sons. Love, i>s. B.J, Southards