"Have you ever Noticed?" Annie Sue Hoyle>s superlative eyelashes? Macie Rollins* perfect hair-dos'? Tom Fomey»s tov/ering hei^t? , , \ . Merryl kVhisnant's gorgeous eyes? Carrie Lee Vfeaver’s svjeet disposition? Geraldean V/allaces’ beautiful hair? "Lib" Bridges’ friendly smile? John F, Carpenters* polite manner? Dot (Brackett) Lees' cute figure? "Til" (Miller) Bracketts* bright remr-rks? Mrs. John Schencks* flair for vfearing little hats? Helen Walkers* quiet unassuming friendliness? "Bardy" Hunt# flashing smile? Betty Lees* tinkling laughter? -M- ' Pfc, Durham Grigg stationed at Hendrix Field, Florida sent us a recent copy of "Yank", the Army weekly - .Vfe appreciated his thoughtfulness rjid enjoyed reading it very much; Below ive print a letter copied from "Yank" — Thanks a lot, Durham, Doar Santa: • , Please send me the following: "One soft-spoken sergeant to wake me up. One nice thick floor mat for that cold spot on the cement floor next to my bed. One shower and washbowl near my bed. One isarber who never heard of a GI h^rcut, A thousand gallons of white paint to paint all officers' cars, so 1*11 know whom to salute. One taxicab to tnke me around the base and between the base and town. One soft de— taili beginning at 10 A. M,, ending at 2 P. M,, with two hours off for chow. One mess hall, soldiers club. PX, etc., ivhere .1 would not have to stand in liiijfe. One blond, one brunette, one redhead, or any woman. One 30u-day pass each month, Thafs all I want this year, S/Sgt, R, C, Bolton Lincoln, Nebraska it it "Blessed Event" Mr, and Mrs, Dwight Lee announce the birth of a baby boy on December l6th, at the Shelby Hospital, Mrs, I^e is the fojmer Miss Jessyln Lattimore, V: it * * it "Lord, suffer me to catch a fish, so large that even I, when talking of it after wards, may have no need to lie," * it it * a Little Moron vjent to the footb^XL game because he thought that the quatterback vias a refund. it it it it "George Washington threw a dollor clear across the Potomr.c, but your dollar in •Var Bonds hits targets as far away as Tokyo and Berlin/"