SEEN AROUND TOV^N ‘ ■ By Mrs. Arthur Parker . .... (Miss Effie) MRS,‘HENRY CLCNINGER sending a birthday GENE, stationed at Camp Howze, Texas —MRS. W. D, VESSON ’ sending flov/ers to her sick nei^bors'and friends — The girls in the packing roQm slipping birthday parties on "KAT" LEE, JMNIE ^LOU WALLXCE,& MAE WitilALiS -i— EMUlA .VilH^NANT using high- power salesman ship selling postal cards «—> 'I;XX ^.i/EASE telling jokes on HAL BOV»MAN — B«iITT NORMAN showing the boys that he car^ vvalk^ a straight line on Fridays and Saturdays — SlIQ-IIE EAIffiR alwajrs -.ready to laugh at the jokes heard around the store at changing time — DORIS' OSBORNE and BERT BRACKETT tall^:ing over church,'affairs,,—GRADY & ARLEE DAVIS courting in the packing room — I .RS,. OPHUS HUl'IT taking; of the new busses and drivers to send BREVARD — JERRY CA^DVJELL eating home mcide candy, v;onder where he got it — MON BRACKETT going to the mill from the store, with his supper., an onion •—MRS.'PAUL MCMURRY thrilled over a letter from PAUL'S Chaplain —All the good smelling powders and perfumes some of the girls are' beginning to get from Frr.nce — BELLE GANTT taking care of her money with a big safety pin — MRS. BOYIES and MRS.-I'/ILLIS grinning'over their new grand-sons — ROY COLD learning to siijig .lullabys -r-; "GOOFY 'GINK" is going to start a singing school to teach the makers of bee'gums the art of singing, lullabys — TRAVIS BliACKETT walking do\^ the street to work looking like a lawyer — HENRY CLONINGt^R wanting to meet a fair lady that ¥/orks in^the card-rpom — MJi. JOHN SCHENCK JR. not recognizing PEARL .SIIEEZY’S figure under the yrrn table in, the packing-room —JESSLYN BRIDGES is more 'ready to smile now that she is getting letters from IICE'—^HELEII WALKER hearing a plane hoped if it was 1.1R, CLIFF 7/AIXACE,..^who is.learning to fly, that he would fly over his own house instead of hers — JOHN VJHISNA.NT.attempting to role a cigarette, it tore up be^^ore he could light it, he now smokes a corn cob pipe — Little ELIZABETH ViEASE doing her part on the home front by saving and'returning to the store all their empty paper sacks — One way to get out of milking a cow is to do as ODUS ROYSTER did, sell her — R^iYlAOND WARLICK looking for a cap with ear muffs,..getting ready to do SDme early spring ‘ploughing — LOISE V/ALLACE MCRORIE has-returned'-from-a two weeks stay in Miami, Fla,, with her husband, SGT. MCRORIE* who is an> engineer gunner on a Flying Fortress — MR, JOHN SCHENCK JR. with his. head !in the ^clouds since- hearing that his son, U, SCHENCK 'has arrived back in the States — The post office lobby filled at every mail vdth folks anxious to hear from their folks in camp*.-and-overseas ,-r- Everyone showing the nice Christmas Card they re.ceived from EDD!ffi VEASE who is some v/here in France —- MAURICE BO^.^JMAN told me he could teli me lots of nqws for this page, BUT if published we might both get .shot — Was JDl OSBORNE.^S face red when‘he returned to his desk recently and - -ixuid a big silver plate from a casket, ■v^,-read, "AT REST" — ANNIE SUE HOYLE very -•vd i.a the face when "KAT" PRITCH/\RD accidentally sat on» her lap one night on HUNT'S bag — The Office Force turning out when an. airp.lane flev; over — The stampede in the Company Store when word got around that there were 51 gauge hose to be had —- J. B. ERi\CKETT raising the Flag over the Mill,