Pj'JJLINE CARPENTER;"I wish Santa would leave a rorfcous fur^-coat and a ticket t ■> r- yr;'.cuoe, N. Ye in ny stockinfo My .brother, Dan Ciold is in the Air Corps at Syracuse ''m.ve'*oityu" yORPEST 7ifALKER;~ "Just a note to vdsh y u all the best Christiruas possible and a Happy Neiv Years I have been all pepped up over what I hope Santa Claus brin£;s me for Chris- tr.ias, but I think Dick Cloninf;er is ncre excited than any cf us^ He told ne the oth er day that he was f'oinf to hanf; up his bi^; boot sox and write Santa Claus to put a !'Pln-up Girl” in then for Christnas, If I knew that Sajity would do that I’d get J.T, Pearson to crawl up under the floor with ne« (As you rJ.1 knovj thatsJ.T, >s hiding place when he's had too nuch "Little li.-n Ale") and sec what excuse Dick gives his wife, so I could have Santa bring r.ie one next year." ' PE>VRIjE CARPENTER;- "The nicest X’Mas present I ’.iant Santa to bring me most of all is Jir.i Southard in a brand ne;v car with four new tiresj tank full of gas and nothing to * do but spend 26 hours each day vdth him - Hcvjever I i/ruld be satisfied just to see him in a model "T" Fcrd with nc tires and just enough gas to get to my house. Would . be pleased if,Santa would leave a Thousand-dollar V/ar B^nd in ny sock - V/ould like to' knov/ before hand so I could have all the holes sewed up," TAFT S.* PlLTNAL'lt- "Since we're either too young or too old, I*d like for St. Nick to bo told. Our girls need you boys over here, especially at this tine of year. Since coal'and furs are both rationed , and a dozen petticoats old fashioned, I wonder if Santa could c’eliver, a few arms to shut out the shiver," i'lED WILLI/IIS:- "I don’t know what to ask for, for myself so 1*11 just ask a few things Gor the boys in service. How about bringing all of then a newly commisioned second Lieutenant to shine their shoes, make their bunks, mop, sweep, and do K, P. and also keep their clothes cleaned ani4 buttons shined. And please throw in one "top kick" that they can "cuss" and swear at, and Santa please bring all the Privates c. pair of loaded dice so they can take the Sergeants pay every month," JEFFERS;- "7i/hen Jim approached me today and asked no to write you boys a few lines I -...v.s just about as frightened as I was the day I became a father and speaking of fri- [fit nakes me remember the day Fronie and I were marfied. We went over to Squire Hoyle’s and after the vows were spoken, I ran my hand into my pocket to get the $3,00 fee, I was so nervous Iset off a whole box of matches, I went home minus my pants. Some of you boys no doubt remember the time I was sitting in an old fashioned privy f'.j,oag jame a pui'i o:: .-..ac. :r:.o.ro 1 was . • rK: pa:ri.s agc^iiic I suppor^e I came into the world frightened and I imagine I'll leave it the same way, I spehd most of spare time on the old loafers bench playing checkers. I can’t say I am the champ, but I can say I win my share of the games, I am indeed glad to have the privilege of saying "Hello" to you boys thru the Hoover Rail, Heres wishing you the best of luck and hoping the New Year will bring us closer together," S.* BR/>CKETT;— "Guess you sayr in the last Hoover Rail where Jim Osborne and myself were "Official Recruiters" for the N. C, State Guards, Well we don’t have that title really, but ive have been doing a little talking, in fact we are getting pretty good at ^ it for our latest recruit is Jerry Caldv;clla Jerry as you know has recently been dis— chared frctri the Army and we were tickled to get him in the company with us. You can emagine hoxv our squad from Lawndale■ looks with .Jerry and Earl Eskridge, those long legged fellows, and Shannon Blanton, Jim and myself following them and 'short legged liaurice Bowman and Ben V/ease bringing up the rear, but seriously speaking we do have a good company of Stato Guards, We have been rated one of the two Superior Companies in the State, I hope to give ynu some good jokes on these recruits in a later issue, as they are just getting started in their training and now for a little conversation that could be taking place between Hitler and Tojo; (Continued on next page)

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