^.r NEVJS FROI/I THE FRONT Dear Kelen: This is not a personal letter, but a letter of appreciation to the whole staff of the ’’Hoover Rail." I do not have the vocabulary with which to ela borate ny appreciation of the two copies I have roccivccU Instead of expressing my thanics in an outdrav/n letter of fifty or sijcty pa£,X!s, I have tried to arrange a few v/ords of thanks with a coinmon thought that roust be on every mans mind that is in the se37vice away from homo. You may print the following poem in the "Hoover Rail" if j^ou vjish — use your own judgement, Greetings, all you friends back there I I wish good luck to one and all. The Hoover Rail I*vc road with care,- I’d say you folks were on the ball. . Across the icy wastes I roam Led on by blazing Northern Lights 5 The Frozen North is now my home. Till v/e*re done fighting for our rights. -5- Just send me more good news to see;- A keg,~ or two, my thirst to quench,- And then- to keep me company,~ You mi^t send up some vi^insome vrcnch. -7- The ncv/s of all the other guys v7as just the stuff I like to find. And now, to put my old friends wise, I talce time from my daily grind. -A- Far from spots v/here beer-soaked buns (Like you and l) once sat and drank, I sit £ind thirst,- vdth drying gums,- A corporal in Army rank!« —6- About your northern boundary - no?/- I urge you all to have no fear. On this side you are safe,- and howj The Japs draw back- for I am here. Though life at home fills with distress Just let your£v..lf be calm,- serene,- Sincerely yours^ And sleep at nigh'ts. CTJS protects you all,-v;ith D.L. Queen ’’Red" vvvvvvw\AAmAfwvvvvvvmwvvvvvv\w;vvvvvvvvwvvvvvvvvvvwvvwvwvvvvvvmwmvvvv Dear Jim: Received the First edition of "Hot off the Hoover Rail." I really enjoyed and appreciate the paper. Please thanlc all the ones that had anything to do with it for me. I really think all the boys in the service had rather have something of that nature more than anything they could got from hone—especially the ones over seas. I*m still doing OK except for the "sketers".,,never have seen so many in all my life. Glad to hear all are getting along swell back there, Hope they remain so. Ask Summie Eaker if he drank anj'’ crazy v/ater ^crystals during the series, Mierc is ^jimmy and v/hat is he doing? Been dS6ing any lately? That’s about all there is to do here for entertainment except the horse races once in a v/hile. Tell all I said-"Hello" As ever, Jir.1 SouthnTds, c/o Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif,