fATHcR Or THS >AOMTrJ Charles South?.rdi Hello to you Son, fuid to all the other boys in service where ever you may be I am not much of a \vriter, as most of us dads leave letter-writ ing to the mothers to do, but I would like to thank the Hoover Rail Staff for the opportunity of writing these few lines. Of course we miss you from our home, just as all the parents Mss their boys, and more especially since it is Christmas time. We realize that this mi^t not be such a good Christmas with some of you, but we also realize that the sacrifices you are now making will assui-e us of merrier and happier Christmas’ in the future. And from all indications you boys will be back home before another one roU.s around. Vj'e toow you are giving your best, and wo are trying as best we can to back you on the home front, V/e hope that our little, bit v/ill help to speed Victory, f'.nd that before many months, you boys will be coming home, then wc vdll have one of the grandest Christ mas' of all. Sincerely, Dad