HOME ON FURLOUGH ; Pvt, Eddie Wease'has returned to Ft, Jackson;, S,'Cc after spending r. H day furlou^ v;fth his parents. Mr, aridLlrs« King ¥ease., Ed/iie has recenilly been cn maneuver.? -'xi Tennessee, but has now bijon t.ra’isferred to Ft^ -Ja'^kson - his old -’iJjiia Mater'% so to speak, as that, i.-? where he took his ba.sio trainings Pvb.. /odv rritchard was also ’ here at the same time as Eddie, and c.s of by.-gone days, they weie inseperable .. a Damon and P^'thias frj.endship of modern days* epic Avery Sloan was here for a fQvi days, this past month, visiting his sisters, Mrs, Sl'iinnon Blanton nndllrs^ Earl Eslcridge and their famj.lies^ Avery is stationed .it Ft, Douylas', Utah-j but .that cold climate seems to agree with.him -..he looked so handsome, that, all ■ the rgir'lg were thrilled to . see him® "M-wiv-a, that man's here again",* v;c mean Pvt. Glenn V/illiams, that' "Courtin’ Casan ova" - we kno^v he?s going to strut plenty, about the front cover this month, as "Miss Lavmdale" is the gai after his hearty Glenn is stationed at Camp Mackall, N, C. and gets to make "pop-calls" home real often» Pfc. Andy Pi*itchard spent a 14. day furlough, this past month with his parents, Mr, and Mrse Charley Pritchard and famiay •• A little bird told us that Andy is now "two- ing" with a cute nurse at Camp Sutton and wouidn-b care a bit if he broke his leg, so the romance could go on uhintcrruptDd, Andy has been transferred to Charleston, S. C, c,nd atpresent, we don't have his nexv addresso Pvt. "Charley" Carpenter v;as here for a short visit recently, with his grandparents, Mr. and M'/fjc Jc D„ S. Carpenter - Char3.ey came by to see air the office gang and re gale us xvith storiss of life in the. Array as he sees it — TJe were all so glad to see Charley - he used to viork in the office and it was good to dee him again. Charley has now returned to his base, at Tarrant Field, Texas, Robey Brackett of tiie Navy has returned to his base after spending a 15 day furlou^ with his wife, and other irembers of his family . ■ Robey has been stationed at Solomons Branch,' Mde. but has been transferred to Pittsburgh, ’.vhere he vdll join the Fleet lat er, ■ His vdfe, Mary Elsie:, - was all smiles, "all wool' ojid a yard .vdde", while Robey •. was here, Hope Kobey goo some of the good sausage piod -liver mush, that Mary Elsie'is famous-for Jiiaking„ • Pvt. Cecil Richards of Camp C?jnpbell, Ky« spent several days, recently vdth his par ents, Mr. and Mra, Pierce Richards, "Ceek" looked like he has gained a lots and feeling in-the-pirJc. His Dad and Moms vjere plenty proud to have him at home for a- while., ■ Pfc. Bill Jones iis spending'an U-day furlouf* with his family - Bill is stationed at Camp Edwards, Mass:, b-r- r-r,. makes:.me cold> just'to think of that state. Bill is look ing tops and makes a snappy looking soldier, t ' Pvt, Bob Williams of C^p Polk, La', is at home for a' 5^ay furlough with his parents, Mr, and'Mrs, Jack V/ililiams ojid other members of his family - Now Bob, is really a big soldier, he must weigh close to 200 lbs. ajid solid looking as a rock. If we had a Army made of men like Bob, they could simply scare those little runty Japs to death and never use their guns. Pfc, Roy Carter has returned to Camp Pinedale, Calif, after spending a 10-day furlou^^ with his wife, the former Miss Evelyn Garvcr and other members of his family, Roy sports one of those little mustaches like his brothers, Jimmy and Clem - They a11 look rather "Clark Gabloish". Roy is on M.P, rjid has been in Calif, for quite sometime, but still prefers good ole North Carol.i.na,