Mr. Lee V/eathers of Shelby, who represents Cleveland County in our State Senate and who is also Editor of the Shelby Dail^ Star has written the following short but very sincere messiage to you boys this month. Senator V»[oather3, an able statesman .and a fine publisher^ along with Mr, Holt McPherson , Managing Editor of the Star, have both been interested supporters of the Hoover Rail since its first issue. Vie deeply appreciate Sen ator V/eathers finding tijiie to v;rite our boys in service and we feel sure each of you will be glad to hear directly from him, • •, K i • Dear Fellows: •' You boys who are in service - no doubt appreciate more than ever before your ^od old native Cleveland County, and-long fo' get back to ’'God's-Country", I .'iiope no one has found a spot in all his travels that is so dear as Cleveland County v;hore you spent your childliood and 6f which you have such fond recollections. AH of us are prone to tctiP^.-fpr granted the blessings of home until we get a- way, • sometmes far away, ajid make cbmparisons, Cleveland County will find a more im portant spot for you when you get back and ycur broadening experiences wil^ really fit you to make a lasting contribution to the upbuilding of our wonderful section. I hope you will decide to cast your future lot here at home; One of the most vivid recollections of my childhood was -walking the Lawndale l^ilroad trabk to my Grandmother' s who lived near "Pam Tree" Church, as she called it, and.with my Grandfather I would ride ;to "Schenck's Fcictory" with cord-wood and also sell produce at the Company Store. Many times I rode Schenck's wagons over i'oads hub-deep in mud, and the round trip from Lawndale to Shelby was a day's hard journey,. We ha\'X5 come a long ivay since that day, and we’ .shall go - much further when you boys, get back and put your shoulders to the wheels of progress. Don't let any other section luj?e ypu away 'for we need you at hoftie. Since you have had an oppor— timity to-compare places and peoples with ours, I;'Imow you realize more than ever, that here is truly the Garden Spot of the-world, %ith all the things that make life one of joy, peace and comfort. No social or-racial castes to keep a 'fellow doivn. The humblest born can forge ahead* juid people applaud him as he rises. We are keep ing intact our fine Christian ^5htirches, our splendid schools, the sanctity of our homes, that you might build ‘them ever stronger, Lee B , Weathers a- -a- -5;- ■>> -5:- *•; ^ rr -JC- -J5- -a- ^ SUCCESS• I like to think the man succeeds V/ho' walks the humble road And, recognizing' human needs. Makes -light each brother's load. He n,eed not-be a movie star,'- Nor king nor millionaire;.:- ■/ He only needs the se^rvice $x?ar, Wiich proves his human care; “ If day by day. he does his bit .. Ta make man^s burden le’ss I think he well deserves to sit With those who'^ye gained isuccess, r - i '' . . . • ' • ' T. Ernejst C, I^rham,

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