/I\ M ■TO GOD by Fo'croKt E, II.D, I . / I ‘ Text. - PsaJiia 46:10 - first part > V 'r "f' T Jv »-,r;Q ■ t.ii.1 r.nd. kno'^.v that I aiii God.” These V* y-r i'' .* ' v/orcls \jcr‘j vj:.ltoon by tho "S\^cet Singor of Israel*'' ^^ ' i rocorv-jcd for us in the A.6th Psalr.i. David, as a ^eua/^ haJ ;.uch cdj.ic to acditatc on eternal thin.gs ■while he vjai'.'-.hed his father’s sheep, Appar- )J 7 I ently he often noditavod upon the things of God and — i I y dc'/cloped a vor” corifidcnce in his Heavenly f'V"‘ -'rv i F:'.L:..cr.. In la Urr yonrs he becar.ie a rd^jhty warrior /(. ^ ~ c. rr:;ai: kinfj and led a very strenuous life, but i* t'/ ^ for-jot. Gt.'d, So al.30, is r'ood for us ariid tho strain and turnoil of our li’^’^es to ’-be sV^ill'' ar.'d ;.iHdj.tc;to on the things )f God, Do not vvait ijT^til an hour of encrjer/cy. or oho Line whoa .It appeo.rs that the next noneat you Lviy be thro?/n into Iho ‘^jreao un'kncuxi,'* and then in desperation cry out to God for he^o-. Lcr -ri' poji the juy and confcrt of secret, q.uiet coi.oirdon **.'ith It :'.s ";.c!jLiDie for each one of u-s in this way to learn to knc.'-w C-o(i; r..nd t;. h?-.-.'o faith and t.ru.Tt i*:\ I-/Ln that no natter what nay cone v;e v;ii.i have peaoo in our heart, and confi.deii'^e in Hir.i, Re/.ier.iber the ’vordo cjf tJob vfhen he wsaid, *'I liiitO’v that niy Redeener liveth . . . Tjhon 1 slioLl see for and riins eyes shall behold,"(Job 19:25-27) also t):e Vvords of tho apostle Paul v;hon ho said **T knov; \vhon I have believed and ar.i persuaded that he is abJe to keep that vjhich I have cor.mtted unto Hin ajainw'sb thit daj'' (2 Tjjaothy 1:.'I2), Tt is ho’icrablG and r^anly to shov: re^’orence to God and to corxmne with Hii-i. The Gr-eao G(.)d, vmo created us c*:'nd later I'edeej-ied us, is worthy of our hi>j;hoso adcirat-icn., It is a great privilege for us to be able always to keep in. touch with Hin, At aj.1 tL'.ies cjid imder any circuiristance let us learn this secrot ‘'Bo still arid Imov^ that I an GodJ* -5c * -)c- -)c- •)x'- •}(- ■«■ ■}{• CliURCH NKS mD ACVIiaTIES By . . , „ Carrie Lee Vifeavor Welj. Folk--t-as wo cor.*e to visit v;ith j^ou again, v/e are wishing you the best of luck and good health. As we have begun a no^v year, a nunber of folk have mde resolutionc—probably to break then'--but let us mke one and do- torj-ujio to keep it}: ^'Hesolved to bo a 11'•/Mo bettor this year than we have ever been’’ and all of us can do that withoiit hurting ourselves trying. IIov7« about our- activities at church. Host of you know Jude Towery, who was Sundr.y School Supto Jude was anxi'-'us to get out of office and nade a rather pitii'ul piea to *^t out-and he got out of that office. Hr. Tci't Put.nari is jur nov: ^>aperintciident: and wo-re expeotiiig hiri to lead us into a bigger and bet to:' Sund'jy School; and v/e shcill endeavor to co-operatc with hiiM in the v;ork by doing whatever wo ca^i to help, Fred Denton is continuing in office as Socretaiy, 'ilie teachers and on.hor officers are about the sane excepting the song leader and pianistc i.irs, E.,D. Bridges, who was very efficient in her task severtil 2^oars ago, is ag.ain with us as pianist. It sooned the school was deteridnod that Jude should not be idle (he tried to tho’) so ho is our song leader. Hay God-thru His wisdon and lovc~Keep You-G’aide You-and cause his face to shine upon you—^wherever you are—today and all through tho year.