W h q^ V'-" V"? f^, V kwii OLD MAIDS WV! By Mildred Miller & Annie Sue Hoyle Kello Boys, This is one-half of the old maids ro’’^ tuiiinf? in and telling you the little gossip that floats around occasionally by our desl:. The greatest excitement starts in Oph Hunt’s bus. Most of you have ridden on that jalopy before pleasure riding was banned pnd you know how much room there was then. Now boys when you get on the bus everyone HAS to breathe in unison, malcin£‘ the sides s\viii(- and sway in r:^nd out. Of course it never f;ets full for Mr. Kilt's Slogan is "There is clv/ays room for one moi’e." At each stop you will hear him cheerfully yell, "Hop rifht on—-there’s plenty of room," The other ni^ht Seal Jeffers lost time in breathing- and corapletel;'- p/.ssed out. l(lost people are having trouble trying to distinguish between pleasure and business now. It is surprising hovj much more business people have now than they used to have. The other day a certain little Lnv/ndalo lad was taing his best girl home from work after the 3 o’clod shift. As he ner.red her homo he decided he would give her one little farev/cll kiss. Just as they were in the heart of it, Hntcher or bv.cinc:sr?" The young Hatchor popp'jd. a'ld ■■.;:;k;cV ‘'Ptctaer j s 'rhi? pi j-.xrv.; tri^ .... souirt prcrapfely as^-swored, "Bn.sinces for .J v“;ia hu.r bQiac froiu vpx’i;. decided that kissing v;as pleasure rnd it was f-jood-bye gas tickets. No jiving boys, Sundaj/", January 2^th v/as beautiful dry here and people took this gas rationing seriously ''.nd started out on foot;, horseback, skates. Hoover carts, bicycles, wagons, aiid bi;ggics. For instance, Carol Pcrjii ?jid his wife had a lot ^of Belwood school teachers in a wagon touring the countr;/. Eob Elmore was seen riding Jean Falls and Dot Cline in his buggy—Jiicrrilly thcj^ rolled along. Homer Lingc.r- felt EJid a mob of these squirts almost wore the road out skcting. (Vfc’ll not say v;hat else they \/oro out,) The mr.in sport around here is Basketball and we gotta' hand it to thepiedmont girls when it comos to winning. They knov/ just ho;i it is done. Hoivever Jim Elrjii took the spotlight the other night v'hen ho tied Eetti' Lee's kerchief over those little brown curls of his. When Shelby All Stars played up here the other night don't tell me we saw Royle Champion -nd Eardy Hunt crov;ding on the bus just to get to ride beside of some glamourous looking blonde from Shelby known as Betty Irvin and Catherine Bailey, Spring must be in the air for Tom Forney has a brisker step and a far-off gleam in his eyes these days. Could it be because he hr^s been seen waiting outside the Churcli dccr to esccrt bhat snazzy-looking preacher's daughter homo? Even Wilbur Boyles has been seen plr.stering his hair down Has he such a reason too? (cont'd on next page)