X Dear Boys: Here I’ am pinch-hitting again for Jim Osborne, who, we are sorry to say, is on the sick list, but we trust he v/ill be with us next month, and can really write you an interesting letter. Our boys continue to leave for the armed forces, and wo miss them, but know they are glad to get into the fight, and do their part toward vanning the war. V/e know the picture on the front of this issue will be of interest to you as it will shov; you all of the men under whom you worked while at the mill, and will prob ably bring back fond recollcctions of your life here. War orders continue to pour into the mill, and wo continue to do our very best to got them out, so that you, may lack for nothing wo can make to help you in your fight, as wo vdsh all of the boys to know that we aro vdth them to the limit, and will be until the victory is won. Several of our boys have been homo on furlough recently and it certainly is a groat pleasure for us to have them, and we endeavor to show our appreciation of what they are doing by giving them a most hearty welcome. This is vacation time in the office, and the girls and boys have been taking thoir v/eek of rest, v;hich all seem to enjoy, and v;e knov/ it is helpful to them to get avjay from the grind of the office for a short time, V/o are adding names to the plaque in the window, as the boys continue to leave us, aid it is really getting to bo a largo affair, and it seems to increase at .an alarming rate, but we arc proud of the fact that our boys are found fit, as we v/ould not have it otherwise. The v\rar nows these days is just too good to be true, and we become prouder and prouder of our boys in the armed forccs, as they are doing a job which excites the admiration of the v;orld. We had no idea but that such would be the case, but when it happens, it just does something to you - it makes you fool proud that you are an American. Sincerely, Oeo, H. Hart