t-' \\ C„ -.15 A VILLAGE CHURCH By Miss Cc'irrie Loe Wejiver ‘'No'-/ ccmGs the gr-^nd old season ii/hen friend ly honrts rdncw - Tlio ties that mean so very much er.ch day the .whole year through; And as the sirns of Christmas, one one appear - It’s £:ood to wish you CHRIS'C.iA.S JOY and A KAPPI YEAR.” 1 «• The church work seems to be p;oing along Y'nicely, with worship service attcndrjice growing, Tlie Sunday, School will have their annual Christ mas tree vdth the little folk presenting the pro- rraiii. They are preparing the progr"jTi and we’::*c expecting to enjoy a very interesting evening together. Of course, Ole S-nta v;ill come along with presents for all the little folk, Vic hope that he r.cmembers every one of you with something tliat vdll cheer you and make the cr.y joyful. Tlie young people, unde?- the direction^ of our new pastor. Rev. C, G, Isley, arc planning to organize a Union through which they will work and do their part in the church v^ork, Thcyw’ill need encouragement'from the other follt,, Let’s give it to them. As w'c celobi^atc Christmas, may we remember the one who_ made it possible for us to-have the da^’-, rjid also, the best gift that any one could receive LOVE (John 3; 16), Christ came that we might have life r.nd I.OVE -sent Him into the vroi'ld. As I have mentioned before, v;e have been stud3/-ing the Teh Commandments, We, too, have studied about the New Commandjnent given by Jcnus, He combine.d- the other ten making only two with the word love' ?_inl:ing them together. First: "Thou sha3,t love the Lord thy God with all thy soul, with all thy heart, Vv’ith ^■'.ll thy mind, J^nd with :.]J. thy strength"; second: "Love thy neighbor as thyself," Then Ho added the new cpmm^iidment - "LOVE OME ANOTHLR". New in .the sense that it gave us a nevj standard — ".■*S I II/.VE LOVED YOU" ... STRONG, UNSELFISH, FORGIVING, DEVO'^IED, Christlil^e love, maizes us forget self and gives us the willingness to sacrifice for others - Love that j^c'.sseth .understanding, "No;v abideth Faith, Hf.pe, !Lf.'ve;' the greatest of these is LOVS'i The Key to real Happiness, ■K- Pu-v, Ce G, Ii'ley Although I -n new here, I feel that it is a gi*eat honor to write a few lines for Tlie Hoover Rail, * , ■ Bethlehem is a- new beginning, a new birth for the world, a now opportunity, a now hope. At Bethlehem, old tl'iings pass away,' '‘nd all things become new. Let us bow be fore Him at Bethlehem everyday, and go forth in the strength of oi.ir vision to service aid to love. The star that giiidedthe W»so men rested over a humble home at Bethlehem, They entered and found the Christ-child - A child upon its mother’s breast, was that all, yes, everything. For in this child the stream of .prophecy convorg’o, nnd irom tliis child radiate the glow’ing lines of history. " ‘ ’ On the walls of the palacc at Vcj’saillos, there'is a series of battle scenes portra::dng "The Glories of France", in the cottage at.Bethlehem the hope of Abrahm, ■.e urcaiu of D^.vid and vision of Isaiah are realized. This is the center of the world, (Contin.ued on noct pag’e)