Genfclenen: I have received fchroe copies of the "Hoover Hail” end thoroajhly- enjoyed each and every one. I an now stationed at Chanute Field,111,, and follovdng is a brief account of ny life here,- We arrived here seven ;vecks a go, fron liiarii, Fla. 130 strong. (Dur second day vje wore put to vrork in a large building which had a sign out front, saying "General Moss Ko. 3". There were also General Hesses No* 1, 2, and 4. I learned to Icnow then vjcU in the next few weeks and the longer I v/orked in then, the nore general the ness becansi We did K*P. every other day and our Sergeant gave us outside detail on alterna te days to keep us out in the healthful fresh a ir. One day the Major drafted us fron the Sergeant and had us spread gravel over the road. The Lajor was a Ilastor Sergeant for 15 years. It is runored that then is when he learned all his bad habits. Tho'liajor and Sergeant wore so intent on keeping us busy with healthful work, that I aonentarily expected to be put to w ork cutting grass w ith snovj on the ground. Now, all that is changed. I on attending the Link Trainer Instructor School and I no longer have those "irksone details," The wisdon of letting new non pull K*P. and general duty is plainly apparent. The Sergeant and the Major are really fine follows, regular gentlenen, in fact* This Link Trainer is a wonderful thing. It has autonatic bank with turn, turn with banl;, and automtic nose drop v/ith turn, lifter a few weeks, I had cold with aubOi'.ntic nose drip. Yes, the Link Trainer is a narvellous thing. The .’aT-Ty is roallj’’ a s;vell place to be, and I cannot recoimend it too highly, To anyone about to enter it. Congratulations, atid be sure to try to get into the Air Corps - it is exceedingly interesting. Surely e njoyed reading all the boys* letters in the "Hoover R''il." It's a great way to keep up with our friends. Best wishes to all, Sincerely, Pvt, J.L. Osborne, Jr. Chanute Field, 111. VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Dear Friends: I was very glad to receive the little newspaper frou you all - there isn't anything coji take the place of no;vs fron "Good old Hone" - frun the people you wore raised up ;dth,people you had been seeing every day in your life. I just [:ot through reading it today, I rlso en joyed the page that included the few jokes. Fi'ionds, I like the ^^ri.ij’’ fjjie. I vias glad to bo transferred to the liodical Det, The Iledical Do tachj.iont includes First- Aid to the nen bn the f iold. Don't worry about Victory - because ;;e are going to win this war, if it is left up to us and the Lillies, It i'.iakes us feel good to loiow that you back hone are fetanding by us in every • w ijc possible. Don't forget we think of you all often. Again, I will say thanks for the Edition of the newspaper and I a:i lo.Jcing forward to the next copy. Wishing all of you, the best of luck, Sincerely, Friend, Kenneth lie I tiro, Cas.ip Slaxidihg, Fla, VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV