jWOTrihR TrlE MOMTH Dear Son: I v/ant to say "helJLo” to all the 'Other boys and girls too. I stariied mak ing excuses as most, of us will do when Jim came UxO and’asked me to Write "The Mother of the Month" letter for I [pt kinda jitt ery thinking ab'out so many reading this^ but let me tell you something when Jim walks up with-that determined look on his face you jiist as well say o,k. when he first c';sks you, for he isn’t 'leaving until you say', yes. V/ell here's hoping; you are a.11 g'etting along-’fine ?jid althou{;^i all of you can’t come home for Christmas we are all wishing you a Merry Christmas v/herever you are and may you just thank God that everythi ng is as well as it is. Everyone is at v»!ork on their Christmas ProTams and f;etting packag'es off to the boys and girls in Service, Hope no one will be left cut. It seems every one is very anxious to h-elp you boys and girls in any way they can but we feel like the most we cfill do is nothing compared vdth what you all are doing for us. If I Imev; that you all would vnjoy reading what little I’ve.tried to write half as much as I enjoy the letters you write home to J?*xi, I v/ouldn’t try to get out of ^jriting. The first thing I read when I g-et the Hoover Rc il arc the letters you all write back and I r.ure enjoy them. So long and may God bless you. We’re hoping and praying that you all will soon be back with us. Lc'ts of Love, Uothor Idrs, Huth McKee Last month, \jc brou'-ht you the news of Sgb. Lucius Randall’s illness.^ This r.'onth, we v'.re happ^^ to bring you news of his improvement. V/e are re-printing the letter his mother re ceived from the V/ar Deparbnenb, relative to his condition, Dea.r lirs. Peeler: I ar.i happy to inform you that a report has been received from the Southv>/cst Pacific Area stating that on 26 November your son, Sergeant Lucius E. Randall, v;as ronoved fror.i the seriously ill list. Arrangements have been made whereby you my send a message of cheer to him, Tlie inclosed fom is self-explanatory. In view of this report no additional informa.tion is expected unless his condit ion again becomes serious, in which case you will be notified ii:Tiediately, Very truly yours, J. A. Ulio Uajor General, The Adjutant General