HOME OH FURLOUGH Cpl. S.L. Gantt of Camp Swift, Texas, is spending an eleven-day furlough with his ■ mother at Belwood. Cpl, Gantt had a chest-full of medals - for. all sorts of things, sharp-shooting, rifle experr^, etc. - too many medals for us to know ivhat they all represented, - Anyway they lookod darned impressive. Jack, as he is known to his friends here, v/orked for Cleveland Mill & Power Company before joining the army. Pvt, Cline Ov;en Lee of Fort Jackson, S.C., spent a recent week-end with his wife, lirs. Lee. Bet Little Billy Lee had a thousand questions to ask him all about "Sol*jers," Lieut. Bob Forney, who has recently been transferred to Alliance, Neb., from Pine- dalc, Calif, arrived home last iiight to spend a ten-day furlough with his parents, Mr, and I.Irs, C.D." Forney, Sr. Spec’ Bob is kinda' interested in looking over t hat new nephew of his, Charles Daniel, the 3rd, Pcf, Eddie Foy, who was a former salesman for Cleveland Mill & Power Company, and ■ also Lily Mills, called by to see us today. Ho had just arrived from San Francisco, Cal., Made the trip by plane. That’s a trip we like to dream about taking, some of these days, Eddie asked to'be put on the mailing list of the "Hoover Rail," ’lowed as h ow, he would enjoy it, even tho’ he isn’t a Lawndale native, NE17S FROM TPIE SOUTH PACIFIC Mr, and Mrs, Jim Blanton have been notified by the War Department that their son. Pvt. Willard Blanton, has been slightly wounded. Willard is stationed somewhere in the South Pacific area. V7e were n.1 T so sorry to hear'of V/illard being wounded and sincerely hope that he will soon be fully recovered, CharJ.cs Wallace off the Havy, stationed in the South Pacific, has written his mother, Jirs. Charley Wallace, that ho is ill in the Hospital there and that he would greatly appreciate his friends writing him, as letters from home mean more than anything else, NOTE. , Anyone desiring the’ addresses of those boys, please drop us a line, and we shall be only too glad to send them to you, at once. We knov/ that V/illard would also appreciate mail from his friends. * -jf- -j:- * Nav.al Aviation Cadet G.W. Clay, Jr., has completed pre-flight training at the University of N.C, and is now taking primary training at the Naval Air Station in St, Louis, Mo. After three months of primary flying and three months of ad vanced flying, he will be eligible for a commission as an Ensign in the Naval Reserve, A little bird tells us t hat G,V/, and a certain young lady in Shelby are looking forward to his graduation days. For more reasons than one - it means wings - and - rings - and - things, G.iY. is the son of our Methodist Pastor, Rev, and Mrs, O.V/. Clay, Sr. We are proud of you, G, - Keep ’em flyin’.