“1 i CHURCH ACTIVITIES AND NMS By Carrie Lee Weaver Hello Foli:: I believe it’s riy portion to ^ive you sono nevfs about vjhat's going on in our church. CjOOD NSifS.,,Our Sunday School attendance is on tha up ward scale. There are souc nev; faces along vifith sone Ti/hich had been av;ay for a^jhilc joining in vdth us. Really—it’s cone early or take a back seat. The auditoriui.i is practically filled when the last boll rings,,.besides sono of the older nen who are over in their class roun corners,..about the sane folk get the front seats though...And there are sone faces we riiss - anong then yours. The Glee Club fron Piedriont v/as vdth us last Sunday and under the direction of thoir wonderful loader, Mrs, Hudson H:'.rtgrovo, brought us a very interesting progran. The Stmshinc Class enjoyed going to the hoae of Ilrs, Chas, Southards for a class session since we vvote you last, Mrs. Southards looks v/ell and seeried to enjoy the tL'ie we spent vdth her, iars. Bridges is ordering, this weclc, new song books.,, Perhaps we can give you sone good news about the singing when v/e write again. Mr, Lee Chanpion and Mss Louise Clay are working vdth young folk and hope to organize a junior choir. You folic are training that you night kii^w how to fight...So are^vjo,,only^in a different v/ay,,,Yife hope to nake the hone front stronger by working in uiuty for the advancencnt of God’s Kingdon. "Ar;.iy Life is a pil,jTinage of three phases*—^Pitch your tent—dwell in it—fold it up, Christian Life is a voyage of three phases—Er.ibark—Sail—Ai’rivo," "May God ,grant rJLl f;f us new ties of friendship, new opportunities to service, clear thought, stronger faith, courage for the task, joy in our oxpcrienco," "Hie PILOT Icnows tho unknown way—HE w ill bring us thru," A SEPIIONETTE Bjr Goo, ill* Cloy 1st. Cor; I6jl3, 'fetch ye, Stand fast in the Faith, quit you like nen, be strong, V/o are living in a day that c:;lls for strong non. Strong nen are nen cf groat faith. Faith in God is the first step to courage - courage causes us to be able to stand in tho faco of opportunities and dangers. Today v;o arc faced vdth ;iany dangers but vdth these dangers, cone precious opportunities. Christ has coM'iandod us to go into all the world and preach the Gospel. A large nu*-iber of people do not like the G>.jspcl because it interferes vdth thoir ungodly principles, thero-fore they would destroy the Gospel, They my retard the pro gress of the world, destroy r.iany lives and lots of property, but through nen of faith and courage, non who stcjid fast and firr.a on tho principles of right, vdll one day bo able to see the Sun-shine of God's Light, illuninate the darkness, and participate in the joy of peaco and gocKl will. May you nen, who ^o in the front of t he light and vyho will boar ohe burden of battle and share in the giving of Life bo able to stand like non, V/e xiust watch, lest an opportunity would slip through our fingers and cause sorrow to cover the earth. Many non (Continued on next page)