1^ f V S,v\ OLD .MAIDS ROW By, • .Anne & Lib . ?Je want to st art off this r.rticlc by thank- in/;;‘Sgt, R, A. Wiitc for the very nicc letter v/e received fron him the other day, ' Yep, we (;ot one whole fan letter this past month. Some' of the rest of you might follow his exc'jnple and we wouldn’t mind in the least. All of us office £fals were invited over to Cnrric Lee Vfeaver’s one afternoon recently for a weiner roast* We all went and a j^ood .time was had by all, \7e cooked our supper outdoors and if we hadn*t seen it vdth our own eyes we ;vouldn*t have believed that those fragile little females could consumc so much food. Of course we didn’t eat much ourselvesJJ After the food all disappeared we sat down and cussed and discussed some of the famous boners that different ones in the crowd had pulled at one time or another. You know, it is surprising how tactless seme people are*. A few days ago we had quite a ceremony here in the office,' That was the day that the Purple Heart "^as awarded to one of our courageous, heroic, and brave females here on the home front, I-Iiss Minnie Pearl Sweezy^ who was wounded in action betweeA the Union Trust ComprJiy and the platfom which extends along the side of Hollywood, Miss Sweezy attacked the enemy (Lib Bridges) at 9;30 A,H; E,W,T. and was seriously wounded in the counter-attack which followed ii:imediately, V/ounds \vore inflicted as -the enemy foufht desperately'to keep Hiss Sweezy from tickling .her to death. Miss Sweezy suffered five scratched places (which bled) on her left hand, Mr, James Louis Osbomd presented the Purple Heart to Miss Sv;eezy on the afternoon of April 5, Most of the office force witnessed the ceremony, Vi/e will describe this parti— cular Purple Heart to you since it is quite different from-any that you boys receive* It was cut out of carf'boaixl and then painted purple with indelj.ble ink. It was pin ned on her with a beautiful silver plated Safety Pin that was about U' inches long, Minnie Pearl had a very meek and humble manner about her as this was being done. Since there arc no dating* couples of our age we thought we would toll you who the youn{;er set is "sporting" aroun'.’ these days* Ray V/esson aJid Ora Brackett hayc taken over the "courtin' counter" in the Company Store where \^c used to hang over. Bob Costner ^and Mabel Cloning’Cr are' seen riding up and dov/n the road every day in Bob’s little'Ford,♦,Melba*Laughlin and Bob Johnson are their constant companions, \:c r:dfht add.that we think Melba dnd Mabel are two,very cute and attractive girls, iVe think that Carroll V\niisnrrit and Shirley Lee a,re still "that way" about each other. Jack Eskridge has been seen traveling up-Maple Crook road tr-see Miss Lib Lattimore, The latest Dye House romance is tht'.t of Stella Hord and Gone Crowder, V/e vjcnder hov/ it ;/culd be to see ycur boyfriend overy.day in the week, on Saturday night, Sunday afternoon, and Sunday nirht. Sure sounds all right to us. It seems that people are getting more social minded around here or else vue have got rid of our B,0, -'and getting invited to a fevj. We have gone to several weiner roasts la.t/ely and had some rather good times. Last night was the latest one which was given by the Youth Fellowship of Lawndale Church and given up at Mr, Nixon \'/hisnajit ’ s at .Polkville. He has a grand placc for such occasions and we all love to go up .there, /There were about 50 young people there, mostly girls^ but we all had a swell time and' are;hoping we shall get to go up there again soon# ' So long'* til next time ,